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Published byBrendan Horn Modified over 9 years ago
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR1 Jets and high p T hadrons: results from STAR Peter Jacobs Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory STAR Collaboration Au+Au at 200 GeV: inclusive hadron distributions confrontation with theory two-particle correlations first results from d+Au STAR Other STAR high p T talks: A.Tang: Anisotropic Flow (Session 4, Thurs.) M. Miller: High p T correlations (Session 6, Fri.) J. Klay: High p T spectra (Session 6, Fri.)
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR2 E-M Calorimeter Time of Flight Projection Chamber STAR
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR3 Partonic energy loss in dense matter Thick plasma (Baier et al.): Strong dependence of energy loss on gluon density glue measure color charge density at early hot, dense phase Gluon bremsstrahlung Thin plasma (GLV, WW):
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR4 Jets at RHIC p+p jet+jet (STAR@RHIC) Au+Au ??? (STAR@RHIC) nucleon parton jet Find this……….in this
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR5 Jet energy loss via leading hadrons - Wang and Gyulassy: partonic energy loss effective softening of fragmentation suppression of leading hadron yield
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR6 Au+Au and p+p: inclusive charged hadrons STAR PRL 89, 202301 nucl-ex/0305015 p+p spectrum measured at RHIC
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR7 Measuring hadron suppression / inel p+p p+p cross section 1.Au+Au yield relative to binary-scaled nucleon-nucleon cross section: 2.Au+Au central/peripheral yields scaled by Nuclear geometry via Glauber model
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR8 Au+Au relative to measured p+p Central collisions: factor ~4-5 suppression nucl-ex/0305015
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR9 Binary-scaled central/peripheral central collisions: factor ~4-5 suppression p T >5 GeV/c: suppression ~ independent of p T nucl-ex/0305015
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR10 Central/peripheral: dependence on particle species STAR preliminary 1.5<p T <3.5 GeV/c: scales ~N binary, K 0 s suppressed p T ~ 6 GeV/c: , K 0 s, charged hadrons scale similarly “baryon enhancement”: partonic flow? modified fragmentation? Cronin effect? …
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR11 Jets and two-particle correlations p+p dijet Two-particle azimuthal correlations: select highest p T track distribution of other tracks (p T >2 GeV/c) in the event normalize to # of triggers …
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR12 High p T correlations: Au+Au vs p+p PRL 90, 082302 (2003) Central Au + Au Peripheral Au + Au Back-to-back jets are suppressed in central collisions near side away side peripheral central
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR13 Theory vs. Data pQCD-I: Wang, nucl-th/0305010 pQCD-II: Vitev and Gyulassy, PRL 89, 252301 Saturation: KLM, Phys Lett B561, 93 p T >5 GeV/c: well described by saturation model (up to 60% central) and pQCD+jet quenching nucl-ex/0305015
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR14 Do we see jet quenching? Independent of particular model calculations: Can we distinguish experimentally between initial and final state effects? measure partonic energy loss d+Au at 200 GeV: high p T hadrons 2-particle correlations: back-to-back jets observed? inclusive yield relative to p+p: enhancement (pQCD+Cronin) or suppression (saturation)?
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR15 d+Au centrality tagging ZDCW FTPCE Au d 1. Neutron spectator from deuteron: Observed via single neutron in ZDCW Measured to be 20% of minbias Glauber w/ Hulthen wavefn: also 20% of minbias peripheral events 2. Forward charged particle multiplicity (Au direction): FTPCE: -3.8< <-2.8
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR16 d+Au centrality tagging cont’d quantitative study in progress for now: use FTPCE multiplicity to bias towards central events Cross check: FTPCE multiplicity for ZDCW peripheral events strong correlation across 8 rapidity units FTPCE mult sensitive to collision geometry uncorrected FTPCE multiplicity minbias ZDCW peripheral 20% “central”
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR17 d+Au: two-particle correlations no normalization to underlying event “central”: top 20% FTPCE multiplicity near-side: correlation strength and width similar underlying event grows: p+p d+Au minbias d+Au central away-side: d+Au peak broadens but little centrality dependence Back-to-back jets are observed in central d+Au
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR18 d+Au: minbias charged hadron yield compatible with expectations from Cronin enhancement to do: centrality dependence Charged hadron yield is enhanced in minbias d+Au
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR19 Summary central Au+Au Binary-scaled inclusive hadron yield: strong suppression central Au+Au modest enhancement in minbias d+Au Back-to-back jets: strong suppression central Au+Au no suppression in minbias and central d+Au
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR20 Are initial state effects excluded as the dominant mechanisms of strong hadron suppression in heavy ion collisions? If so, have we therefore measured large partonic energy loss in very dense matter?
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR21 Russia: MEPHI - Moscow LPP/LHE JINR - Dubna IHEP - Protvino U.S. Laboratories: Argonne Berkeley Brookhaven U.S. Universities: Arkansas University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Los Angeles Carnegie Mellon University Creighton University Indiana University Kent State University Michigan State University City College of New York Ohio State University Penn. State University Purdue University Rice University Texas A&M UT Austin Washington University Wayne State University Yale University Brazil: Universidade de Sao Paulo China: IHEP – Beijing IMP - Lanzou IPP – Wuhan USTC SINR – Shanghai Tsinghua University Great Britain: University of Birmingham France: IReS Strasbourg SUBATECH - Nantes Germany: MPI – Munich University of Frankfurt India: IOP - Bhubaneswar VECC - Calcutta Panjab University University of Rajasthan Jammu University IIT - Bombay VECC – Kolcata Poland: Warsaw University of Tech. The STAR Collaboration
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR22 Extra slides
CIPANP '03Jets and high pT hadrons in STAR23 Theory vs data II Lietava, Pisut, Pisutova and Tomasik, Eur. Phys. J. C28, 119 similar p T dependence also expected from hadronic formation time effects ( Gallmeister, Greiner and Xu, hep-ph/0212295) Jet attenuation in cold matter
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