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PoDAG XV Briefing NSIDC DAAC 27 September 1999 R. Weaver.

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1 PoDAG XV Briefing NSIDC DAAC 27 September 1999 R. Weaver


3 Overview Outline l Major Accomplishments in Last 10 Months l Non-ECS (V0) Product Status l ECS Status l DAAC Interactions with Scientific Community (EOS and Non-EOS) l User Requests l Budget/Staffing l FY00 Activities l Issues

4 Major Accomplishments - DATA Services l EASE grid TB data (processed: 12/31/91-1/1/99, distributed: NH CD’s thru 1/1/99, balance via ftp) l F13 SSMI P. S. TBs (through 3/31/99) l Operational NISE data to users, including MISR, MODIS, TRMM (CERES), 98 requests since product release. l GSFC SSMI-SMMR Timeseries (10/78-12/96), 129 requests since release l Polar Pathfinder CD produced, distributed. Posters at AGU and IUGG, 140 requests since release l SMMR Pathfinder timeseries in EASE grid generated, archived (10/78-8/87), distribution any day now l 24 citations documented in FY99 citing the use of our data

5 Major Accomplishments - DATA Services l AVHRR Polar Pathfinder data processed and distributed (see TS talk) l TOVS Pathfinder Path-P published and distributed, 21 requests since release two weeks ago l WEB pages »Greenland and Antarctic DEMS (data and information) »MODIS snow and ice products at NSIDC DAAC –( »‘State of the Cryosphere’ released for internal review – »Related, by virtue of DAAC hosting the NSIDC website –Antarctic Ice Shelf Events: e.g. Larsen Ice shelf breakup –SHEBA NTM data –Antarctic Glaciological Data Center

6 Major Accomplishments - DATA Services l Outreach »Yearbook for 1998 prepared »Past yearbook articles published on the Earth Observatory website »Hosted NASA DAAC outreach workshop »Published cross-DAAC outreach plan »Booth staffed at AGU, AAG »Contributed to ‘Ocean Journey’ displays »Information packets assembled for cross-DAAC distribution (675) »Completed survey of NSIDC NOTES users for improvement and revision of newsletter

7 Major Accomplishments - Data Support l Near Real Time SSMI Gridded Sea Ice concentrations (NRTSI) distributed. Daily and monthly products »Special processing to provide Near Real Time SSM/I Sea Ice Concentration data in support of field study in the Fram Strait. This request lead to the effort to put this product into regular production and make it available to the broader user community. It is billed as an interim product to the fill the gap for our regularly produced TBs and Sea Ice.

8 Major Accomplishments - Systems Engineering l ESDT for NISE product completed l Completed migration of DAAC V0 data to new DLT library l Continued upgrades to NSIDC IMS/EDG software l Y2K compliance -- renovation, validation, certification of non-ECS system and network components l Completed operational prototype of a JAVA-based search and order application for L3 AVHRR and SSMI grid products (GISMO) l Procured Origin 2000 replacement for SGI Challenge L in Product Generation System (PGS) l Procured a CD-ROM stacker* for in-house replication of CD-ROMs (*delivery held up over CU dispute with vendor) l Three Data System Enhancement tasks started »Spatial Query, Search, and Subset of Data Covering Polar Regions »Evaluate, Test, and Document ECS Application Program Interface (API) »Electronic Publishing (Talk to Vince or Annette for details)

9 Major Accomplishments - ECS l Installed, checked out, regression tested NUMEROUS code drops, patches etc. to ECS system*** l Completed TESS and MOSS-2 tests l Staffed up for TERRA operations l Completed Interim Operational Readiness Review l Continued Operational Readiness Exercises

10 We also moved and constructed

11 Interactions with Interdisciplinary Projects, Regional Analysis Centers, ESIPs l POLES (Rothrock) »On-going interaction through Pathfinders l CRYSYS (Goodison) »Attended CRYSYS Meeting (joint with PoDAG) Fall 1998 l S.W. Regional Analysis Center (Bales) »small interaction on data issues, limited role by CPP research scientists l Earth Science Information Prototype (ESIP) Federation »Active in Committee of the Whole, Outreach Splinter »Exploring cluster relationships l Alpine Drainage Basins (Dozier) »(No interaction) l Global Water Cycle (Barron) »(No interaction due to GCIP focus)

