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1 Evaluation of the quality By committee of 3 or more specialists  Specific experience of firms ( 0 - 10 points) Relevant assignment, similar size, complexity,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Evaluation of the quality By committee of 3 or more specialists  Specific experience of firms ( 0 - 10 points) Relevant assignment, similar size, complexity,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Evaluation of the quality By committee of 3 or more specialists  Specific experience of firms ( 0 - 10 points) Relevant assignment, similar size, complexity, technology, environment  Methodology (20 - 50 points) Schedules, responsiveness to TOR, logistics, backstopping, innovativeness, level of detail

2 2 Evaluation of the quality (cont.)  Qualification of key staff (30 - 60 points) Team composition, professional qualifications/experience, suitability, local knowledge, language, training, permanent staff  Transfer of knowledge (0 - 10 points)  Extent of participation by nationals amongst key staff (0 - 10 points)

3 3 Evaluation of the quality (cont.)  Interviews for team leader/key staff may be conducted  Reject non-responsive proposals or those scoring below quality threshold established in RFP  Evaluation report of Quality of Proposals: establishes relative ranking of proposals and explains weaknesses/strengths (Relative Marks sheets to be kept until project completion and its audit)

4 4 Evaluation of cost  Upon receipt of Bank’s no-objection to Quality Evaluation:  Return unopened the financial envelopes of non- responsive consultants and those scoring below threshold  Notify consultants that scored above threshold of date and time set for opening of financial envelopes (not before 2 weeks from notification)  Announce name of consultant, quality score and offeredprice and prepare minutes of public opening  Correct arithmetic errors, convert to single currency as per RFP

5 5 Evaluation of cost (cont.)  For evaluation purposes cost excludes local taxes but includes reimbursables, etc.  A direct proportional or other methodology (as established by RFP) may be followed to allocate marks for the cost element  Proposal with highest total score is selected and invited for negotiations The weight for cost is allocated depending on complexity of assignment but normally 20% Evaluation process to be confidential

6 6 Technical evaluation Summary evaluation sheet (example)

7 7 Evaluation report (Example) Combined Technical Scores and Price (Summary)

8 8 Sample breakdown of monthly rates * (Based on Audited Statements)

9 9 Sample social costs

10 10 Sample overhead (Business costs of firm)

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