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 Ruth 4:1-12.  The preparations for the redemption. o The gate was a place of business. o The setting was a public forum.

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Presentation on theme: " Ruth 4:1-12.  The preparations for the redemption. o The gate was a place of business. o The setting was a public forum."— Presentation transcript:

1  Ruth 4:1-12

2  The preparations for the redemption. o The gate was a place of business. o The setting was a public forum.

3  The preparations for the redemption.  The closer redeemer’s perspective. o “More land is good for my heirs.” o “Another wife is bad for my heirs.” o “I would rather have the land than the wife.”

4  The preparations for the redemption.  The closer redeemer’s perspective.  The perspective of the loving redeemer. o “The land is ok.” o “The woman is amazing.” o “I would rather have the wife than the land.”

5  The preparations for the redemption.  The closer redeemer’s perspective.  The perspective of the loving redeemer.  The perspective of the witnesses. o “God bless you for your love.” o “God bless your descendants.”

6  Jesus publicly redeemed you on the cross!

7  Am I more focused on greed than love?  Would I give up prosperity to change someone’s life? o “Adopt” a youth – mentor/disciple. o Adopt a youth.

8  God will bless selfless redemption.

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