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Capital Insight Pty Limited ABN 76 056 297 100 77 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 t02 9955 2300 f02 9955 5574 SCH Randwick.

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Insight Pty Limited ABN 76 056 297 100 77 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 t02 9955 2300 f02 9955 5574 SCH Randwick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Insight Pty Limited ABN 76 056 297 100 77 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 t02 9955 2300 f02 9955 5574 SCH Randwick Space Utilisation and Refurbishment Review Sydney Children’s Hospital Network CI Chat Room July 2014

2 Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick One of 2 dedicated tertiary level kids hospitals in NSW Collocated with POWH, Royal Women’s, and POWP on the Randwick Hospital’s Campus Adjacent to UNSW ~ strong research and education focus

3 Current situation: South West Wing (SWW) completed in 2013 Completion of South West Wing has freed up 1,500m 2 of space within the main hospital High demand for space from groups that missed out on space in the SWW expansion Our Brief: “Tell us who should go in there to best position ourselves for future expansion”

4 The issue: 1,500m2 will get you expansion to 2017 Recent planning for growth of services has been ad hoc... “fit them in where you can!”... as a result, services are disjointed and compromised: Cancer services over 2 floors/2 bldgs Main Education precinct in middle of hot floor ~ ED and ICU are landlocked Ambulatory care over 4 levels Research, Education, Administration... well, they’re just everywhere !

5 The (real) issue: Accommodate our future growth of services ~ 2027 We need to refurbish all the rest of our wards, they no longer comply Give us isolation rooms (and lots please!) We’ve got great outdoor spaces – none of them work and BTW, we have some new models of care... Very exciting ambulatory care model – all consolidated... HUGE footprint !

6 ... so where do we put them?

7 The (real, real) issue: “ i need some love...”

8 Space Utilisation & Refurbishment Review – Process Activity Projections 2026/27 SCH Clinical Service Plan Compile & Assess Input Data Identify early priorities Asset Information Summary of facility reqm’ts & priorities Definition of Options Develop Preferred Option / Strategy Gap Analysis Options Workshop Stakeholder Consultations 2014 Asset Strategic Plan Options analysis Clarify / confirm projections, needs & priorities Clarify / confirm projections, needs & priorities Options Development & Project Mapping [Short, Medium, Long Term] Project identification and prioritisation Current needs & space requests

9 Program “ ambitious for what we want to achieve...”

10 Current and Projected bed summary 2013 Built overnight beds – 149 beds* Opened overnight beds – 130 + 2 HiTH Built day only beds – 33 Opened day only beds - 32 2026/27 Built overnight beds – 183 Opened overnight beds – 162 + 12 HiTH Built day only beds – 54 Opened day only beds - 54

11 Current space utilisation vs. ideal collocations Final department locations & capacity

12 Planning of current to future areas summary

13 Bright Alliance option (3000m2 + T&E) SCH Randwick Summary of facility changes 2013 SCH Randwick = 130 x ON beds, 2 x HiTH, 32 x DO beds Approx 27,000m 2 is utilised Current capacity 28,500m 2 Future capacity 34,200m 2 1,500m 2 shell 2026/27 SCH Randwick = 144 x ON beds, 6 x Subacute/Rehab 12 x EMU 12 x HiTH, 54 x DO beds Facility expansion options and /or Other facility options and /or 28,500m 2 utilised 5,700m 2 expansion *Areas are inclusive of T&E except where noted.

14 Medium to longer-term development opportunities

15 Short term expansion opportunities

16 Staging of refurbishments Short-term (1 to 3 year timeframe) to 2017: ED refurbishment into ex Child Protection space PICU increase storage and minor reconfigurations Surgery & Anaesthesia offices (Level 2 SE Wing) Inpatient ward modifications and isolation rooms Ambulatory Care Phase 1 (incl 8 EMU, excl MAU) Outpatients Department reconfiguration Cancer inpatient ward refurbishment (add capacity) Day Oncology refurbishment Research (Phase 1) Pharmacy Allied Health

17 Level 0 - Short term expansion

18 Level 1 - Short term expansion

19 Mid term expansion opportunities

20 Staging of refurbishments Mid term (4 to 7 year timeframe) to 2021: SCH Community Health, GESCHN, ICT, Medical Records Corporate administration relocation/expansion Clinical Admin Expansion, inc. staff specialist offices, Research (Phase 2 expansion) Education & training collocation and expansion Ambulatory Care (Phase 2 expansion) PICU expansion (Phase 1) EMU expansion (to 12 beds) Surgical Short Stay expansion

21 Level 0 - Mid term expansion

22 Level 1 - Mid term expansion POSSIBLE EXPANSION

23 Long term expansion opportunities

24 Bright Alliance option (3000m2 + T&E) SCH Randwick Summary of facility changes 2013 SCH Randwick = 130 x ON beds, 2 x HiTH, 32 x DO beds Approx 27,000m 2 is utilised Current capacity 28,500m 2 Future capacity 34,200m 2 1,500m 2 shell 2026/27 SCH Randwick = 144 x ON beds, 6 x Subacute/Rehab 12 x EMU 12 x HiTH, 54 x DO beds Facility expansion options and /or Other facility options and /or 28,500m 2 utilised 5,700m 2 expansion *Areas are inclusive of T&E except where noted. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

