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…. United Kingdom – Part 2 Lesson 21 Ecclesiastes.

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2 United Kingdom – Part 2 Lesson 21 Ecclesiastes

3 Theme of Ecclesiastes This life is ultimately empty There are many good things in this life You can’t find ultimate lasting fulfillment on the earth We need to look beyond the Sun Look for God Fear God

4 Phrases in Ecclesiastes under the sun vanity profit labor evil turn/return references to God

5 Outline I. Fulfillment comes from God (1:1-2:26). A. Man cannot find it himself or in this earth. B. Enjoyment of life is a gift from God. II. Man must trust God to realize his purpose (3:1-5:20). A. God has a plan for all things. B. Difficulties can be confronted, but not all can be answered or understood. C. Man must trust God and enjoy what God has given him here.

6 Outline III. Answers to inequalities of life (6:1-8:15). A. Explanation of various difficulties related to trust in God for enjoyment and meaning. B. Application to avoid and deal with various inequalities of life. IV. Explanation of further discouragements and conclusion (8:16-12:14). A. Importance and limitations of wisdom. B. The need for diligence and optimism. C. Follow God early and wholly.

7 Good and Bad Brings out the harsh reality of life Difficulty in life Unfairness Injustice Provides answers God fills the void Fear of God will provide eternal answer

8 Fulfillment comes from God Ecclesiastes 1:2-11

9 Fulfillment comes from God Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 10-11 Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure… …Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done And on the labor in which I had toiled; And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.

10 Fulfillment comes from God Wisdom and Folly (earthly) Leads to the same end All my labor and gain goes where To one who didn’t labor for it One who may be wise or foolish Conclusion – Food, drink, enjoy our work this is the gift of God

11 Trust God Everything has order with purpose and in its own time (3:1) He has put eternity in their hearts (3:11) God can give all good and make everything perfect, but He has created this system. Why?

12 Trust God Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16 – Contradictions of God ruling? Wickedness not justice Man and animals return to dust Oppression – better to be dead or never to have lived Working for Envy, Alone, and Popularity

13 Trust God Ecclesiastes 5 Don’t be rash with your word to God (Psalm 73) Those unjust have higher officials Dealing with prosperity Conclusion – Food, drink, enjoy our work this is the gift of God. We don’t depend on these things, but on God.


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