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POST-WWII TO PRESENT DAY NORTH AMERICA. United States – economic and baby boom “Red Scare” led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s – Communists are.

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2 United States – economic and baby boom “Red Scare” led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s – Communists are everywhere waiting to take over the country – McCarthy works to “expose” Communists living in America President John F. Kennedy – Camelot, beginning of Civil Rights, Cuban Missile Crisis – Nov. 22, 1963 – assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald?

3 President Lyndon B. Johnson – Civil Rights Act 1964 – Pursued the growth of the welfare state, the “Great Society” – Sends American troops to war in Vietnam President Richard Nixon – Pulls the U.S. out of Vietnam – Watergate Scandal – Nixon uses illegal methods to gain political info about opponents Nixon’s men break into the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., which is the Democratic National Headquarters

4 Nixon lies, but secret tapes of his own conversations tell the truth – Aug. 1974 – Nixon resigns rather than be impeached President Gerald Ford – Nixon’s vice-president, isn’t in office long President Jimmy Carter – High inflation and gas shortages – Hostage crisis: Ayatollah Khomeini takes control of the Iranian gov’t away from the pro-U.S. shah and 52 Americans are held hostage for over a year They are released the day Reagan is sworn in as president

5 President Ronald Reagan – “evil empire” and arms race – largest peacetime military build up The Soviet Union tries to keep up and goes bankrupt – Budget deficit – the gov’t deficit triples President George Bush – Desert Storm to free Kuwait from Iraq – Economic problems President Bill Clinton – Economic revival and great foreign affairs – Impeached over the Monica Lewinsky scandal, later acquitted

6 NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement – Trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico – The purpose is to make trade easier and more profitable by establishing guidelines for cooperation

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