25 Long term expansion – Option 1a

26 Long term expansion – Option 2a

27 Long term expansion – Option 3b

28 Preliminary Qualitative Assessment of options ObjectivesOption 1Option 2Option 3 Improving the hospital experience, environment & amenities  Development of an ambulatory care zone/day only models  Developing research facilities  Developing appropriate clinical office & support areas  Improving education and training facilities  Flexible design / add to reconfigure in future  Way finding & travel  Minimise disruption to existing operations  Operational Efficiency 

29 Ward refurbishment staging Notes: 2013/14: Total ON beds capacity: 149 beds (note 6-bed bays counted as 4 bed bays as per EUG #3 + one ward (20 beds) under refurbishment) 2013/14: Total beds occupied: 130 beds Other works: ED expansion into ex-Child Protection, Medical Records, Patient Flow offices, Toy storage, Corporate Admin (Level 4). SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (14/18) Med Isolation/Bronch (12/16), MAU (8/8) Sleep (4/5), MDU (6) Care by Parent (5/6) L2Renal, Endocrinology, Cardiac, Infants (14/16) Oncology (20/20)Medical & Oncology DO (10/14) L1Under refurbishmentICU (17/21)Neuro/Ortho/Trach 16/19 L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North 13 2

30 Ward refurbishment staging SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (18) Med Isolation/Bronch (12/16), MAU (8/8) Sleep (4/5), MDU (6) Care by Parent (5/6) L2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (20/20)Medical & Oncology DO (10/14) L1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (18/21)Ambulatory Care Centre (MDU&8EMU) L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North 5 Isolation rooms 4 Notes: 2014/15: Total ON beds capacity: 154 beds 2014/15: Total ON beds occupied: 139 beds Other works: relocate Anaesthesia, Pain & General Surgery offices to Level 2 SE Wing, Staff Overnight accommodation, expand Staff Specialist offices, ICU storage, Non-oncology clinical trials expansion, Pharmacy, Allied Health, Volunteers, Clinical Practice Improvement, After hours nurse, student common rooms

31 Ward refurbishment staging SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (18) Med Isolation/Bronch (12/16), MAU (8/8) Sleep (4/5), MAU (8) Care by Parent (5/6) L2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (32)Medical & Oncology DO (10/14) L1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (19/21)Ambulatory Care Centre (MDU&8EMU) L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North 6 Notes: 2015/16: Total ON beds capacity: 166 beds 2015/16: Total beds occupied: 144 beds Other works: Play therapy office relocation/ Starlight Express expansion, toy storage relocation, Research (Strasser Labs) 7

32 Ward refurbishment staging SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (18) Med Isolation/Bronch (20) Sleep (5), MAU (8) Care by Parent (6) L2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (32)Oncology DO (16), AYA, Cancer Clinics L1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (20/21)Ambulatory Care Centre (MDU&8EMU) L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North 8 9 Notes: 2016/17: Total ON beds capacity: 170 beds 2016/17: Total beds occupied: 146 beds Associated Works: Cancer Clinics & AYA space in Oncology DO area Other works: Genetics relocation

33 Ward refurbishment staging SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (14/18) Med Isolation/Bronch (20) Sleep (4/5), MAU Care by Parent (5/6) L2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (32)Oncology DO (16), AYA, Cancer Clinics L1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (24/24)Ambulatory Care Ctr (18 MDU & 12EMU) L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North ICU +3 12 MAU 10 Notes: 2017-21: Total ON beds capacity: 181 beds 2017-21: Total beds occupied: 153 beds Associated Works: Cancer Clinics & AYA space in Oncology DO area Other works: Genetics relocation 10

34 Ward refurbishment staging SouthWestNorth L3Adolescent/Eating disorders (18) Med Isolation/Bronch (20) Sleep (5), Care by Parent (6) L2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (32)Oncology DO (16), AYA, Cancer Clinics L1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (26/26)Ambulatory Care Ctr (MDU, EMU, MAU) L0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North 11 Notes: 2022-27: Total ON beds capacity: 183 beds 2022-27: Total beds occupied: 162 beds Associated Works: Cancer Clinics & AYA space in Oncology DO area Other works: Genetics relocation +MAU +EMU 11

35 SSS ON (12) SSS DO (20) CAMH (8) Ward refurbishment - end stage SouthWestNorth 3Adolescent/Eating disorders (18) Med Isolation/Bronch (20) Sleep (5) Care by Parent (6) 2Neuro/Ortho/Rehab (16) Oncology (32)Oncology DO (16), AYA, Cancer Clinics 1Cardiothor/Cardio/Neo /Long stay surgery (16) ICU (26)MAU (12) EMU (12), MDU (18) 0Allied Health SouthOutpatientsAllied Health North Notes: 2026/27: Total ON beds capacity: 183 beds 2026/27: Total ON beds occupied: 162 beds 2026/27: Total DO beds capacity: 54 beds 2026/27: Total DO beds occupied: 54beds

36 Future Bed Profile

37 Site expansion opportunities

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