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1 Pneumonia. 2 Pneumonia  Mild case--walking pneumonia  Entire lobe--lobar pneumonia  Segment of a lobe--segmental or lobular pneumonia  Alveoli close.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pneumonia. 2 Pneumonia  Mild case--walking pneumonia  Entire lobe--lobar pneumonia  Segment of a lobe--segmental or lobular pneumonia  Alveoli close."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pneumonia

2 2 Pneumonia  Mild case--walking pneumonia  Entire lobe--lobar pneumonia  Segment of a lobe--segmental or lobular pneumonia  Alveoli close to bronchi- bronchopneumonia  Affects both lungs—double pneumonia

3 3 Bacteria That Cause Pneumonia  Streptococcus pneumoniae  Haemophilus influenzae  Mycoplasma pneumoniae  Legionella pneumophilia  Staphylococcus aureus  Streptococcus pyogenes  Mycoplasma pneumoniae

4 4 Other Organisms  Viruses  Influenza A  RSV  Fungi  Pneumocystis jiroveci

5 5 Transmission  Breathe infected particles into lungs  Breathe bacteria from nose & throat  During or after viral URI  As a complication of viral illness  Aspiration

6 6 Symptoms-Bacterial  Cough (mucus-rusty, green, blood tinged)  Fever  Shaking chills  Fast breathing  Chest wall pain  Fast heart rate  Fatigue or malaise

7 7 Symptoms-Nonbacterial  Fever  Cough  Shortness of breath  Little mucus production

8 8 Severity of Pneumonia AAAAge & health BBBBacteria or virus HHHHow quickly treated IIIImmune system

9 9 Risk Factors  Cigarette smoking  Other medical conditions  Age  Immune system  Injury to rib area  Change in mental status

10 10 Exams and Tests  Chest x-ray  Exam of mucus  Gram stain  Culture & sensitivity (C&S)  Tests to check for complications  Tests of immune system  Special urine test

11 11 Treatment-Bacterial  Antibiotics  5 to 14 days  Broad-spectrum  Biaxin, Zithromaz, Levaquin (At home)  Ceclor, Augmentin, Vancomycin (In hospital)  Ketolides (telithromycin)  Approved 2004

12 12 Treatment-Viral  Pneumonia caused by influenza virus  No med to treat  Pneumonia caused by Varicella virus  Treat with antiviral acyclovir

13 13 Prevention  Stop smoking  Avoid people with respiratory infections  Measles and chickenpox status?  Vaccinations

14 14 Pneumococcal Vaccine  Might not help everybody  Can prevent some of the serious complications of pneumonia  People older than 65  People with chronic conditions

15 15 Home Treatment  Get rest  Drink fluids  Take care of cough  Reduce fever and increase comfort  Acetaminophen  Take antibiotics  Use oxygen/inhaler/nebulizer

16 16 Hospital Treatment IIIIV antibiotics IIIIV fluids RRRRespiratory therapy DDDDeep breathing exercises PPPPostural drainage CCCChest physiotherapy OOOOxygen

17 17 Pneumococcal Pneumonia  Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae  Most common identifiable cause of bacterial pneumonia  5 to 25% of healthy persons are carriers of pneumococci  More than 80 serotypes  Often preceded by an URI

18 18 Pneumococcal Pneumonia  Onset sudden with a single shaking chill  Fever, pleurisy, cough, dyspnea, sputum production  Pneumococcus accounts for about 85% of all lethal cases of community acquired pneumonia  In which the causative agent is known

19 19 Vaccine  Contains 23 specific antigens of the pneumococcus types that account for 85 to 90% of serious pneumococcal infections

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