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Definition of Internet Piracy Definition of Internet Piracy Internet Piracy The unlawful reproduction and/or distribution of any copyrighted digital file.

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2 Definition of Internet Piracy Definition of Internet Piracy Internet Piracy The unlawful reproduction and/or distribution of any copyrighted digital file that can change hands over the Internet. This can be done with music files, videos and movies, e-books, software, and other materials. Internet piracy has become a worldwide crime problem, because of the relative ease with which it can be committed, even over long distances. Hill, Adam. “What is Internet Piracy.” wiseGEEK. 21 June 2012. Web.


4 Definition of Software Piracy Software Piracy The illegal copying of software for distribution within the organization, or to friends, clubs and other groups, or for duplication and resale. The software industry loses billions of dollars each year to piracy, and although it may seem innocent enough to install an application on a couple of additional machines (called "softloading" and "softlifting"), it may ultimately shatter the profitability of a small software company. “Encyclopedia, Definition of Software Piracy” Web.

5 “The Business Software Alliance estimates that New York State alone lost over $540M in retail sales due to software piracy” (215). Siegfried, Robert M. “Students attitudes on software piracy and related issues of computer ethics” Ethics and Information Technology (2004) 6: 215-222.

6 How it Works This is a snapshot of how piracy of movies occurs



9 FOR Internet Piracy: Its there, its free, everyone else is doing it…. Musicians/software programmers and movie producers “make enough money” “ Many people feel the act of illegal downloading is simply today’s reality and that there is nothing wrong or immoral with it…” (Bonner) “Those who illegally download were less likely to attack the activity for being wrong…” ( Bonner) “Music Industry profits may increase when consumers are able to ‘sample’ music for free and make an informed decision prior to purchase…” (Bender) One survey showed that MALE COLLEGE students were the MOST LIKELY to PIRATE ( Siegfried) Bender, Mark T., & Wang, Yongsheng. “The Impact of digital piracy on music sales: a cross country analysis”. International Social Science Review 84. ¾ (2009) : 157-170. Bonner, S., & O’Higgins E. (2010) “Music piracy: Ethical perspectives”. Management Decision, 48(9), 1341-1354. Siegfried, Robert M. “Students attitudes on software piracy and related issues of computer ethics” Ethics and Information Technology (2004) 6: 215-222.

10 AGAINST Internet Piracy : “Illegal music, software, gaming and movie downloads have had a substantial, negative impact on their respective industries…” ( Bender ) Loss of jobs, increased prices and negative economical effects in the US (80% of the worlds software is produced in the US –Software & Information Industry Association) Stealing copyrighted work for a profit, resulting in losses of Billions of RETAIL dollars Risk of downloading corrupt files to your computer Risk of legal consequences Bender, Mark T., & Wang, Yongsheng. “The Impact of digital piracy on music sales: a cross country analysis”. International Social Science Review 84. ¾ (2009) : 157-170.




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