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Introduction KU-4/2007 The ISM K.D.Kuntz The Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy The Johns Hopkins University (Diffuse Emission in Galaxies)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction KU-4/2007 The ISM K.D.Kuntz The Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy The Johns Hopkins University (Diffuse Emission in Galaxies)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction KU-4/2007 The ISM K.D.Kuntz The Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy The Johns Hopkins University (Diffuse Emission in Galaxies)

2 Xray Emission from Galaxies Point Sources Introduction XAS-7/2007 LMXB HMXB Diffuse Emission SNRSFRBubblesSuper-BubblesUn ID’d Population Studies { Due to single stars Multiple SW & SNE Large Scale Emission (multiple degrees or larger)

3 Outline Diffuse Emission in the Milky Way –Large Scale Emission (LHB, Galactic Halo, Etc.) –Super Bubbles –Star-Forming Regions Diffuse Emission in Other Galaxies –Global Correlations Introduction XAS-7/2007

4 Fundamentals of X-ray Astronomy X-ray Absorption Cross-Section is E -2/3 –Lower energy photons more readily absorbed –One can see further at higher energies Introduction XAS-7/2007

5 Fundamentals of X-ray Astronomy Typical hot ISM T~10 6 K →emission below 0.7 keV –Most parts of the hot ISM hidden from us Most of what we see at low E is local! Introduction XAS-7/2007

6 Diversion I A high Galactic latitude, bulk of sources are AGN Deep exposures reveal more & fainter sources LHB XAS-7/2007

7 Diversion I Does Σ AGN=total X-ray surface brightness? Yes, but…answer depends upon the energy. LHB XAS-7/2007

8 A Model of the Sky Consider a map of the absorbing column due to neutral and molecular gas in the Milky Way. If all of the emission is due to AGN, what does the sky look like? LHB XAS-7/2007

9 A Model of the Sky LHB XAS-7/2007 Absorption ¼ keV em.

10 A Model of the Sky LHB XAS-7/2007 R12= ¼ keV Observed Model

11 The Observed Sky LHB XAS-7/2007 ¾ keV ¼ keV

12 The Observed Sky LHB XAS-7/2007 1/4 keV 100µm

13 The Observed Sky At ¼ keV and ¾ keV there is diffuse local emission –Not identifiable with any single SN, SNR, or SFR Distribution in ¼ keV and ¾ keV bands is different –(not just an effect of absorption) Distance to emission (and thus its mass) is unknown. LHB XAS-7/2007

14 Diversion II Assume: –Uniform local emission –A screen of absorption –Uniform distant emission LHB XAS-7/2007

15 Diversion II If τ=σN H varies with position –Anticorrelation of τ and surface brightness –By fitting anticorrelation Can determine –I L and I D LHB XAS-7/2007

16 LHB From shadows, determine I D &I L in many directions Given distances to clouds → upper limit on size of local emitting region → lower limit on distance to distant emission LHB XAS-7/2007

17 LHB Assuming thermal emission –ROSAT band values → local emission has T~10 6 K –Upper limit on size of region → crossing time~10 6 years → n, T, L are relatively uniform Therefore I L proportional to R LHB XAS-7/2007

18 LHB The Local Hot Bubble: Irregular region filled with T=10 6 K emission Inside a larger(?) region (Local Cavity) –With below average density of neutral material Controversy: contamination by very local emission –The heliosphere is X-ray bright –Accounts for some unknown fraction of “LHB” emission –Some truly LHB emission does exist LHB XAS-7/2007

19 LHB The Local Hot Bubble: At T~10 6 K, emission is so low-energy that we can’t see similar bubbles further away than a few 100 pc. Could be a major component of galactic X-ray emission Bulk of emission below Chandra/XMM bandpass LHB XAS-7/2007

20 Galactic Halo At high Galactic latitude the I D component is the halo. In some directions the halo emission is substantial Halo XAS-7/2007 ¼ keV

21 Galactic Halo At high Galactic latitude the I D component is the halo. In some directions the halo emission is substantial Halo XAS-7/2007 I 100 0.25 keV

22 Galactic Halo At high Galactic latitude the I D component is the halo. Distant emission at ¼ keV is mottled Halo XAS-7/2007 Loop I Superbubble NGPSGP

23 Galactic Halo At high Galactic latitude the I D component is the halo. Emission at ¾ keV is smoother than at ¼ keV Halo XAS-7/2007 ¾ keV¼ keV

24 Galactic Halo Distance to emission is unknown –¼ keV emission at z>300pc –¾ keV emission beyond Magellanic Clouds? ROSAT: Two thermal components: –Soft ( ¼ keV component) kT~0.09, T~10 6 K Since patchy possibly due to Galactic chimneys –Hard ( ¾ keV component) kT~0.25, T~3×10 6 K Could be Galactic halo or Local Group or Extragalactic (low z) XMM: Temperature of hard component spatially variable. Halo XAS-7/2007

