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Secondary Teacher’s Meeting Tuesday, October 29, 2014.

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1 Secondary Teacher’s Meeting Tuesday, October 29, 2014

2 Purposes of Seminar To Help Grow and Graduate Leaders Connect Personally with every student Help them to understand and receive Christ as their Savior Train them to be godly leaders Intentional, Purposeful Training Every Student a Leader-Program that creates a safe environment for students to practice leadership. Together, we will identify and build on each other’s strengths. This year, we are building on Personal Leadership. We have had students leave our school because they felt invisible. This program also needs to be developed for elementary.

3 Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

4 Faculty Concerns: *Another Prep- *9 classes on Thursday *Kids not engaged and don’t see the purpose *Student Leaders are taken out of the seminar times for other groups so that leaves only the students who don’t talk *Need this time for meeting with specific classes

5 Educating With Purpose Training Scholars Making Disciples Graduating Leaders

6 Purpose-driven Purpose-driven Responsible Responsible Wise Wise Articulate Articulate Thinkers Thinkers Rational Rational Logical Logical Empathetic Empathetic Courageous Courageous Confident Confident Collaborative Collaborative Teachers Teachers Daniel 1:4 Youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning and competent to stand in the king’s palace, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans Our program has been designed with the end in mind.

7 Another Prep I will do my best to frontload at group meetings for the seminar times. I am sending the Seminar Lessons via email so that the lessons are easily put on the Smart Board. All you have to do is open the email and click. Let’s Consider….. What is our ultimate goal? To impact these kids for Christ! This is an excellent opportunity to impact students one on one for Christ. This sets us apart from the Park, a Catholic school or other Christian Schools.

8 It is listed as one of our ACSI/AdvancED Assurances in Standard 1.2 Assurance #36. Various and appropriate spiritual opportunities. Large-and small-group experiences follow a scheduled and planned sequence of spiritual formation, character development, discipleship, and instilment of Christian values. Age appropriate opportunities for service, missions, and personal growth are integral to schools/programs.

9 ACSI/AdvancEd Standard 3.9 The school has a formal structure whereby each student is well known by at least one adult advocate in the school who supports that student’s educational experience. Level 4 School personnel participate in a structure that gives them long- term interaction with individual students, allowing them to build strong relationships over time with the student and related adults. All students participate in the structure. The structure allows the school employee to gain significant insight into and serve as an advocate for the student’s needs regarding learning skills, thinking skills, and life skills.

10 Group Discussion Techniques Food does a body good and helps conversation flow! Ask students to bring a snack! Use candy to reward conversation input Break up into small groups Write their ideas down and present them Pair-Share

11 Group and Individual Testimonials Several parents of high school students have mentioned how much their child is enjoying the sessions. Faculty Testimonials

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