12 Interaction with Instrument Science Teams l GLAS »attended GLAS IST meeting, working with IST, SIPS groups on ingest, archive, distribution issues l AMSR »Attended AMSR Team meetings -- working with IST, SIPS on ingest, archive, distribution issues l MISR »Providing NISE data product l MODIS »Attending numerous meetings l ASTER »GLIMS collaborations l SWAMP »Attended Spring 1999, June 1999 meetings

13 Other NSIDC Projects of Interest to PoDAG l SHEBA NTM data distribution (NOAA, ARCSS) l SHEBA Remote Sensing data distribution (ARCSS) l GLIMS (see separate agenda item) l Pathfinder proposed work, AVHRR, SSMI (see Richard, Jim, Ted) l EWG Arctic Meteorology Atlas, NOAA (see Florence Fetterer) l CIRES Visiting Fellow Sergei Sokratov, 11/99-10/00

14 Users l Origin of requests primarily by email l FY98 requests totaled: 2094 FY99 requests totaled: 2098 as of 9/22/99 l Serviced 400 standing orders to 309 individuals in FY99 l Most media data delivery on CD-ROM l Information and data requests roughly equal in percent of total l Complete User Statistics Package via agenda URL link FY 97 Summary of DAAC Users (we are trying to pull this information together on a routine basis for the DAAC)

15 BUDGET l Approximate FY00 Budget: $3.8 MY l Approximately 40 FTE »Of the 40, about 7-8 FTE are directly ECS-related at the present time

16 New Non-ECS Products in FY00

17 New Non-ECS Products in FY00 (Up For PoDAG Review) l RAMP data product distribution »Proposed to collaborate with ASF, Byrd Polar on distribution of products. –Accepted in principle –Internal web page with few examples produced

18 Non-ECS Activities in FY00 l Data related »SHEBA field campaign data -- assess archival resource need »PARCA -- assess when/if data are placed in DAAC »Regional Analysis Centers -- MODIS data to SW-RESAC? »Climate Data for Modellers –webpage to assist modellers –make existing NSIDC tools more available –repackage NSIDC data to meet modeller needs »WCRP GCOS/GTOS TOPC, ACSYS, CLIC (see later update by RGB) l Other Products »‘All About Glaciers’ webpage

19 NON-ECS Activities in FY00 l SMMR-SSMI »EASE grid TB data continues »Polar Stereo data continues (TB, seaice) »NRTSI public release imminent »NISE continues l Pathfinders »AVHRR 1.25 and 5 km acquisition and products continue »RAMP data distribution »ALT-DEM data distribution »TOVS, assess extending timeseries, acquire L1B? l Snowmelt Onset Date at High Latitudes Using EASE- Grid SSM/I Data" (ice sheets, land (non-forested, sea ice is correct)

20 Non-ECS Activities in FY00 l In-situ »Russian soil temperature data -- ongoing acquisition (via NSF funding, DAAC archives and distributes) »Others under consideration –Russian river ice data –NP Drifting station data

21 Non-ECS Activities in FY00 l Sustaining Engineering Tasks »Request tracking system upgrades, data migration »Upgrade web servers »Upgrade production, distribution environment l Other »Website Revamp –prepare for TERRA data services –improve site nagivation –bring our website into conformity with other DAAC websites »Outreach –USWG activities –Booth(s) at conferences –Cross-DAAC website - electronic publishing –DAAC yearbook

22 What is this? Approximately one Watt on a meter square

23 ECS Activities in FY00 l Data Products »MODIS Science Operations -- Distribute S/I products l Mission Coordination/Engineering »ASTER - GLIMS coordination (see GS presentation) »AMSR/AMSR-E –Formal NSIDC Product Team –Appoint AMSR Technical Lead –ESDTs, ICD with AMSR SIPS, PDR Server development »GLAS –Formal NSIDC Product Team –Appoint AMSR Technical Lead –ESDTs, ICE with GLAS SIPS/IST, PDR Server development

24 ECS Activities in FY00 l Systems »INSTALL, checkout, INSTALL, checkout, INSTALL checkout –drop 5B, patches »Operational Sustaining Engineering l Development »Continue Data Systems Engineering Tasks l Other »NEW DISS »ESIP Federation »PoDAG »Partington data study »American Polar Society meeting in Boulder (Oct 2000)

25 Meeting Discussion Issues l No burning ‘critical’ issues l Longer term questions »How long after AMSR/AMSR-E data availability do we maintain SSMI? To the end of SSMI satellite series? »Affirm PoDAG commitment to ingest and distribution of AVHRR data until TERRA L+18mo l Heads up »Charging for media delivery of NASA products may be on the way. –Does PoDAG want to study further? Make a statement?


