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Monday, August 15th Morris K Udall Elementary School's Principal’s Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, August 15th Morris K Udall Elementary School's Principal’s Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, August 15th Morris K Udall Elementary School's Principal’s Day

2 WELCOME! Please create a tri-fold name tent with the paper at your table.

3 Today’s Agenda Welcome Finding What We Have in Common: Corners Activity Classroom Connections Explain AVID Essentials: Agenda/Planner, Organizational Tool, Note-Taking Strategies, Levels of Questioning Explain the REIL Learning Observation Rubrics Jigsaw and Discuss Data Analysis: Article & Share out data in grade level teams & vertical teams Primary Lunch 11:00-12:30 p.m. & Intermediate Lunch 12:00-1:30 p.m. School-wide Discipline Policy & Practice: PASSPORT Review the Staff Handbook using 2 or 3 column notes

4 Norms & Housekeeping Norms: –We value being intellectually and emotionally engaged when interacting with our colleagues. –We value respectful listening to and thoughtful consideration of diverse perspectives. –We value a shared commitment to action and results – products and/or processes that can be both observed and measured. Housekeeping: –Cell Phones –Breaks –Restrooms –Lunch

5 Finding What We Have in Common What is your teaching style? Reflect on the type of shoe on each poster around the room. Write down which shoe and its attributes with which you align your teaching style. Select the poster with the shoe that best represents you as a teacher. Take a marker with you and stand by your poster. In your group, Use the Rally Robin structure to brainstorm what attributes about your teaching led you to select that poster and how you are like that car. Continue until all ideas are recorded on the poster. Be ready to share out with the rest of the group. Remove the paper before you began recording on it.

6 Classroom Connections Name of the Activity or Technique Brief Description and/or Instructions Reflection and/or Ideas Rally Robin In pairs, students alternate generating oral responses. Corners Students move to different corners of the room, depending on their point of view.

7 Note Taking – Two Column Notes Left hand column is the place for study questions and main ideas. Develop study questions and identify main ideas from specific content in the right-hand column. Write study questions/main ideas in the left hand column. The place for detailed information. Use abbreviations. Summarize content in your own words but simplify writing. Use symbols (arrows, circles, underlining) or highlighter to indicate important information, ideas/words that are unclear, relationships between ideas/information. Include graphics (diagrams & charts) when needed. Skip lines between ideas.

8 Note Taking – Three Column Notes Study Questions Main Ideas Major Topics Questions Diagrams Native Language Clues Math Answers The place for detailed information. Use abbreviations. Summarize content in your own words but simplify writing. Use symbols (arrows, circles, underlining) or highlighter to indicate important information, ideas/words that are unclear, relationships between ideas/information. Include graphics (diagrams & charts) when needed. Skip lines between ideas.

9 Why AVID? AVID targets the core of the students in most schools, the “ Academic Middle ”. AVID is based on Best Practice Instructional Strategies. AVID is research based and proven over time! AVID is a catalyst for changing the Academic Climate of a School and School District.

10 Why AVID? AVID changes the way teachers teach. AVID provides structure to the way students learn. AVID can be implemented from grades 4 – 12. AVID uses extrinsic strategies to develop intrinsic changes. AVID makes sense.

11 Goal Setting Learning and Behavior AVID Successful Students are…

12 Provides Students With… S uccess Skills O rganization A cademic Progress R outines & R igor O S A R

13 SUCCESS SKILLS Collaboration Inquiry Note Taking Goal Setting Organization Reading Writing

14 Agenda Student Daily Planner Monday Language Arts_ ____________ _________________________ Math_____________________ _________________________ Science___________________ _________________________ Social Studies______________ _________________________ Other_____________________ _________________________ After School_ ______________ _________________________ Comments_ _______________ _________________________

15 WICOR Writing to Learn Inquiry (Costa ’ s Level of Questioning) Collaboration Organization Reading

16 BINDER CHECK Contents: 3‐ring Binder Subject dividers Pencil pouch Extra paper Planner Organization: Appropriate supplies Daily planner completed Accurately Clearly divided by subjects Academic Sections: Class notes Handouts/worksheets Class work or assignments Rubric: 3 (Advanced) – All items completed 2 (Satisfactory) – Most items completed (1‐2 items missing) 1 (Developing) – Few items completed (3 or more items missing) 0 Absent or all items missing

17 SLANT S it in the Front L ean Forward A sk Questions N od your head T alk to the teacher

18 Break!

19 Goal Setting Learning and Behavior AVID Successful Students are…

20 Rewarding Excellence in Instruction and Leadership (REIL) An initiative of the Maricopa County Education Service Agency (MCESA), engages six Maricopa County school districts in implementing systemic change aimed at transforming how schools recruit, retain, support, and compensate effective teachers and principals. The ultimate goal is building the capacity of educators to improve student learning. Critical elements of the REIL initiative are: Rigorous, fair and transparent educator evaluations Targeted professional learning Tools for measuring student success Establishment of multiple career pathways Sustainable, differential, performance-based compensation The five-year initiative, which will culminate in 2014-15, is funded by a $51.5 million Teacher Incentive Fund grant from the U.S Department of Education.

21 REIL Learning Observation Instrument Jigsaw Activity – –Teacher Observation Rubrics Read your rubric individually. In table groups, each teacher will use a different colored marker to collaboratively create a graphic representation of your rubric on chart paper. As more information is provided on your rubric modify your chart. Be ready to share out your explanation to the whole group. Answer any questions from the group.

22 Primary (K-4) Lunch

23 Intermediate - PASSPORT School-wide Behavior Management Program

24 Intermediate (5 th – 8 th ) Lunch

25 Primary - PASSPORT School-wide Behavior Management Program

26 Data Analysis (30 minutes) Use the Paired Reading Structure to read and discuss the article My Nine ‘Truths’ of Data Analysis. –‘A’ reads a section –‘B’ responds –‘B’ reads the next section –‘A’ responds (20 minutes) Break up into vertical teams based on the color on the inside of your name tag and share your analysis of the data and the analysis of the article as it pertains to it. (10 minutes) Orally discuss using the Paired Reading Sentence Starters at your table.

27 Break!

28 Staff Handbook Policies, Procedures, & Expectations For 2011-2012 School Year

29 Thank You! Please take the time to reflect on today’s learning. Complete the Evaluation and drop it off on the table as you leave. Be sure to sign out for the day. See you tomorrow – Work in your Room Day!

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