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*World War I: THE GREAT WAR*

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1 *World War I: THE GREAT WAR*

2 Europe in 1900 Five main powers in Europe at the beginning of the 1900’s Austria-Hungary France Germany Great Britain Russia Match each of the above A E D B C

3 Europe in 1900 Five main powers in Europe at the beginning of the 1900’s A. Great Britain B. France C. Austria-Hungary D. Germany E. Russia

4 Heads of State: ‘All in the Family’ in World War I
All were grandchildren of Queen Victoria of England Great Britain King George V – on the right Russia Czar Nicholas II -- on the left Germany Kaiser Wilhelm II Other relatives – Sweden, Norway, Spain, Belgium, German former provinces

5 Heads of State of World War I
Austria-Hungary King Franz Joseph II United States of America Pres. Woodrow Wilson France Pres. Raymond Ponincare

6 *FACTORS that led to WAR*
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

7 *MILITARISM Glorifying military power and keeping a standing army – always prepared for war. To be great, a nation must have a powerful military. Maintaining a large and strong military made citizens feel patriotic.

8 *ALLIANCES A binding agreement between nations. Triple Alliance =
Germany, Italy, & Austria-Hungary Triple Entente = Russia, France, & Great Britain *A repercussion of alliances made before and during World War I was that they involved more countries in conflicts

9 *IMPERIALISM* *A Stronger nation dominates a weaker nation in a competition for colonies = creates conflicts between nations over colonies *Imperialism + Militarism = As countries gain colonies, their militaries MUST grow to protect them!

10 *NATIONALISM Loyalty to a nation or culture rather than a monarchy or
empire. Competition among nations for: 1. territory 2. independence 3. new markets & resources

11 The Soldier-by Rupert Brooke
“If I should die, think only this of me: That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for every England. There shall be In the rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, one, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England’s breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home…” *Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from Brooke’s poem? Pacifism Imperialism Militarism Nationalism

*Referred to as the Powder Keg of Europe because of their Nationalistic Rivalries The Ottoman Empire leaves the Balkans causing a power vacuum. Slavic people desire independence. Austria-Hungary hopes to strengthen power base by annexing the Balkans. Russia vows to aid all Slavic peoples in the Balkans.

13 Assassination at Sarajevo
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, & his wife Sophie visit Sarajevo. June 28, the Archduke and wife are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand. Princip was a Serbian nationalist seeking independence.

14 *The GREAT WAR Begins* *The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife = event that ignites the Great War because strong national rivalries and alliances propelled countries into war.

15 Austria-Hungary DEMANDS:
Serbia dismiss any officials who had promoted propaganda against Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungarian judges would conduct the trial of the accused in the assassination plot Serbia had 48 hours to accept these demands or Austria-Hungary would declare war

16 Nicholas II Telegram to Wilhelm II
“I am glad you are back. In this most serious moment, I appeal to you to help me. A …war has been declared upon a weak country (Serbia). The resentment in Russia, shared fully by me is enormous. I forsee that soon I shall be overwhelmed by the pressure upon me, and be forced to take extreme measures that will lead to war. To try and avoid such a (disaster) as a European war, I beg you in the name of our old friendship to do what you can to stop you allies from going to war.” -Nicky *Nicholas hoped diplomacy could prevent war!!!!!

17 Mobilization of Europe
Germany supports Austria-Hungary Germany demands Russia cancel its troop mobilization or face war Germany declared war on Russia on Aug. 1, 1914 Germany declares war on France on Aug. 3, 1914 Russia prepares to defend Serbia Russia expects Germany to aid Austria-Hungary & sends troops to German border Russia ignored German warning

18 *WORLD WAR I, The Great War*
CENTRAL POWERS Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria ALLIED POWERS- Allies United Kingdom France Italy Russia Romania Greece Balkans Serbia Albania Montenegro

19 Ticket Out Read Spotlight On
*Answer this question on your ticket: During WWI which group of people, mostly Christians, were victims of mass murder due to distrust and suspicion?

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