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WORDPRESS.COM. What is Wordpress ? WordPress is a free, Web-based “open source” software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or.

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2 What is Wordpress ? WordPress is a free, Web-based “open source” software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog. Open source refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge, i.e., open. Open source code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community.

3 Reasons for using WordPress in making a new website: 1.WordPress designs are based on “Themes”. This makes it very easy for users to customize the look and feel of a WordPress site using a pre-existing Theme. No knowledge of HTML or other code is required. The WordPress editing interface is very easy to use. It works a lot like simple word- processing software.

4 2.WordPress software allows anyone to create and edit new web pages and blog “posts” using only a web browser. Because the interface is web-based, creating and editing pages can be done from anywhere with an Internet connection.

5 3.The site administrator can grant various levels of access to others, allowing them to contribute to the website/blog. 4.The blogging features in WordPress allow you to update your website/blog frequently, to receive and respond to comments from your readers, and to allow others to subscribe to your site content.

6 Deadline for the School Websites July 26, 2012

7 Uniformed Gmail Account for School Email Can be easily remembered by others. Retained even after change of School head Gmail Accounts can also be used for Google Map(will be integrated in the website) Proposed format: –( Abbreviated School Name ) Sample: hhis-mandaluyong

8 Registering a Wordpress Account 1. –Not Username is the same format as email. – 2. Click 3.Choose “create blog” for a free account

9 General Settings 1.Settings  General 2.Edit Necessary Details –Upload School logo for Picture –Site Title: Full Name of School (What appears on Tag) –Timezone: choose Manila –Date Format: First Option (Month Day, Year) –Time Format: First Option (hour:seconds am/pm) –Week Starts On: First Option (Sunday) –Language: en-English 3.Click Save Changes

10 Selecting Themes 1.Go to Appearance  Themes 2.Choose “Shaan by specky geek” theme for a uniformed design of school websites. ( 3.Change the Header and Background Image ( 1500x1000pixels,right, no repeat, fixed ) Once the website is complete the developer can use any themes that supports all the elements of the website. Note: some themes don’t support all the widgets

11 Common Pages Needed Pages: –About Us History Mission/Vision Web Development –Organization Faculty Non-Teaching Staff PTA –Programs Per Subject Area School Programs –Facilities –Alumni –Contact Us

12 Creating Webpages (Menu) 1.Go to Pages  New Page 2.Edit Name, Parent Page( if sub menu ), Order Number, Don’t allow messages. 3.Enter contents 4.Publish if finished or save as draft. To delete click the Move to Trash option.

13 Editing the Home Page 1.Go to Post 2.Edit the default welcome post. 3.Check Stick this post to the home page option to make it a permanent welcome remarks Note: All other post will be visible under the Sticky Post

14 Creating Posts 1.Go to Posts  Add New 2.Edit the title, Insert or type the contents 3.Edit Visibility: Password protected, Private or Public.(Optional) 4.Edit the category to group the posts accordingly.(Optional but necessary) 5.Click Publish if finished or Save as draft. To delete click the Move to Trash option.

15 Writing Formatting Options “Kitchen Sink” Icons similar to MS Word options. Insert more tag icon cuts your entries so that only the first part of certain posts is displayed on the home and archive pages. When you do this, a link will be placed directly after your excerpt, pointing the reader to the full post Proofread Writing Icon checks your spelling, grammar, and style

16 Inserting Hyperlink A word or phrase that is linked to a certain webpage when clicked. 1.Highlight the word or phrase you want to tag a hyperlink. 2.Click on the Insert/Edit Link Icon(alt+shift+a) –Insert the URL –or choose from the created webpages 3.Type the title (it will appear when you hover or “mouse over” the link) 4.Choose if you want it to open in a new tab.

17 Making Links Manually Contents of Links Widget 1.Links  Add New 2.Edit Name( text that will appear hyperlinked ), Web Address(URL), Description( short description when someone hovers over the link ), Categories( so it can be grouped by categories ) 3. Choose Target 4.Click Add Link Icon

18 Inserting Images/Files 1.Click the Add Media Icon 2.Drop files in the space provided or choose to insert URL, from Gallery or Media Library(if already uploaded). 3.After the files has been uploaded, click Show option to edit the necessary details then click on the insert to post option to post or to create a downloadable link for that file. Note: the title of the file will be the text that appears on the post or pages.

19 Managing the Media uploaded Only 3gb of files are allowed –Use Youtube, Photobucket, Facebook and other similar sites to upload files then just link or insert it to the website via the files URL. Always check for duplicate files Don’t upload unnecessary files Avoid uploading large files

20 Inserting Widgets It's a small application that can be installed and executed within a web page by the user. 1.Go to Appearance  Widgets 2.To insert Widgets, just drag the selected Widget to the spaces provided on the left side of the Wordpress page(called Sidebar). Needed Widgets: –Search –Pages –Recent Post –Calendar –Links –Text(for Quick links) –Archives

21 Inserting Google Map 1.Go to 2.Sign in using Gmail Account 3.Click on My Places 4.Find the area of the school on Google Map 5.Add tag by clicking the Add a Placemark Icon 6.Click on the Link Icon 7.Copy the embed html code, paste it to the webpage

22 Different Types of User Administrator - has full and complete ownership of a blog, –can do absolutely everything. –has complete power over posts/pages, comments, settings, theme choice and users. –Nothing is off-limits, including deleting the entire blog. –Only one administrator per blog is recommended!

23 Editor - can view, edit, publish, and delete any posts/pages, –moderate comments, –manage categories, tags, and links –can upload files/images.

24 Author - can edit, publish and delete their posts, as well as upload files/images. Contributor - can edit their posts but cannot publish them. –when a contributor creates a post, it will need to be submitted to an administrator for review. –once a contributor’s post is approved by an administrator and published, it may no longer be edited by the contributor. –does not have the ability to upload files/images.

25 Follower - are the people who have signed up to receive updates each time you publish new content. –They do not have any editing privileges. –If your blog is public, anyone can follow it, but you may want to send out invitations to specific people who you’d like to share your blog with.

26 Adding Users 1.Users  Invite New 2.Enter username or email address 3.Select role 4.Add a message to be sent to the invited person (Optional) 5.Click Send Invitation Icon

27 Tips Always make sure all the information published in the website is backed up by actual school data. Always notify the School Heads for major changes in the Website. Always credit the owner, when using images, videos, or anything taken from the internet or other sources (because of copyright laws). Just acknowledge them in the Web Development Page

28 Tips Research on Google, Yahoo or any other search engines for tutorials on how to use Wordpress. There’s a chance that the problem you encountered in using Wordpress has already been encountered by other users, so just read on other blogs that gives tips on how to solve it.

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