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Randall E. Jackson ED 505 Dr. Ray  Netiquette is essentially manners for the internet. It is rules for how you should behave online.

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2 Randall E. Jackson ED 505 Dr. Ray

3  Netiquette is essentially manners for the internet. It is rules for how you should behave online.

4  DO:  1. Use appropriate intensifiers  2. Use proper grammar and spelling  3. Use emoticons to help convey your feelings and to get any hidden meaning across  4. Respect other people’s privacy  5. Keep your messages to the point  6. Acknowledge and respond to messages in a timely manner  7. Identify yourself in your communications  8. Include a subject to identify your purpose

5  Don’t:  1. TYPE IN ALL CAPS: This conveys the message that you are raising your voice  2. Send junk mail, spam, or chain letters  3. Use sarcasm (If the person knows you this could be fine, but if not they might not pick up on your intentions and become offended)  4. Copy everyone in your address book in every message  5. Use vulgar or inappropriate language (rude)

6  Definitions:  1. Copyright- is the rights of an owner/creator of a work to make copies, license, and otherwise use their works.  2. Fair Use- is the rules under which someone else can use copyrighted materials and not have to pay royalties to the person who owns the copyrights.

7  Copyright is the owner’s right to use their work in any way they choose.  Fair Use is the limitations set by the owner of the copyright as to how many other people can use their works without having to pay royalties.

8  The following are generally considered to be “Fair Uses” for various types of copyrighted material:  1. It should be of benefit to the public  2. Criticism and/or comment  3. Non-commercial use  4. Research and Scholarship  5. Parody  6. Non-profit educational uses

9 Plagiarism is an act of copying or otherwise closely imitating someone else’s works (language and thoughts) without getting prior authorization from the copyrighter and/or the representation of that author’s work as his/her own and not giving credit to the original author.

10  1. Reference the site by it’s URL and owner’s name.  2. Request permission from the owner before using their work.

11  Teachers now have plagiarism websites at their disposal that they can use to help determine if a student has committed this offense. Sites such as and can be used to scan documents and compare them to other documents online to check for similarities that could possibly indicate

12  Measures to prevent identity theft include:  1. Read the fine print before signing up for anything online  2. Do not offer personal information to an unsecured location online  3. Use a password that would not be easily figured out  4. Regularly monitor your personal information

13  Measures that you can take to protect your reputation online include:  1. Author articles in your field  2. Google yourself and find out what is being said about you  3. Free press release  4. Set up a Google alert for when your name is searched  5. Start a personal blog  6. Contact website owners for the removal of unwanted information  7. Purchase a domain with your name and create a website

14  Methods that you can use to choose good passwords include:  1. Do not use the same password for all your accounts  2. Include letters and numbers in your password  3. Do not use passwords that are easy to guess like your initials or your birthday

15  It is a challenge to prevent cyber bullying and cyber stalking altogether but here are some tips that can help:  1. Educate your children about proper usage of the internet  2. If any crime may have been committed or any physical threats are made then you should contact the proper authorities

16  Here are some things that you can do to help protect yourself from viruses, trojan horses, phishing, and worms. They are as follows:  1. Run virus/anti-phishing software regularly  2. Use virus protection software and keep it current  3. Do not open attachments to emails that you do not recognize the sender and that you are not expecting  4. Use anti-phishing software and keep it current  5. Download only from reputable sites

17  Federal Trade Commission. (2011). Retrieved from index.shtm index.shtm  Marketing Scoop. (2008). Retrieved from  NOLO Low for All. (2012). Retrieved from copyright-material-30100.html copyright-material-30100.html  Roblyer, M.D. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching 6 th Edition. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall  WordNet 3.0 by Princeton University. (2012). Retrieved from

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