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Advancing the Profession: Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health Eydie Abercrombie ACSM Project Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing the Profession: Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health Eydie Abercrombie ACSM Project Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing the Profession: Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health Eydie Abercrombie ACSM Project Lead

2 Why do we want Credentialing?

3 Strategic Goals By end of 2009: The society will elevate the profession of physical activity in public health by developing a credentialing process

4 Keys to Advancing Any Profession Difficult to find a health profession in the United States since late 19 th century that has become established without following the evolution of three key concepts.

5 Keys to Advancing Any Profession 1. Defining the scope of the profession 2. Defining what the professional should know and be able to do 3. Providing an examination and recognition

6 Keys to Advancing Any Profession 1. Defining the scope of the profession –Scope of practice: Describing what the practitioner will do, at one or more levels of expertise

7 Keys to Advancing Any Profession 2. Defining what the professional should know and be able to do –Body of knowledge: Describing what the professional should know –The “Complete” Professional: Describing what the professional should be able to demonstrate altogether in knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) –Pathway: Describing the route or routes of preparation via academic work and/or experience

8 Keys to Advancing Any Profession 3. Establishing an examination and recognition –Certification: Describing a process for testing based on KSAs –Recognition: Describing and promoting professional recognition for those who have passed a credible examination

9 Immediate Plans Will launch a process to achieve this model to advance our profession –Partnering with the American College of Sports Medicine, a leading and independently accredited certification body Deliverables will be the key elements of a scope of practice, definition of the professional, and a top-quality examination and professional recognition Will commence this summer with the examination becoming available in the second half of 2008

10 Conceptual Plan Assemble the subject matter experts Develop project scope and timeline Determine the competence and eligibility criteria Training on exam writing skills Draft exam Beta Test Exam revisions Launch live exam

11 Core Group Eydie Abercrombie Amber Dallman Brian Ritacco Lori Schneider Maya Mohan Jill Pfankuch Linda Scovern Chris Kimber – Advisor & Alternate Jackie Epping – Advisor

12 Ongoing Plans Development of study material Workshops/training sessions Incorporating into academic curricula for physical activity and public health programs

13 Discussion & Questions?

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