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S OCIAL S TUDIES Ms. Gregory. W ARM - U P 1. Silently find assigned seat. 2. Silently copy down your homework. 3. Silently complete student inventory.

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Presentation on theme: "S OCIAL S TUDIES Ms. Gregory. W ARM - U P 1. Silently find assigned seat. 2. Silently copy down your homework. 3. Silently complete student inventory."— Presentation transcript:

1 S OCIAL S TUDIES Ms. Gregory

2 W ARM - U P 1. Silently find assigned seat. 2. Silently copy down your homework. 3. Silently complete student inventory. Homework: Please have all materials ready by tomorrow.

3 I NTRODUCTION TO P ROCEDURES Hand out syllabus for students to review.

4 R EQUIRED M ATERIALS Binder Binder Dividers Pencils/Pens Hand held Pencil Sharpener Glue Colored Pencils Dry-Erase Marker Scissors Index Cards Agenda How will I know what to bring each day? Check the yellow sign outside of the class in the morning before classes begin.

5 G RADING P OLICY All assignments are to be completed and turned in on the assigned due date for credit. Students will be graded on: content, effort, and ability. Incomplete assignments will receive a failing grade. 65% - Formal Assessments Tests, projects, essays, etc. 35% - Informal Assessments Quizzes, class work, homework, etc.

6 M ISSING /L ATE A SSIGNMENTS Late work will be accepted up to 5 days after the due date for a 50%. More than 5 days late – any assignment turned in will receive a 10%.

7 A BSENT FROM SCHOOL Students are expected to make the necessary arrangements obtaining assignments when absent from school. You have 5 days to obtain, complete and turn in missing assignments. After 5 days – points will be deducted. Do not wait until the next class to ask for work! Call, e-mail, stop by school, use a friend, and my wikipage.

8 B EHAVIOR E XPECTATIONS “I am responsible for my own actions!” Students following all expectations will be successful in the 6 th grade. 1. Follow all adult directions the first time given. 2. Respect the rights and properties of yourself and others. 3. Be prepared with assignments and materials.

9 C LASSROOM E XPECTATIONS 1. Restroom – before school, lunch and between classes. 2. Trash/Recycling – at the end of class 3. No Pencil Sharpener in class. 4. Speaking – when granted permission. 5. Out of Seat – when granted permission.

10 S OCIAL S TUDIES B INDER Your binder will be used nearly daily. It will be your responsibility to keep it organized and ready for class. It is a portfolio of your work: notes, class work, projects, quizzes, essays and tests. This binder will only be used for social studies – no other subjects will be in the notebook. No exceptions!

11 S OCIAL S TUDIES ? So…..What is it?

12 S OCIAL S TUDIES IS …. Geography – is the study of people, places, and the environment. (study of the earth) History – is a record of the past. (the past) Economics – is the study of how people manage their resources by producing, exchanging, and using goods and services. (money) Government – is the people and groups within a society that have the authority to make laws, to make sure they are carried out, and to settle disagreements about them. (leaders & Laws) Culture – the beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living that a group of people share. (way of life)

13 S OCIAL S TUDIES V IDEO what+is+social+studies+video&ei=UTF- 8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-004

14 G OALS What goal(s) do you have for this school year? How will you achieve these goals? What if I do not achieve these goals? What can I do?

15 F RAYER M ODEL F ORM DefinitionCharacteristics ExamplesNon-Examples

16 F RAYER M ODEL E XAMPLE = D EMOCRACY Definition *Government by the people *Exercised either directly or through elected representatives Characteristics *People establish their own government *Written constitutions *Free elections *People participate in their government Examples *United States *France *Germany *Canada Non-Examples *Kings, Queens, Dictators *China *North Korea


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