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1 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 21 st Century Learning in Schools – What This Means for Community College CTE Programs PowerPoint Slides at.

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Presentation on theme: "1 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 21 st Century Learning in Schools – What This Means for Community College CTE Programs PowerPoint Slides at."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 21 st Century Learning in Schools – What This Means for Community College CTE Programs PowerPoint Slides at Bob Pearlman April 23, 2010

2 2 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Director of Education and Workforce Development, 2000-2001 Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network, San Jose, CA Director of Strategic Planning, 2002-2009 New Technology Foundation, Napa, CA Bob Pearlman

3 3 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century “We play a huge role in getting students prepared for college who come in with skills below college level. If we could transform that group of students in America, that segment who are under-prepared from high school and that segment who enter community college and other institutions of higher education without the critical writing, reading, and thinking skills required for a college education and success in the workplace, we'll be doing a huge amount to move America forward.” -- TC Record Voice, September 2009

4 4 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century March 7, 2008 Community-College Educators Focus on Globalization By KARIN FISCHER "Many skilled workers are coming out of our colleges trained for jobs that don't exist anymore," said Paul A. Elsner, chancellor emeritus of the Maricopa County Community College District, in Arizona, in a speech. "We have lots of skilled workers, but do they have the right kinds of skills?" Mr. Elsner, who presented the results of a study by the American Association of Community Colleges examining community and technical colleges in two dozen countries, said institutions in some developing nations were particularly nimble in adapting new technologies and meeting changing needs of employers and employees. The challenge for American community colleges, he said, is to deliver the skills crucial to the new economy — such as analytical thinking and the ability to work across cultural boundaries — to the widest possible range of workers. Two-year colleges can play a "democratizing" role, Mr. Elsner said. "We have to figure out how everybody gets access to those skills." Paul A. Elsner, Chancellor emeritus of the Maricopa County Community College District, in Arizona

5 5 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century What knowledge and skills do students need for the 21st Century?

6 6 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century SCANS U.S. Department of Labor Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills COMPETENCIES - Effective workers can productively use: Resources - allocating time, money, materials, space and staff. Interpersonal Skills - working on teams, teaching others, serving customers, leading, negotiating, and working well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Information - acquiring and evaluating data, organizing and maintaining files, interpreting and communication, and using computers to process information. Systems - understanding social, organizational and technological systems, monitoring and correcting performance, and designing or improving systems. Technology - selecting equipment and tools, applying technology to specific tasks, and maintaining and troubleshooting technologies. FOUNDATIONS - Competence requires: Basic Skills - reading, writing, arithmetic and mathematics, speaking and listening. Thinking Skills - thinking creatively, making decisions, solving problems, seeing things in the mind's eye, knowing how to learn, and reasoning. Personal Qualities - individual responsibilities, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, and integrity. 1992

7 7 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Assessment of 21 st Century Skills Partnership for 21st Century Skills

8 8 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 21ST CENTURY SKILLS DEFINED LEARNING & INNOVATION Creativity & Innovation Critical Thinking & Problem- solving Communication & Collaboration LIFE & CAREER Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-direction Social & Cross-cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy Partnership for 21st Century Skills

9 9 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Does your college have college- wide core competencies or student learning outcomes?

10 10 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

11 11 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

12 12 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

13 13 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century New Technology HS LEARNING OUTCOMES Napa 8 Learning Outcomes TECHNOLOGY LITERACY COLLABORATION CRITICAL THINKING ORAL COMMUNICATION Written Communication Career Preparation Citizenship and Ethics Curricular Literacy (Content Standards) Sacramento 10 Learning Outcomes: 1. Content Proficient 2. Able to Write Proficiently 3. Orally Proficient 4. Able to Think Critically 5. Technologically Proficient 6. Able to Collaborate 7. Prepared for a Career 8. Solid Citizens with Ethical Behavior 9. Able to Analyze and deal with Data 10. Possessing a solid Work Ethic

14 14 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century So what does learning look like where students get 21 st Century Knowledge and Skills?

15 15 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century "What is Manor New Tech?" video"What is Manor New Tech?" video -- In their own words, Manor New Tech (Manor, TX) students explain what MNTHS is to them. This video features footage of what is happening on campus every day. Presented by students at the Texas Computer Educators Conference, February 4, 2008.

16 16 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Project- and Problem-Based Learning Keys to 21st Century Learning To learn collaboration, work in teams. To learn critical thinking, take on complex problems. To learn oral communication, present. To learn written communication, write. To learn technology, use technology. To develop citizenship, take on civic and global issues. To learn about careers, do internships. To learn content, research and do all of the above. Teachers start each unit by throwing students into a realistic or real-world project that both engages interest and generates a list of things the student need to know. Projects are designed to tackle complex problems, requiring critical thinking. The strategy for 21 st Century Learning is simple:

17 17 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Each unit begins when students are presented with a complex, standards-based problem Students form a team, develop a work contract and build a work plan

18 18 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students get to work! Students are provided an online briefcase specific to the project with information, resources, links and assessment criteria that help guide them.

19 19 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students Need To Know Student questions and “need to knows” drive classroom lectures and activities. Sometimes for the whole class … sometime for just one student

20 20 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students experiment and apply learning Students test their ideas and experiment to find solutions and breakthroughs while receiving ongoing feedback from instructors.

