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V9 ISIS Upgrade ISIS v9 Transition Demo University of Wisconsin Madison Kathleen Cummings, ISIS Training.

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Presentation on theme: "V9 ISIS Upgrade ISIS v9 Transition Demo University of Wisconsin Madison Kathleen Cummings, ISIS Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 v9 ISIS Upgrade ISIS v9 Transition Demo University of Wisconsin Madison Kathleen Cummings, ISIS Training

2 Key Dates - 2008 August 1 5 pm ISIS v8.9 turned ‘Off’ August 11 8 am ISIS v9 turned ‘On’ There is NO access to ISIS between these dates; hence, no student data changes.

3 Main v9 Topics Menu Paths / Menu Search New FERPA Display Page Favorites Class Permissions Service Indicators Student Groups Student & Faculty Centers

4 v9 ISIS Upgrade ISIS Basics

5 Same Logon Page, ID, PW

6 Same Side & Graphic Menu

7 Same Find Page


9 v9 ISIS Upgrade Menu Path Changes

10 Menu Path Quick Guides For more info reference Training, ISIS Support Materials

11 Menu Path Quick Guide

12 TT Inquiry Menu Change ISIS v8.9 Custom Timetable Inquiry menu path removed ISIS v9 Now under Schedule of Classes Security drives whether you have access to view only or update

13 Permissions Menu Change ISIS v8.9 View Class Permissions menu path removed ISIS v9 Now Class Permissions Security drives whether you have access to view only or update

14 Update Sections Menu Change ISIS v8.9 Update Sections – Enrollment menu path removed ISIS v9 Always use Update Sections of a Class Security drives whether you have access to view only or update

15 Class Search Menu Change ISIS v8.9 Class Search menu path modified ISIS v9 Class Search History displays ALL Terms

16 Class Search Menu Change ISIS v8.9 Class Search menu path modified ISIS v9 Class Search displays 4 most recent published terms ONLY Notice: Browse Catalog Removed

17 Menu Search Box Use Menu Search Box To search for menu items 1)Type in word(s) 2)Click >> Start

18 Menu Search Box Matching Results Display Click item you want

19 Menu Search Box Selected Page Displays

20 Menu Search Box For more info reference Training, Web-Based Training http://ISIS.wisc.eduWeb-Based Training

21 Menu Path Quick Guides For more info reference Training, ISIS Support Materials

22 v9 ISIS Upgrade FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

23 Only displays on students who asked for directory information to be withheld FERPA Shade Still Exists

24 Click on to see this page: FERPA Shade View Click links above to see releasable info

25 Review FERPA Display >Campus Community >Personal Information >Biographical >Person FERPA >Review FERPA Display *NEW* Only way to view all releasable data for EVERY student Note: Does not display on this page

26 v9 ISIS Upgrade ISIS Favorites

27 Setting Favorites 1 Navigate to ISIS page you want as Fav. 2 Click Add to Favorites

28 Setting Favorites 3Change Description if desired 4Click OK

29 Setting Favorites New Favorite is added to ‘My Favorites’

30 Editing Favorites You can change the name of the favorite

31 Editing Favorites You can change the display order

32 Editing Favorites You can delete favorites (e.g. v8.9 Favorites that did not convert)

33 Favorites that Converted In ISIS v9, click ‘My Favorites’ to view WORKING / GOOD favorites that converted from v8.9 to v9 e.g. menu path stayed the same

34 Finding Favorites that Did Not Convert Click Edit Favorites. Compare: ‘My Favorites’ and the ‘Edit Favorites’ list and delete all the 'broken' favorites in the ‘Edit Favorites’ list that are not listed in the ‘My Favorites’ list

35 Finding Favorites that Did Not Convert Idea: Print ‘Edit Favorites’ list before you [Delete] ‘broken’ favorites; therefore, you know what favorites you may want to recreate.

