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S ECTION 5.1 – ASA R EADINGS. C HAPTER 1 W HAT IS A SURVEY 1. What is the purpose of a survey? A. The purpose of a survey is to gather information on.

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2 C HAPTER 1 W HAT IS A SURVEY 1. What is the purpose of a survey? A. The purpose of a survey is to gather information on preferences, needs, and behaviors. 2. What is a typical sample size for well-known national polls? A. The typical sample size for well-known national polls is 1000. 3. Give three ways data collection can occur with survey. A. Mail B. Telephone C. Internet D. In-person

3 C HAPTER 1 W HAT IS A SURVEY 4. What is the difference between an open-ended and closed question? Give an example of each. A. Open-ended: no options given (list the sports you play) B. Closed: options given (check off all sports you play from this list) 5. What is the prime concern of all reputable survey organizations? How can you address this concern with our class surveys? A. A prime concern of survey organizations is confidentiality of data, this can be address by making surveys anonymous.

4 C HAPTER 2 H OW TO P LAN A S URVEY 1. What is the first step in planning a survey? A. The first step in planning a survey is to determine the objectives of the survey. 2. Why is it important for key concepts to be defined in questions on a survey? A. Key concepts need to be defined in questions so everyone interprets the question the same, if this is not done, results can be misleading. 3. What can occur if a questionnaire is too long? A. If a questionnaire is too long, subjects can become fatigued, this will lead to not answering questions, or randomly writing answers.

5 C HAPTER 2 H OW TO P LAN A S URVEY 4. What is a “sampling frame”? A. A sampling frame is a list of all the members of a population. 5. What is “random digit dialing”? If random digit dialing is used to colloect data, will any subsets of the US population be under-represented? A. Random digit dialing is sampling from a frame of all possible telephone numbers. Households without phones will be under-represented in this type of sampling.

6 C HAPTER 2 H OW TO P LAN A S URVEY 6. Give at least two examples of how to “plan in” quality into a survey. A. Don’t require people to remember to far into their past. B. Give respondents a range of values to choose from. C. Pretest your survey questions. D. Allow enough time. E. Accurately code data.

7 C HAPTER 3 H OW TO C OLLECT D ATA 1. In what ways has technology changed the way data is collected with a survey? A. Technology has changed the way data is collected with a survey, by collecting directly to a computer. 2. What are some “back-end” processing steps that need to be done before data analysis can begin? A. Some back-end processing steps that need to be done before data analysis can begin are coding and determining how to deal with missing data. 3. What is often the best way to start data analysis? A. The best way to start data analysis is to look at simple counts and percentages.

8 C HAPTER 3 H OW TO C OLLECT D ATA 4. Why is pre-testing a questionnaire important? A. Pre-testing a questionnaire is important, because it will allow one to see if any questions are misunderstood, or if a question will produce bias. 5. How can failing to follow up on non-respondents affect your results? A. Failing to follow up on non-respondents can cause some groups to be under represented. 6. What is Murphy’s Law? A. Murphy’s Law is, if anything can go wrong, it will.

9 C HAPTER 6 D ESIGNING A Q UESTIONNAIRE 1. What do many experienced questionnaire designers do before they create their questionnaires? A. Experienced questionnaire designers determine their goals before they create their questionnaires. 2. What does “operationalize a variable” mean? Give an example. A. To operationalize a variable is to define specifically what is meant by a term like, “eating habit” or “smoke regularly”.

10 C HAPTER 6 D ESIGNING A Q UESTIONNAIRE 3. Name 3 things that make a question difficult to answer. A. Asking questions that subjects have to think about. B. Asking for details that subjects do not know. C. Using common words that subjects have different definitions too. D. Asking for information that is sensitive to subjects. 4. What grade reading level is recommended for questions on a questionnaire? A. The reading level recommended for a questionnaire is the 5 th grade.

11 C HAPTER 6 D ESIGNING A Q UESTIONNAIRE 5. Besides the questions, what should be included on a questionnaire? A. Besides the questions that are being asked, a questionnaire should include a brief intro of why the survey is being done and a thank you statement. 6. What is meant by “order effects”? Give an example. A. Order effects, are the effects that can take place by the ordering of questions. Ex: What do you think is bad about smoking? Followed by, do you like smokers? 7. What is the KISS Principle? A. Keep It Simple Statistician

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