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LEGISLATIVE BRANCH TEST #3. CONGRESS Bicameral – 2 houses Term – 2 years due to the HR election Session – conducts business  2 per year  Usually one.

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2 CONGRESS Bicameral – 2 houses Term – 2 years due to the HR election Session – conducts business  2 per year  Usually one a year lasting 4 or 5 months Adjourn Special Session  Can be called by the President or either house

3 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 435 members Determined by state population Minimum of 1 2 year term No limit on # of terms Reapportionment – redistributed every 10 yrs. Gerrymandering – division of voting districts Gerrymandering Westberry v. Sanders – “one person, one vote” Westberry v. Sanders

4 Qualifications  25 yrs. Old  US citizenship for 7 years  Must live in the state they represent

5 SENATE 100 Members 2 per state Represent the entire state 6 year term – gives some security Terms staggered so that 1/3 are elected every 2 years 17 th Amendment – voted on directly by the people – before by state legislature

6 Qualifications  30 yrs. Old  Citizen for 9 years  Live in the state they serve

7 Franking privilege To be able to mail letters postage- free by substituting their facsimile signature (frank) for postage.

8 Congressional Powers Limited powers because of the Constitution Powers are expressed, implied and inherent

9 Expressed Powers of Money and Commerce 27 listed – the meaning is based on how Congress exercises its powers Some are subject to interpretation

10 Taxes  Tariffs  Cannot tax an export  Direct tax – paid by the person it is imposed on  Indirect tax – paid by one person but passed along to another (cigarette tax) Borrowing  Deficit financing – spend more than you take in/borrow the difference  Public Debt – money not paid over time plus the interest Commerce  Regulation of interstate and foreign trade  Ogden v. Gibbons Ogden v. Gibbons

11 Currency power  Coin money – made of Gold, Silver and others  1791 – bank notes –not “legal tender”  1861 – “Greenbacks” – 1 st legal tender notes but could not be exchanged for gold or silver War powers  Declare war  Raise an army  1973 War Powers Act Copyright and Patents Eminent Domain

12 Implied Powers Education National Bank “Necessary and proper” clause  McCulloch v. Maryland McCulloch v. Maryland

13 Non Legislative Powers Amendments  25 th – choose V.P. Elections  1800 and 1824 18001824 Impeachment  1868 – Andrew Johnson  1998 – Bill Clinton Resignation  1974 - Nixon 1974 - Nixon Executive Powers  Approves appointments and treaties

14 Congress in Action Speaker of the House  Duties – Preside and keep order  Allows representatives to speak  Next in succession after President and V.P. President of the Senate – Vice President  Presides  Votes only to break a tie President Pro-tempore  Majority leader, presides if VP is absent  Next in succession after the Speaker Party Officers – “caucus” – meeting to decide leaders and stands  Floor leaders from each party  Whips – assistants to the floor leaders

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