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The project UPDATE is funded by the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme. designed by Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Chances //

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1 The project UPDATE is funded by the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme. designed by Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Chances // The awareness concerning Technical Education and technical careers (WP3) – – a questionnaire // A test run with 42 pupils was carried out in 2 forms (3 rd and 4 th levels) of primary school. The results of this test run were introduced at the Meeting in Aix. In the meantime the final survey was finished in Vienna in June 2008 with the authorization of the regional board of education. 178 pupils, 86 girls und 92 boys (2 nd to 4 th levels) in 8 different forms in 3 primary schools were asked. The first forms of primary school were left out due to the complexity of the questionnaire. Some results were chosen from the final report. / Question about favourite school subjects / Primary school / ranging / comparison girls and boys / The importance of school subjects for a future vocation / Primary school / ranging / comparison girls and boys / The working methods in Crafts und Technology / Primary school / ranging / comparison girls and boys / The most important vocations associated with technology/ Primary school / ranging / comparison girls and boys Pädagogische Hochschule Wien University of Education Vienna Josef Seiter / Attitudes and prejudices concerning technological competence of one’s own and the other gender / Primary school prejudice re technology / comparison girls and boys / First conclusions – a summary / The following clearly turn out to be the favourite subjects: Sports, Music, Arts and Crafts/Technology. Apparently, fact-oriented subjects (e.g.General Studies/Sachunterricht are appreciated less than action-oriented subjects, perhaps due to methodological-didactical processes. Mathematics and Textile Crafts are ranked differently, depending on gender. The ranking of the evaluation of subjects important for a future vocation (mainly German and Mathematics) contradicts the ranking of the above mentioned favourite subjects. Is this the beginning of the drifting apart of duty and disposition? The evaluation of technical subject teaching in Crafts/Technology is based on the power of the factual. Crafts/Technology is defined through the emerging products, but the technical/manual processes necessary for the production are highly estimated. On top of the producing action in Crafts/Technology, the specific environment of the instruction is also important: tools, machines, workshop, and also the smell, the lighting – the atmosphere. Girls and boys definitely emphasize the producing, but when taking a different view there is a slight difference there, in that girls appreciate the planning process more than boys, who value tools and machines and their handling. Looking at the statements regarding technical understanding, one might argue cautiously and with a view to gender difference that boys are rather oriented towards handling techology, girls, however, lean towards the aim to be reached via technology and the direct, individual experience of technology and technical processes. The answers to the questions concerning gender-specific prejudices also show gender-specific fixations: Phrasing it with caution, boys consider themselves technologically more competent than girls – girls, however, do show self- confidence. „Assessment Center - leavers: „We want Crafts and Technology“

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