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A solution is a mixture that appears to be a single substance but is composed of particles of two or more substances that are distributed evenly.

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Presentation on theme: "A solution is a mixture that appears to be a single substance but is composed of particles of two or more substances that are distributed evenly."— Presentation transcript:

1 A solution is a mixture that appears to be a single substance but is composed of particles of two or more substances that are distributed evenly

2 Solutions are often described as homogeneous mixtures because they have the same appearance and properties throughout the mixture.

3 The process in which particles of substances separate and spread evenly throughout a mixture is known as dissolving.

4 In solutions, the solute is the substance that is dissolved The solvent is the substance in which the solute is dissolved.

5 A solute is soluble, or able to dissolve, in the solvent A substance that is insoluble, or unable to dissolve, forms a mixture but it is not a solution.

6 What did the compound say to the solution? You’re all mixed up!!

7  Salt water is a solution  Salt is soluble in water  Salt is the solute  Water is the solvent

8 Water, soft drinks, and gasoline are liquid solutions. Solutions can be gases, such as air Solutions can be solids, such as steel

9  Alloys are solid solutions of metals or nonmetals dissolved in metals.  Brass is an alloy of the metal zinc dissolved in copper  Steel is an alloy made of the nonmetal carbon and other elements dissolved in iron

10 Gas in gasDry air (oxygen in nitrogen) Gas in liquidSoft drinks (carbon dioxide in water) Liquid in liquidAntifreeze (alcohol in water) Solid in liquidSalt water (salt in water) Solid in solidBrass (zinc in copper)

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