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Linkage between practice and recording Jim AndersonJim Anderson Assistant Homeless Services Manager (Prevention & Assessment)Assistant Homeless Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Linkage between practice and recording Jim AndersonJim Anderson Assistant Homeless Services Manager (Prevention & Assessment)Assistant Homeless Services."— Presentation transcript:


2 Linkage between practice and recording Jim AndersonJim Anderson Assistant Homeless Services Manager (Prevention & Assessment)Assistant Homeless Services Manager (Prevention & Assessment) Inverclyde CouncilInverclyde Council 14 June 200414 June 2004

3 Challenge of meeting new duties in Inverclyde Housing (Scotland) Act 2001Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 Homelessness etc (Scotland) 2003Homelessness etc (Scotland) 2003 New Code of GuidanceNew Code of Guidance

4 Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 Increase in PresentationsIncrease in Presentations Homeless PreventionHomeless Prevention Increased duty to provide temporary accommodationIncreased duty to provide temporary accommodation

5 Increase in presentations (context) 322 in 1992/93 to 655 in 2002/03 (102% rise)322 in 1992/93 to 655 in 2002/03 (102% rise) Figures constant 1992 – 2002Figures constant 1992 – 2002 Contrast 2001/02 to 2002/03Contrast 2001/02 to 2002/03 Further increase from 2002/03 to 2003/04 (722) 10.2% continuing upward trendFurther increase from 2002/03 to 2003/04 (722) 10.2% continuing upward trend

6 Homeless Prevention Advice & Information surgeriesAdvice & Information surgeries Prison InterventionPrison Intervention Hospital dischargesHospital discharges Referrals from external agenciesReferrals from external agencies Separate statistical recordingSeparate statistical recording –Link to HL1 system?

7 Increased duty to provide temporary accommodation Increase in capacityIncrease in capacity –Inverclyde Centre (25 bedspaces) –Temporary ‘ scatterflats ’ 30 to 95 in 18 months –How far? Move on accommodation and resettlement issues (approriate accommodation?)Move on accommodation and resettlement issues (approriate accommodation?) Housing Allocation policiesHousing Allocation policies (housing need.v. waiting list) Section 5Section 5 Stock transfer?Stock transfer?

8 Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003 Abolition of priority needAbolition of priority need –Will real priorities be lost? –How will the statistics reflect this? –How to direct resources? Local connectionLocal connection –Homelessness displacement? –Long term focus of appropriate services

9 New Code of Guidance Rights and responsibilitiesRights and responsibilities –Local Authorities AND clients Directions on temporary accommodation provision and subsequent added pressuresDirections on temporary accommodation provision and subsequent added pressures –(as example) ‘ Real life ’ situations‘ Real life ’ situations Await case law?Await case law?

10 Future Challenges National standards on advice & information (positive challenge)National standards on advice & information (positive challenge) Uniformity of service provisionUniformity of service provision BenchmarkingBenchmarking Increased partnership workingIncreased partnership working Recognition of differing agendas and how to reconcile theseRecognition of differing agendas and how to reconcile these

11 Thank you Jim AndersonJim Anderson 14 June 200414 June 2004

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