25 Galactic Disk Emission In this image of the Galactic anticenter at ¾ keV, The disk absorption is less than expected if all emission were extragalactic –There must by X-ray emission due to the Galactic disk –Must “exactly” balance the absorption Stars can provide some fraction –Source population unclear –Spatial distribution is unclear (due to emission and abs. being intermixed along LOS.) kT~0.6 keV Disk XAS-7/2007 ¾ keV

26 Galactic Ridge Emission Hard (kT~7.0 keV) Emission along the Galactic plane: Truly diffuse emission or unresolved point sources? –Seemingly diffuse component has same distribution as the near IR → distribution is stellar → due to point sources –Identification of point source population problematic(?) –Spectrum of emission is problematic(?) Ridge XAS-7/2007

27 Star-Forming Regions From pop. synthesis models, expected source of X-rays: O star winds >>> B star winds O star SNe ~ B star SNe (depends on age) SFR XAS-7/2007 From R.Chen

28 Star-Forming Regions Observed SFRs (without SNe): SFR XAS-7/2007 M17 Shows plenty of diffuse emission While Orion does not. ~30 OB stars ~5 OB stars

29 Star-Forming Regions Somewhat older SFR: What a mess! SFR XAS-7/2007 30 Doradus SNR HII

30 Miscellaneous Ridge XAS-7/2007 Loop I SuperBubble Galactic Bulge

31 Milky Way Summary Summary XAS-7/2007 Soft Halo kT~0.09 keV Hard Halo kT~0.2 keV Disk kT~0.6 keV Gal. Ridge kT~7.0 keV SuperBubble kT~0.25 keV Gal. Bulge kT~0.35 keV LHB kT~0.09 SNR SFR kT~0.2,0.6

32 Milky Way Summary What is the filling factor? Is it a pervasive hot medium with embedded cool clouds? Is it restricted to hot bubbles in a pervasive cool medium? Summary XAS-7/2007

33 Other Galaxies Two Opposed Views Summary XAS-7/2007 Star FormationGalactic Potential Dominates is Late-Type Spirals NGC 4631NGC 5746 Only the most massive galaxies

34 Other Galaxies Global Correlations among X, B, H, 12µm, FIR, 6cm: Many correlations depend on morphology Reflecting differences in SFR, bulge vs. disk, AGN prob. 12µm, FIR, 6cm correlated (star formation) –Small dust grains, Large dust grains, thermal free-free –Linear correlations B, H correlated (stellar populations, IMF) –Young massive stars, All ages of low mass stars –Non-linear correlations But B,H not correlated well with 12µm,FIR,6cm Correlation XAS-7/2007

35 Other Galaxies How is X correlated? Early-type galaxies – X and B weakly correlated –Non-linear correlation Late-type galaxies – X and FIR strongly correlated –L X /L B correlated w/ L 60 /L 100 correlated with SFR –X, FIR, 6cm all have linear correlations Correlation XAS-7/2007

36 Other Galaxies Why? Point sources: –HMXB: end products of massive star formation Short-lived, appear shortly after star formation –LMXB: end products of low mass star formation Long lived, appear long after star formation Diffuse emission: –Halo: determined by mass of the system –Star formation: stellar winds & SNR –Other components AGN: Correlation XAS-7/2007 }B}B } B/H }H }FIR }?

37 Other Galaxies What about the individual components X? Point source emission correlated non-linearly with B –Roughly consistent with expectations Diffuse emission only weakly correlated with B –Complicated since X-ray/FIR emission is immediate while the B-band emission lasts for as long as B stars. Correlation XAS-7/2007

38 Other Galaxies Bottom line: X-ray emission from early-type galaxies dominated(?) by point source populations with possible contribution from hydrostatic halo and other, minor diffuse sources. X-ray emission from late-type galaxies dominated by star formation/hot ISM –Concentrating on ISM → concentrating on late-type disks Correlation XAS-7/2007

39 Diffuse Emission in Sc-Sd Spatial distribution of the X-ray follows that of UV Correlation XAS-7/2007

40 Diffuse Emission in Sc-Sd X-ray surface brightness correlated with UV –Trend may not be universal Correlation XAS-7/2007

41 Diffuse Emission in Sc-Sd Spectrum fit by two thermal components: –kT~0.2 keV and kT~0.6 keV Correlation XAS-7/2007

42 Diffuse Emission in Sc-Sd Correlation XAS-7/2007 GalaxyTSTS THTH N H /N S Hubble M610.250.793.33Sbc M830.250.610.63Sc N16370.30.71.43Sc M1010.200.750.35Scd N24030.180.73Scd N69460.250.700.14Scd N31840.130.43Scd Most late type galaxies have similar 2 temperature structure Ratio of emission strengths may vary with Hubble type.

43 Diffuse Emission in Sc-Sd Why? Inflection points of the cooling curve? Similar to temperatures measured in Star-forming regions Characteristic temperatures of two different emission processes? Lack of spectral resolution –Continuous E.M. distributions always produce kT=(0.2,0.6) at Chandra/XMM resolution Correlation XAS-7/2007 Just delays the question Stars (kT~.6)?


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