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New Mexico Center for Advancement of Research, Engagement & Science on Health Disparities Community and Scientific Advisory Council Meeting (CSAC) May.

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Presentation on theme: "New Mexico Center for Advancement of Research, Engagement & Science on Health Disparities Community and Scientific Advisory Council Meeting (CSAC) May."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Mexico Center for Advancement of Research, Engagement & Science on Health Disparities Community and Scientific Advisory Council Meeting (CSAC) May 12, 2011 Presented by: Lisa Cacari Stone, Ph Nina Wallerstein, DrPH

2 Community Engagement Core ($814K)  Create authentic partnership between researchers and community constituencies for defining disparities research agenda  Assess barriers/facilitators community engagement; action strategies to enhance trust & partnership  Intercultural health scholars and summer institute  Translate/disseminate findings to change practice/policy _____________________________  L. Cacari-Stone, N. Wallerstein, C. Hogue, L. Cowboy, A. McGough- Madvena  Community and Scientific Advisory Council  Community Liaisons  Case studies of community research to identify barriers/facilitators  Work with CSAC, HSC leadership on strategic plan  Intercultural health disparities scholar team  Summer institutes

3 Accomplishments  Hiring staff  Biweekly meetings (CEC & Leadership)  Supplemental proposal- Nina  Outreach & recruitment of CSAC  Organized & Facilitated CSAC meeting  *Developed guiding framework.  Produced report  Outreach- UNM partners  i.e. Vision 20/20  Organizational mapping

4 Guiding Model for Conducting Health Disparities Research

5  Timing and start-up  Lack of available and ready space  Limited human resources (i.e. all part time, shared staff, turnover )  Lack of community trust  Limited administrative support  Coordination with other Cores  Defining focused scope of work

6  Application of model  Focus on 4 communities: ◦ Apache Nation (Mescalero) ◦ NM Border area (Southern Colonias, Las Cruces, Deming, Lordsburg & Silver City) ◦ Navajo Nation (Shiprock region) ◦ Albuquerque metro-area (South valley, South East Heights)  Conduct UNM-community assessment of barriers & facilitators to doing research “with”  Intercultural health disparities leadership scholars  Outreach at conferences & research forums (i.e. NMPHA  On-going evaluation

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