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Racial discrimination and health: exploring the possible protective effects of ethnic density Mai Stafford, James Nazroo, Laia Bécares Dept Epidemiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Racial discrimination and health: exploring the possible protective effects of ethnic density Mai Stafford, James Nazroo, Laia Bécares Dept Epidemiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racial discrimination and health: exploring the possible protective effects of ethnic density Mai Stafford, James Nazroo, Laia Bécares Dept Epidemiology & Public Health, UCL Dept Sociology, University of Manchester

2 Ethnic density (concentration, % non-white) Concentrated deprivation inner-city Poor health and well-being HOW? Good health and well-being

3 Ethnic density Political mobilisation Social roles Sense of community Social support

4 Ethnic density Good health Less interpersonal discrimination Main effect: reduced exposure to discrimination

5 Ethnic density Good health Interpersonal discrimination Interaction: ethnic density mitigates effect of discrimination

6 Need to consider downsides too Socioeconomic deprivation Social disorder Inferior amenities Environmental hazards Discrimination by service providers Lack of contact with economic and political power?

7 Study Aims: Examine associations between ethnic density and discrimination, social networks, participation, amenities etc. deprivation Model harmful and protective pathways simultaneously Examine moderating effect of ethnic density on racism-health and deprivation-health relationship Do relationships differ by ethnic group? Own ethnic density or other ethnic density measure? Lack of contact with economic and political power?

8 Data: The Home Office Citizenship Survey (HOCS 2003, 2005) Years combinedn Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Black Caribbean Black African 2,482 1,393 674 1,753 1,407

9 HOCS 2005: Sample Characteristics Indian (n=1318) % Pakistani (n=686) % Bangladeshi (n=241) % Caribbean (n=834) % African (n=714) % Age M(SD)42 (16)37(14)35(13)46 (17)37 (12) Sex Male5150 4243 Female4950 5857

10 Employment Characteristics

11 Area Deprivation

12 Reports of experienced racism by a 10% increase in own ethnic density *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Odds Ratio * * * Age and sex adjusted

13 Social networks at different levels of own ethnic density *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Mean * Age and sex adjusted *

14 *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Mean Age and sex adjusted Community social capital at different levels of own ethnic density

15 *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Odds Ratio ** Age and sex adjusted Reports of political participation by a 10% increase in own ethnic density

16 Social participation at different levels of own ethnic density *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Mean Age and sex adjusted

17 Further exploration of hypothesised pathways Control for area deprivation Consider possible harmful and beneficial pathways simultaneously Own ethnic group or more general ethnic minority density? Future Steps

18 Racial discrimination and health: exploring the possible protective effects of ethnic density Mai Stafford, James Nazroo, Laia Bécares Dept Epidemiology & Public Health, UCL Dept Sociology, University of Manchester

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