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 I. General Rules of Conduct  II. Behavior in the classroom  III. The behavior of students before, during breaks and after school IV. The behavior.

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Presentation on theme: " I. General Rules of Conduct  II. Behavior in the classroom  III. The behavior of students before, during breaks and after school IV. The behavior."— Presentation transcript:



3  I. General Rules of Conduct  II. Behavior in the classroom  III. The behavior of students before, during breaks and after school IV. The behavior of students in the dining  V. Recommendations to the appearance of students

4  1. Student comes to school 15 minutes before classes begin, clean, neat, wears a removable shoes, took a workplace and preparing school supplies to lesson 2. The student must do homework on time 3. Every day, keep a record of homework in the diary  4. Can not bring into the school weapons, explosives, flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons 5. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds 6. Not allowed to chew gum, use of players and mobile communication in class 7. Do not use foul language 8. Students in schools should respect the dignity of students and school staff.

5  1. When a teacher enters a classroom teacher, children welcome. Also, students are welcome any adult who came into the class during class (except for working hours on the computer). 2. During a lesson not to make noise, distractions from classes!  3. The lesson, students have the right to use school supplies. Treating him and gently. 4. When applying to the teacher, the student gets 5. The student has the right to defend their views and their beliefs when discussing the various contentious and controversial issues in the correct form.

6  1. During the student must change - obey the teacher 2. During recess, students can move freely around the school, except for prohibited areas 3. During recess students are prohibited to leave the school without the permission of the class teacher 4. It is strictly forbidden without permission to disclose the window, sitting on the windowsill.

7  1. Students clean the table after eating, put in place chairs 2. Students are carefully related to the property the school canteen 3. Do not come to the dining room in street clothes.

8  1. In school, students must come in neat clothes 2. It is recommended not to use excessive makeup and not wear lots of jewelry in the classroom 3. In school, all students enrolled in the replacement shoes 4. Located in a school in outer clothing is not allowed 5. In technology lessons the boys should have a smock, girls - apron and headgear

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