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AUTHOR’S PURPOSE ENTERTAIN. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ENTERTAIN?  Entertain:amusement or enjoyment  Entertain: provide someone with amusement or enjoyment.

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Presentation on theme: "AUTHOR’S PURPOSE ENTERTAIN. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ENTERTAIN?  Entertain:amusement or enjoyment  Entertain: provide someone with amusement or enjoyment."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ENTERTAIN?  Entertain:amusement or enjoyment  Entertain: provide someone with amusement or enjoyment  What entertains you?  Sports  Television Shows  Movies  Shopping  Being With Friends

3 ENTERTAINING THROUGH LITERATURE  Entertain:reader becomes emotionally involved  Entertain: provide the reader with a story in which he/she becomes emotionally involved  Example Emotions  Rooting for the underdog  Laughing along with characters  Wishing you were the main character  Wishing you were the main character or someone else involved in the story  Becoming sad  Becoming sad when a tragic event takes place

4 QUICK-WRITE EXERCISE QUICK-WRITE EXERCISE 1 SENTENCE PER ANSWER  Think of something (anything) you read where you became entertained (emotionally involved)  What was the title of the literature?  What scene was the author discussing?  What characters were involved?  How did it make you feel?

5 LITERATURE WRITTEN TO ENTERTAIN telling a story  The author is telling a story 5 elements  Remember the 5 elements conflict  Must have a conflict characters, dialogue, and a strong P.O.V.  Typically has multiple characters, dialogue, and a strong P.O.V.

6 MULTIPLE CHARACTERS  Types of Characters  Narrator  tells the story  Protagonist  mainconflict to solve  Protagonist  main character with conflict to solve  Antagonist  obstaclefor main character  Antagonist  obstacle for main character to overcome  Dynamic  changes over time  Dynamic  person who changes over time  Static  does not change  Static  person who does not change  Major  vital  Major  vital to development of conflict and resolution  Minor  complements  Minor  complements to major characters

7 DIALOGUE  Inner and Outer  Innerthemselves  Inner  Characters speak to themselves  Why is it used?  To show what the character is feeling  Outer other characters  Outer  Characters speak to other characters  Why is it used?  To provide a first-person P.O.V.

8 POINT OF VIEW We are going to learn how P.O.V. works herehere

9  Choose one of the photos to use as inspiration for your P.O.V. writing assignment  Write 3 sentences using the following 4 P.O.V.  1st, 3rd objective, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient  Set up your paper like the example here WRITING WITH DIFFERENT P.O.V.

10  Everyone should receive a half-sheet of paper that has a table printed on it.  Each student will draw a small slip of paper from my mug, which will have a title on it.  On your half-sheet of paper, write the title you drew in the appropriate space. Don’t do anything else. AUTHOR’S PURPOSE: WHOLE CLASS WRITING ACTIVITY

11  Students will pass their papers in a snake pattern. Everyone should receive a new paper. SETTINGlocation date  On your new paper, read the title and fill out the SETTING box. This should include: location (Texas, the forest, a school) and date (1946, or early 17 th century). AUTHOR’S PURPOSE: WHOLE CLASS WRITING ACTIVITY

12  Students will pass their papers in a snake pattern. Everyone should receive a new paper. CHARACTERSat least 2, gender, and age  On your new paper, read the title and setting, and then complete the CHARACTERS box with at least 2 characters. Provide the name, gender, and age of each character you list.

13  Students will pass their papers in a snake pattern. Everyone should receive a new paper. CONFLICT 1-2 sentences identifying a conflict  On your new paper, read the title, setting, and characters, and then complete the CONFLICT box. Write 1-2 sentences identifying a conflict the characters must solve in the story. AUTHOR’S PURPOSE: WHOLE CLASS WRITING ACTIVITY

14  Students will pass their papers in a snake pattern. Everyone should receive a new paper.  Look at what your classmates have proposed for the story you now have to write. No less than 7 sentences.  Write it on the back of your paper. No less than 7 sentences.

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