21 21 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students get back to work! Students work and collaborate in a business-like environment, where they know their deliverables and have the technology tools to do their jobs.

22 22 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students prepare to present Students work on building presentations to repre- sent their work and defend their solutions

23 23 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students present their solutions! Students present ideas through debates, skits, panels, presentations, etc… where their work is evaluated by peers, teachers, parents, and community

24 24 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The project drives the curriculum by creating a need for the students to know the content. Students work more autonomously on real or realistic work that has high stakes. Evaluation is made more authentic with performance based measurements and is often conducted with the help of non-teachers.

25 25 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century -- Project Management -- Teamwork -- Presentation -- Exhibition -- Assessment and Feedback Projects include:

26 26 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Getting to Self-direction PBL instruction is not as linear as traditional instruction. How can we organize our project materials for student access, action, self- direction, and project management? 1. Provide students access to project materials

27 27 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The Project Briefcase allows teachers to put all project materials in one spot for easy student access and to share with other teachers.

28 28 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century They include everything from the entry document that launches the project to the rubrics used to assess the student’s performance.

29 29 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 2. Provide students with a project calendar, benchmarks and deadlines Getting to Self-direction

30 30 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The Course Agenda helps keep complicated projects organized.

31 31 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Teachers enter activities for each day including links to resources and homework assignments.

32 32 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Getting to Self-Assessment How can we help students become critical and engaged self-assessors of their own progress?

33 33 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century New Tech HS LEARNING OUTCOMES TECHNOLOGY LITERACY COLLABORATION CRITICAL THINKING ORAL COMMUNICATION Written Communication Career Preparation Citizenship and Ethics Curricular Literacy (Content Standards) LIFE SKILLS TECHNOLOGY INTERPERSONAL SKILLS/ TEAMWORK CRITICAL THINKING COMMUNICATION 1. Assess Students on what students value Core Competencies COLLECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES

34 34 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 2. Let Students see their grades 24/7

35 35 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

36 36 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century A REPORT CARD THAT MATTERS When checking grades online, students see course grades and 21st Century skill assessments.

37 37 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century 3. Let students see the grading criteria (rubrics)

38 38 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

39 39 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

40 40 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

41 41 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

42 42 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Products Presentations ePortfolios 4. Have Students demonstrate their mastery

43 43 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The portfolios are as diverse as the student body but with similar layouts and organization to aid in evaluation by staff and community members.

44 44 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century How can we better hold students accountable for their collaboration skills while working in a group? And how can students have collaboration evidence to put on their portfolios? CHALLENGE

45 45 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century At the end of each project, students evaluate their group members using this collaboration rubric database.

46 46 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students submit evaluations using a standardized rubric for the whole school.

47 47 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Students can view how their peers rated them (although the evaluations are anonymous). Teachers can view, edit, and delete evaluations as necessary. They can also print a report that averages the evaluations for a given project.

48 48 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The evaluations are accessible on the web. Students have the option to “publish” the evaluations for use as evidence of their collaboration skills. This is the key to allowing students to demonstrate their performance of our learning outcomes.

49 49 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century CHALLENGE How can we capture evidence for skills such as Oral Communication so that students have something to put on their portfolios?

50 50 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The evaluations are accessible from the web after the student has marked the evaluation “public”.

51 51 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century The Presentation Database is a place to record and display evaluations of student performance on presentations. Collecting data on our learning outcomes is critical for the student’s Professional Portfolio.

52 52 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Key recommendations Determine the college’s Core Competencies or 21 st Century Student Learning Outcomes Embed the Learning Outcomes into projects Design assessments to measure Outcomes Students prove mastery of Learning Outcomes through Products, Presentations, and Portfolios Provide students with just-in-time assessment feedback Learning Outcomes Projects Assess 21st Century Skills Skills-Based Grade Reports Products Presentations Portfolios Do it collegewide!

53 53 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Manor New Technology HS Inaugurated Sept. 2007 by Gov. Rick Perry (virtual ribbon cutting ceremony– now on YouTube) T-STEM Academy sponsored by THSP, TEA, Samsung, Applied Materials Opened grades 9,10 in 2007.

54 54 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Tech Valley HS, Albany, NY Collaboration of Questar II and Capital Region BOCES Located first 2 years at MapInfo Corporation, Rensselaer Technology Park, and now at SUNY, E. Albany Campus Serves 48 member districts TVHS Business Alliance includes major companies and chambers of region

55 55 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Napa New Tech High School STEM Majors or Careers (n=240) Over 40% of the alumni respondents reported they were either majoring in a STEM field, had graduated with a degree in a STEM Field, or were working in a STEM related field. National Average is 5.7% (National Sience Board, 2004). -- Post-Secondary Success Study (Rockman et al, 2005). (base=147)(base=93)

56 56 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century

57 57 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century August 2010 – Opens with grades 9 and 10 August 2011 – Nex Gen Students start taking CC Courses

58 58 108319_Macros Learning in the 21st Century Contact Information Bob Pearlman 21 st Century School & District Consultant 520-881-9965 PowerPoint Slides at

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