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CSBP 2014 Trial Highlights West Midlands Group. 2014 Trial Program.

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Presentation on theme: "CSBP 2014 Trial Highlights West Midlands Group. 2014 Trial Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSBP 2014 Trial Highlights West Midlands Group

2 2014 Trial Program

3 WMG - nitrogen inhibitor trial Carnamah - K strategies trial Bolgart - long term K * lime trial

4 WMG Trial 2014 Aim To determine the value of urease inhibitors applied with urea and Flexi-N

5 Harvest Results

6 Summary Very strong and profitable response to 30 kg N (300% + ROI) No responses to urease inhibitors. Rain within 2 days of N application reduced any volatilisation. CSBP will continue to look at innovative products in the aim of increasing fertiliser use efficiency

7 Increasing K fertiliser use efficiency

8 Carnamah 2014 DepthK 0-1035 10-2016 20-30<15 30-40<15

9 Carnamah 2014 Treatment IBSBanded Z23 Trt(kg/ha)(L/ha)(kg/ha)(L/ha)NPK 1 - - - -000 2 - -89 Big Phos -0120 3 -50 Flexi-N85 Agstar Extra65 Flexi-N60120 4 -54 Flexi-N100 K-Till Extra65 Flexi-N601211 5 -54 Flexi-N118 'Hi K-Till Extra'65 Flexi-N601220 640 MoP50 Flexi-N85 Agstar Extra65 Flexi-N601220 780 MoP -89 Big Phos -01240 880 MoP50 Flexi-N85 Agstar Extra65 Flexi-N601240 Trial Design

10 Carnamah 2014 K uptake – 8 July

11 Carnamah 2014 Wheat Yield

12 Carnamah 2014 Nitrogen Use Efficiency

13 Carnamah 2014 Water Use Efficiency

14 Bolgart 2011- 2014

15 Bolgart 2011 pHPBIK Al 0-105.24225 1 10-204.23815 6 20-304.23617 9 30-40cm4.33615 8 Soil Test Results

16 Bolgart Trial Design LimeK Fertiliser 2011 & 20142011, 2012, 2013 and 2014Annual K Trt(t/ha)(kg/ha) 1 - -0 2 -140 K-Till Extra15 3 -60 MoP30 4 -120 MoP60 53.2 + 2.6 -0 6 140 K-Till Extra15 73.2 + 2.660 MoP30 83.2 + 2.6120 MoP60

17 Bolgart 2011 Wheat Yield

18 Bolgart 2012 Wheat Yield

19 Bolgart 2013 K uptake to 13 July

20 Bolgart 2013 Sowing Date

21 Bolgart 2013 Wheat Yield

22 Bolgart 2014 - wheat Lsd K 0.27*** Lsd Lim 0.19** Wheat Yield

23 Bolgart 2013

24 Ryegrass Population

25 Bolgart 2013 Soil K – Autumn 2013

26 Key Findings K-Till banded is more efficient than top dressed MOP. Dry conditions limit the effectiveness of topdressed K Good K supply will increase nitrogen and water use efficiency Applications of K fertiliser to deficient paddocks can reduce ryegrass populations Large amounts of K are needed to increase soil levels.

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