36 Favorites For more info reference Training, Web-Based Training http://ISIS.wisc.eduWeb-Based Training

37 v9 ISIS Upgrade Permissions

38 Class Permission Changes

39 Can create condition specific permission: - class closed - class requisites - instructor/dept consent

40 Class Permission Changes Check what you want to override

41 If All Checked Student can enroll no matter what. Permission Valid for ANY of the conditions checked:

42 Scenario – Student can enroll Section :Closed Enforced Requisites No Consent Student : Doesn’t meet Requisites Permission Closed Allows: Requisites not met Instructor or Dept Consent

43 Scenario – Student can enroll Section: Closed Instructor Consent PermissionClosed Allows:Requisites not met Instructor or Dept Consent

44 If Closed Class Unchecked Student can enroll only if section OPEN

45 Scenario – student cannot enroll Section: Closed Enforced Requisites No Consent Student: Doesn’t meet Requisites PermissionOnly if section open Allows:Requisites not met Instructor or Dept Consent

46 Scenario – student can enroll Section: Open Enforced Requisites No Consent Student: Doesn’t meet Requisites PermissionOnly if section open Allows:Requisites not met Instructor or Dept Consent

47 Requisites Not Met Unchecked Student can enroll only if Requisites met

48 Scenario: Student cannot enroll Section: Closed Enforced Requisites No Consent Student: Doesn’t meet Requisites PermissionClosed Allows:Instructor or Dept Consent

49 Scenario: Student can enroll Section: Closed Enforced Requisites No Consent Student: Meets Requisites PermissionClosed Allows:Instructor or Dept Consent

50 Can Change Defaults for new rows

51 Class Permission Tabs Using the various tabs, you can change each permission to have different privileges.

52 Class Permission Tabs Using the various tabs, you can change each permission to have different privileges.

53 Class Permission Tabs Always Keep This Checked Remember: Check what you want to override.

54 Class Permission Tabs

55 Use this ‘Show All’ tab to view all fields for each student.

56 Class Permission Tabs All fields available for each student. Note: Scroll to see all Click to see tabs again

57 Class Permission Changes

58 For more info reference Training, Web-Based Training http://ISIS.wisc.eduWeb-Based Training (4 min.)

59 v9 ISIS Upgrade Service Indicators

60 Service Indicator Changes Same essential functionality New summary page New look to layout New way to view, add, edit New feature: can specify End Date or End Term

61 Service Indicators Summary

62 View

63 Service Indicators Add

64 Add

65 Service Indicator Edit/Remove

66 Edit Remove

67 Add, Edit Remove

68 Service Indicator Released

69 Warning: End Term & Date Service Indicators can ‘expire’ if End Term and /or End Date are used. Expired service indicators still display on this page and the Student Center. Therefore, you still must ‘Release’ the expired service indicator. We suggest you AVOID using End Term and End Date for enrollment based holds

70 Service Indicator Summary For more info reference Training, Web Based Training http://ISIS.wisc.eduWeb Based Training

71 v9 ISIS Upgrade Student Groups

72 Student Group Changes New Group View: ‘View Student Groups by Student’ New Security: Can only update ‘your’ group

73 View Student by Std Group >Records and Enrollment >Career and Program Information

74 Student Group Page Same Now Can ONLY Add, Edit, or Delete your student group(s)

75 v9 ISIS Upgrade Consent

76 Add Consent

77 Maintain Schedule of Classes

78 v9 ISIS Upgrade Student Center






84 For more info reference My UW Madison Or Student Demos at

85 v9 ISIS Upgrade Faculty Center



88 For more info reference For Faculty & Staff, Class Rosters, Grades Training, ISIS Support Materials

89 v9 ISIS Upgrade Learn More About ISIS v9

90 Training Options Self-Paced Learning Web-Based Training Documentation Instructor-Led Learning V9 Transition Demonstration

91 Go to ISIS website:


93 New ISIS Users in August Standard ISIS classes offered in late August Audience – New to that ISIS function

94 v9 ISIS Upgrade In Summary

95 Key Dates - 2008 August 11 8 am ISIS v9 turned ‘On’ There is NO access to ISIS until Aug 11; hence, no student data changes

96 Summary: What’s different? Menu Changes Class Permissions Service Indicators Student Group Security New Student Group View

97 In Summary Same logon & web address Same look & feel Most favorites should convert Some menu path changes New functionality use web-based training

98 Communicate Share what you learn today with others! Read ISIS emails Reference ISIS website for ALL info

99 v9 ISIS Upgrade Thank YOU for Attending! Watch the ISIS Website for updates!

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