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COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES. KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION WP2- Communication -SADECO coordinates. -All partners implement the following.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES. KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION WP2- Communication -SADECO coordinates. -All partners implement the following."— Presentation transcript:


2 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION WP2- Communication -SADECO coordinates. -All partners implement the following actions in content and number. COMMUNICATION is central to projects, it is not a secondary task at all. COMMUNICATION is a matter of all the partners.

3 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION WP2. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES 1.Communication ENPI Guide. 2.The SMOT identity 3.Creation and revitalization of SMOT website and social networking page. 4.Tasks and Deliverables

4 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION 1.Communication and Visibility for EU External Actions 2. The SMOT identity Communication and Visibility Manual Communication and Visibility Guidelines Communication and Visibility Guidelines. Annex A Logo Different uses


6 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION 4.Tasks and Deliverables a)SMOT Communication Plan a)SMOT Communication Plan, to be drafted and submitted to ENPI by the 24th March. b)SMOT webpage b)SMOT webpage, an average of 100 visits per month are expected to SMOT´s website from partners as well as from other addressees of the communication activities from Spain,Italy, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan. c)SMOT fan page c)SMOT fan page; it is expected to create a “friends community” with at least 270 actors, they being stakeholders from Spain, Italy, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan: policy-makers, operators in medinas, representatives of associations operating in medinas, representatives of complementary urban projects. d)Distribution list of 900 strategic contacts d)Distribution list of 900 strategic contacts from the Mediterranean Sea Basin (from partner regions but also from other regions in the basin)– policy-makers, technical organizations, economic operators in medinas, civil society associations operating in medinas, complementary programmes and projects- to disseminate SMOT outputs.

7 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION e)SMOT brochure e)SMOT brochure (2 versions); 3150 hard copies in total; extensive online dissemination favoured. At least 900 digital copies of brochure disseminated through the distribution list created of 900 strategic contacts. f)SMOT merchandising products f)SMOT merchandising products (14 different gadgets, 21.200 units disseminated); for each of the 5 partner countries 2 different types of merchandising items will be produced and distributed among stakeholders of medinas - citizens, economic operators, tourists. In total 21.200 units with a price between 0, 5 € – 2, 5 € per items will be produced and distributed, logos included!! g)Online newsletters g)Online newsletters; at least 900 copies of each of the 6 digital newsletters will be disseminated through distribution list created ad hoc for SMOT project among target groups in the basin already mentioned (5400 copies distributed in total). h)Press releases h)Press releases; each partner will produce 6, one after each meeting. i)Press conferences i)Press conferences (6); one during each meeting, produced by the host partner. 4.Tasks and Deliverables

8 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN COMMUNICATION j)Other announcements j)Other announcements; each partner will produce at least 4 more announcements – radio, TV, internet- during SMOT lifetime. The target addressees will vary- overall citizenship, economic operators in medinas, technical organizations in the region, local administrators). k)Information days organised on SMOT project k)Information days organised on SMOT project. Target groups involved are local administrators of each partner city and neighbouring medinas, technical entities in the territories and medinas´ stakeholders. Each partner will organise 1 information day at local level to communicate on the project´s developments. l)External events participated in by SMOT partners l)External events participated in by SMOT partners. Each partner will attend at least 1 event organised by externals and will use a space of time in it to disseminate SMOT outputs and results. It is expected the technical partners to attend more technical profile forum and local administrators more policy-oriented forum. m)Final Conference for dissemination m)Final Conference for dissemination; at least 90 policy-makers with competences on waste interventions in medinas/city centres of the 5 partner countries as well as from other countries in the Mediterranean Basin are expected to attend. 4.Tasks and Deliverables

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