27 BACKGROUND SLIDES Following Slides are Background to Main Presentation

28 Mission Data Coordinators at NSIDC

29 Introduction of Terminology l Non-ECS Data and Systems »Formerly called Version 0 l ECS Data and Systems »ECS-provided processing environment –“Drops 1 -5” (We Started With Drop 4) l TERRA formerly AM-1

30 EOS-era Data Sets (1998-->) l NSIDC DAAC Products in the EOS era: » ICE SHEET elevation, displacement, roughness, and strain rates (Geoscience Laser Altimeter System, (GLAS)) » SEA ICE age, concentration, extent and ice type (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR), and SSM/I) » SEA ICE extent, surface albedo, ice surface temperature (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS)) » SNOW COVER extent, depth, albedo, and water equivalent (AMSR, SSM/I, MODIS) » GLACIER extent and velocity [prototype], (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, ASTER) l In-situ observations over sea ice, snow-covered land, and glaciers (e. g. snow climatologies, glacier mass balance, glacier inventory, active layer and ground temperature data)


32 Mission Baseline: Non-EOS »SSMI, SMMR, ESMR –EASE-Grid –Polar Stereo Grid »Polar Pathfinders –AVHRR 1.25km and 5 km data and products –TOVS 18 year timeseries –SMMR data in EASE grid »Satellite Altimetry data »RAMP data? »In-Situ Data

33 Mission Baseline: TERRA, 2000 l Launch in November 1999? l MODIS Snow and Ice Products –1 day grids –7 day grids l ASTER GLIMS (ad hoc) –Operator of GLIMS database, pending funding l NISE product to MISR, CERES

34 Mission Baseline: ADEOS II 2000? l AMSR »L1 Data via JPL Seawinds Project »L3 S/I Products via AMSR Instrument Team

35 Mission Baseline: PM-1 2000? l MODIS Snow and Ice Products l AMSR-E »L1 Data »L3 S/I Products

36 Mission Baseline: ICEsat 2001? l Geoscience Laser Altimeter Sensor »Level 1 »Level 2 georeferenced profile data »Level 3 Ice sheet profiles, land vegetation profiles

37 Snow and Ice Data Products l MODIS standard products »snow cover, L2 »level 3* daily snow cover »level 3* weekly snow cover »sea ice extent, L2 »level 3* daily sea ice extent »level 3* weekly sea ice extent** l ASTER products »glacier extent »glacier velocity l GLAS standard products »ice sheet elevation »ice sheet roughness l MODIS research products (post launch) »sea ice motion »albedo l AMSR products »snow depth (orbital) »gridded snow depth »snow water equivalent (orbital) »gridded snow water equivalent »sea ice concentration (orbital) »gridded sea ice concentration »sea ice type (orbital) »gridded sea ice type »other ice products ? (extent, fraction, temperature) *sinusoidal + EASE grids, pending resources *by ice surface temperature method

38 MODIS Snow and Ice Product Volumes and Processing Requirements Baseline AHWGP PhasingSnow and Ice SCF (2/96) (10/97) (6/97)* Processing Req. (MF) 14.8 - 14.8 3.71 - 14.8 298. - ? Processing Cap. (MF) (17.8 - 59.34) ( 4.45 - 59.34) ? Data Volume (GB/day)** 16.0 - 16.0 ? 24.0 - ? Data Transfer (GB/day) 77.0 - ? ? 91.0 - ? * Assumes no additional processing at GSFC and generation of both L2G and L3 for polar grids at NSIDC. **Does not include archive of L2G product(s)

39 MODIS Product Volumes

40 NSIDC UWG “CHARTER” l The UWG should: »Represent the Cryospheric User Community –(Does Current membership in fact do this?) »Review NSIDC DAAC Data Sets and Data Set Priorities »Suggest to NSIDC DAAC New Products, Data Sets etc. for Consideration »Provide Constructive Feedback on DAAC Performance Relating to Data Set Ingest, Archival, Distribution

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