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Office of Student Assessment

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1 Office of Student Assessment
ACT Aspire Test Design Office of Student Assessment


3 Math, English, Writing, Reading and Science
Students Grades 3-11 Alternate NCSC for Math and ELA Grades 3-8 and 11 Science Portfolio Grades 5,7 and 10 only ACT Aspire/ACT Math, English, Writing, Reading and Science

4 ACT Aspire

5 ACT Aspire Grades 3-10 English, writing, reading, math, and science yearly Accountability will be calculated at grade 10 only for the high school Online schools set their own test schedule Test Administrators must be licensed by ADE

6 Aspire Test Windows Online - April 11 – May 13 Paper – April 18 – April 29

7 Scheduling

8 Shift in Thinking ACT Aspire is shorter – Only one administration window Allows for more time to teach Focus on the standards and teach them well ACT Aspire has questions above and below grade level Foundations and prediction Overviews-

9 Scheduling Computer Based Testing
No more than three subject tests per day There is no order in which the subject tests have to be administered Grade cohorts must test on the same day, or as close together as possible Small groups may be needed

10 ACT Aspire Resources Live Binder Exemplars Landing Page
Example Test Question Booklet (PDFs) TestNav8 examples Landing Page Knowledge and Skills Map

11 LiveBinder

12 Exemplars - Test Design
Example Test Question Booklet (PDF) – grade level per content area PDFs that explain test questions from the Student Sandbox and explanations of scoring. Student Sandbox – TestNav online examples – currently various grades are represented for each content area except writing. Future plans are to offer grade-by-grade per content area examples. (Example – 4th grade reading, 4th grade English, 4th grade science, 4th grade math)

13 Landing Page
Resources for the various facets of implementation are provided on our landing page. The ACT Aspire Assessment Landing Page, accessible at, provides easy access to information and tools to administer the ACT Aspire tests; everything from Training and Manuals, to Technology Resources, to Support options can be found here. ADE Staff Training - Aug. 2015

14 Knowledge and Skills Map
Login: actlabs Password: actlabs NEW!!!

15 English Language Arts

16 English Language Arts ACT Aspire divides ELA into 3 separate assessments: Reading English Writing

17 Test Item Types Multiple Choice/Selected Response Technology Enhanced
1 point each 4 to 6 choices Technology Enhanced Example - Drag and Drop Constructed Response (Justification and Explanation) 2 to 4 points each Short answer/evidence based

18 Reading Two main types of passages 1. Literary
2. Informational – science and history Number of passages per type Grades 3-5: 4 operational reading passages  (2 literary narratives, 1 history text, and 1 science)   Grades 6-EHS: 3 operational reading passages  (1 literary narrative,  1 history text, and 1 science) Estimated number of items per passage type Grades 3-5 – literary, informational Grades 6-10 – 7-8 literary, informational ( A field test passage set will also be added in each grade)

19 Reading Examples Technology Enhanced

20 Reading Example Paired Passage/Constructed Response

21 English The ACT Aspire  requires students to revise and edit. Students will read passages and make editorial decisions that provide evidence of their understanding in the following areas:  Conventions of Standard English Punctuation and Usage Conventions  Sentence Structure and Formation Production of Writing Topic Development  Organization, Unity, and Cohesion  Knowledge of Language 

22 English Approximate number of items per grade:
Grades 3-5 – 25 operational items Grades 6-8 – 35 operational items Early High School (EHS) – 40 operational items (4-8 field test items will also be added in each grade) There are 2 main item types used on the English assessment for the online format (CBT- computer-based test):   (1) MC - multiple choice - 1 point each (2) TE - technology enhanced - 1 point each

23 English Examples Multiple Choice

24 English Examples Technology Enhanced

25 Writing Three modes of writing: Essay format One prompt only per grade
Analytical Expository Reflective Narrative Persuasive Argumentative  Essay format One prompt only per grade 30 minutes total per grade Scratch paper is allowed for pre-writing

