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Youth Development Evaluation Orientation. NC 4-H E-LC 2016 People.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Development Evaluation Orientation. NC 4-H E-LC 2016 People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Development Evaluation Orientation

2 NC 4-H E-LC 2016 People

3 How does this image represent… A young person in your county Your youth development evaluation strategy The future of the Evaluation Learning Circle

4 TRAINing

5 Ticket to ride…

6 Just getting through the gate…

7 Horror stories…

8 NC 4-H Eval Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Organizational Psychology Research –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? An organization’s ability to learn and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage.—Jack Welch Purpose

9 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Organizational Psych –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? 1.What are desired results? 2.What is evidence of understanding? 1.What learning experiences will get to understanding? 1.What are desired results? 2.What is evidence of understanding? 1.What learning experiences will get to understanding? Source: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe. (2005). Understanding by Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, pp. 17-19.

10 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Org Psych –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? Advance youth development quality and impact –Standard: Search, HighScope, Forum for YD, Tufts/4-H –Essential Question: How do young people learn to master life’s challenges? Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed. --Maria Montessori

11 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Org Psych –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? Advance youth development quality and impact –Standard: Search, HighScope, Forum for YD, Tufts/4-H –Essential Question: How do young people master life’s challenges? 1.What do youth need to know for healthy development? 2.What skills enable youth to achieve? 1.What must youth understand to become contributing members of society? 1.What do youth need to know for healthy development? 2.What skills enable youth to achieve? 1.What must youth understand to become contributing members of society? Source: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe. (2005). Understanding by Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, pp. 58-59.

12 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Org Psych –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? Advance youth development quality and impact –Standard: Search, HighScope, Forum for YD, Tufts/4-H –Essential Question: How do young people master challenges? 1.What do youth need to know for healthy development? 2.What skills enable youth to achieve? 1.What must youth understand to become contributing members of society? 1.What do youth need to know for healthy development? 2.What skills enable youth to achieve? 1.What must youth understand to become contributing members of society? transfer

13 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Org Psych –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? Advancing youth development quality and impact –Standard: Search, HighScope, Forum for YD, Tufts/4-H –Essential Question: How will young people meet challenges, present & future Advance authentic assessment in youth development –Standard: Understanding by Design, Evaluation Stds. –Essential Question: How can we know if/when/how programming matters? …authentic problem solving requires deciding when to use which approach and which facts… --Grant Wiggins …authentic problem solving requires deciding when to use which approach and which facts… --Grant Wiggins

14 NC 4-H Evaluation Learning Circle (E-LC) Proposed Goals Become a learning organization –Standard: Peter Senge –Essential Question: What is the organizational equivalent of the smartphone? Advancing youth development quality and impact –Standard: Search, HighScope, Forum for YD, Tufts/4-H –Essential Question: How will young people meet challenges, present & future Advancing authentic assessment in youth development –Standard: Understanding by Design, Evaluation Stds. –Essential Question: How can we know if/when/how programming matters? We s(t)imulate learning-by-doing by: Informal checks for understanding Observations and dialogues Tests and quizzes Open-ended questions, problems Performance tasks We s(t)imulate learning-by-doing by: Informal checks for understanding Observations and dialogues Tests and quizzes Open-ended questions, problems Performance tasks Source: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe. (2005). Understanding by Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, pp. 152-153.

15 Six Facets to Build Assessments for Understanding A student who really understands can… 1.Explain big ideas in paraphrase 1.Interpret meanings of ideas 1.Apply in new situations 1.See in perspective 1.Demonstrate empathy 1.Reveal self-knowledge, thoughts, feelings, values Source: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe. (2005). Understanding by Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, pp. 163-164.

16 E-LC: Making the Best Better ACQUISITION …of facts, skills MEANING …of ideas, processes TRANSFER …to new situations Direct Instruction Informing via explicit instruction on targeted knowledge and skills Facilitative Teaching, engaging learners in processing, guided inquiry, projects Coaching with clear performance goals for independent practice, feedback, just-in-time teaching Strategies include… Lecture Advance organizers Questioning Demonstration Guidance, processing Feedback Diagnostic assessment Analogies, examples Inquiry, problem-learning Questioning, probing Reciprocal teaching Rethinking, reflection Ongoing assessment and feedback Consulting Prompting self- assessment, reflection Source: Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe. (2011). The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, pp. 105. Process

17 Exemplar: NC 4-H Camps Consistency & Quality Expectations of Agents & State 4-H Office CALS Mission ACA Best Practices Youth Development Best Practices Affordability Operate camps within quality guidelines listed under Consistency & Quality Marketing Needs Assessments/Perceptions In-process and outcome assessments used to communicate with stakeholders Programming & Funding Improve the quality and outcomes of 4-H camping Micro-level Macro-level Possibilities

18 Meeting Time, Place, Format Online Monthly: lunchtime? Early morning? E-Basics Self-Directed Project Group Consults Special Opps: Yours and Mine Products:Project reports, publications Grants, Project plans Recruiting, Marketing Practicalities

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