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Chapter 3: Human Development

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1 Chapter 3: Human Development
Parenting Styles

2 Authoritarian Parenting
Parents are the bosses Parents don’t believe they have to explain their actions or demands to their children The child has no right to question parental decisions

3 Democratic or Authoritative Parenting
Children participate in decisions affecting their lives There is a great deal of negotiating and discussion in these families Parents listen to their children’s reasons for wanting to go somewhere or do something Parents retain right to veto plans of which they disapprove

4 Permissive or Laissez-Faire Parenting
Children have final say Parents may attempt to guide children, but give in when children insist on having their own way Parents may simply give up their child-rearing responsibilities

5 The Best Parenting Style
According to experts, authoritative/democratic parents are the best for promoting secure, self-sufficient children

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