26 Analytical Expository

27 Reflective Narrative

28 Persuasive/Argumentative

29 Mathematics

30 Math Three item types used:
The ACT Aspire mathematics assessments emphasize quantitative reasoning frequently applied to real-world contexts rather than memorization of formulas or computational skills. (Occasionally the formulas are given) Three item types used: Multiple choice – 1 point Technology enhanced – 1 point Constructed response (also called Justification and Explanation for math) – 2 to 4 points

31 Approximate Number of Operational Items
Math Grade Band Approximate Number of Operational Items Testing Time 3-5 25 55 6-7 34 60 8-10 38 65

32 Math Calculator Policy Formula Sheet None allowed or provided
Grades 3-5 NO CALCULATOR - Even as an accommodation Grades 6-10 ACT-approved personal calculator OR Online calculator tool Formula Sheet None allowed or provided Needed formulas are written into test questions

33 Math Examples Multiple Choice

34 Justification/Explanation
Math Examples Constructed Response Justification/Explanation

35 Justification/Explanation
Math Example Constructed Response Justification/Explanation

36 Science

37 Science ACT Aspire focuses on science practices that encompass three domains:  Interpretation of Data Scientific Investigation Evaluation of Models, Inferences and Experimental Results. ACT Aspire science assessments focus on assessing science practices using rich, real-world scientific scenarios.  The scenarios in the upper-grade assessments include student investigations, formal scientific research, formal scientific data from references, and students or scientists providing competing explanations for real scientific phenomena.

38 Science The content of the science assessment includes:
biology (life science at the earlier grades) chemistry and physics (physical science at the earlier grades) Earth/space sciences (e.g., geology, astronomy, and meteorology). The ACT Aspire science assessments stress science practices over recall of scientific content, complex mathematics skills, and reading ability."

39 Science-Item Types Selected response (multiple choice) questions will be tied to a scenario which could include a data table, a graph, or a scientific phenomenon Constructed response which can vary in both point value and length of response Technology enhanced questions will provide the student with a drop down menu or a drag and drop choices for students.

40 Science Test Items 3-5 35 33-34 28 5-6 6-7 40 37-38 32 5-6
Grade        Total Test      Total Test            Operational    Field Test Level Items-Paper Items-Computer Items Items    3-5               35               33-34                   28               5-6    6-7               40                                 32               5-6    8                  40               38-40                   32               6-8    EHS              40                                 32               6-8 Note:  item counts may vary.

41 Science Examples Grade 3 Exemplar – Selected Response - Students will need to scroll to see the entire table.

42 Science Examples Grade 6 Exemplar – Constructed Response –The scroll bar will have to be noticed and used to generate a correct response.

43 Science Examples Early High School Exemplar – Technology Enhanced – drag and drop type. Student will have to scroll to see the full stem.

44 ACT Aspire Periodic Assessments
Available December 1st Set up in the same system as the summative. Students must be entered and PNPs completed before interims can be given. Schools will schedule their own periodics and managing all data Fixed forms for both Interim and Classroom online delivery only (no paper periodics)

45 Classroom vs. Interim Differences are underlined
Grades: Grades 3-8  Content Areas:  English, reading, math, science (no writing)  Administration: local control  6 assessments - per subject/per grade       Format: fixed format, all multiple choice Duration:   minutes/test  Feedback: usually 15 minutes Reports: student, parent, teacher, school/district; Item Report/Analysis Interim Grades: Grades 3-10 Content Areas:  English, reading, math, science (no writing)  Administration: local control  4 assessments - per subject/per grade       Format: fixed format, all multiple choice Duration:  45 minutes or less /test  Feedback: usually 15 minutes Reports: student, parent, teacher, school/district; Item Report/Analysis

46 Sandbox Exemplars


48 Additional Information
Contact the Office of Student Assessment Director Test Administration Periodic Assessments Accommodations Science ELA/Communications Data Literacy Tech K-2/ELA Alternate Assessments ELPA21

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