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Next Generation Telemedicine Service Provision in the Home Healthcare Sector A joint project between KTH and Huddinge University Hospital André Alander,

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Telemedicine Service Provision in the Home Healthcare Sector A joint project between KTH and Huddinge University Hospital André Alander,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Telemedicine Service Provision in the Home Healthcare Sector A joint project between KTH and Huddinge University Hospital André Alander, Andreas Larsson, Dan Kopparhed, Pascal Laue, Pawel Merdi, Shahidur Rahman Communication Systems Design 2g1712 (16 credits) 2g1713 (20 credits)

2 Presentation Overview Background Goals Project Tasks The Current System The Project System Business Analysis Cost and Benefit Analysis Simplified Overview Technical Overview SWOT Analysis

3 Background Large increase in number of biomedical equipment at patients’ homes. Department of Biomedical Engineering at Huddinge University Hospital (MTA). Sweden is well positioned in telemedicine technology with well proven technology. Telemedicine is expected to grow rapidly in the nearest future.

4 Goals Main Objectives: Optional Objective: Teleconferencing between patients and the hospital. Data transmission from the biomedical product to the hospital. Remote data monitoring

5 Ventilator Oxygen Concentrator AutoCPAP Pulsoximeter

6 Project Tasks Project plan Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) Business Analysis System Architecture Design Building prototype Testing Final report Scientific Publication

7 The current system 1) Problem arise in BMP 1) 2) Patient notice the problem 3) Patient calls help desk 4) Contact Biomedical Engineer 5) Remote error analysis 6) Complex problem 7) On-site error analysis 8) Replacement of BMP 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

8 The Project System 1) Problem arise in BMP 1) 2) Patient notice the problem 4) Patient calls help desk 10) Remote error analysis 11) Complex problem 12) On-site error analysis 13) Replacement of BMP 2) 4) 8) 10) 11) 12) 13) 3) 5) 6)7) 9) 3) Com. Device send data 5) Receive data 6) Problem detected - alarming 7) Store data 8) Contact Biomedical Engineer 9) Monitoring of data

9 Business Analysis Gap analysis - Comparison between current and future system Scope of the project

10 Cost and Benefit Analysis Non Commercial Benefits : High quality support for Patient. Improved quality of life for Patient. Establishment of new technology in Telemedicine area. Commercial Benefits: Marginal benefit if the number of patients is small. Large benefit if the system is applied on several clinics.

11 Simplified overview

12 Technical overview

13 SWOT Analysis Strength: Strong background from different technology areas. Weaknesses: None of the team-members have a solid background in economics. Opportunities: The outcome of the project can possibly be applied in other medical fields. The outcome of this project may be directly applied in other clinics. If teleconferencing is incorporated, a completely new level of service can be offered to the patients. Threats: Different principals have different opinions regarding deliverables.

14 The End

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