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Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán.

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Presentation on theme: "Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán

2 1. The context 2. Theoretical Framework 3. Jugar y Vivir los Valores 4. Hypothesis 5. Data base Variables and Questionnaire 6. Methodology 7. Results 8. Conclusions

3 Chiapas

4 Theoretical Framework Basic Education The school Values Values Apprehension

5 Theoretical Framework Values based Education Cultural analysis according to Geert Hofstede Mexican case

6 Hypothesis Values based Education has a positive impact on children's well-being. This impact may change according to the values 'scheme under which the child has been brought up.

7 Jugar y Vivir los Valores - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Living Values - Ministery of Education - Chiapas - Reinforce the official program while focusing on those contents which are related to values. - Teachers' handbooks and CD's



10 Pedagogy Experiment Question Verify Deliberate (Lonergan 2006)



13 Objectives 1.Jugar y Vivir los Valores ~ Values Apprehension 2.Values ~ Well-being 3.Different Impact

14 Survey Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas 6 schools 4 th and 6 th grade 471 questionnaires

15 Variables Age / Grade Gender Attendance JVLV schools Self-esteem. Affective and phsycological

16 Variables Well-being –Subjective Well-being Relationship with parents Values Apprehension

17 Data Base - Questionnaire 1.Self-esteem (Garduño) How responsible do you consider yourself? Very responsible Responsible Little ResponsibleNot so responsible 2.Subjective Well-being - Cummins 2005 3. Values Children reactions to daily circumstances

18 Descriptive statistics SVPWISelf-eValues JVLV83.679.427.85.0 Trad82.476.828.04.8

19 Descriptive statistics SVPWISelf-eValues JVLVgirls83.779.927.45.2 boys83.478.928.24.9 Tradgirls83.474.427.25.0 boys81.078.528.94.6


21 Methodology 3SLS Hypothesis 1: JVLV impacts positively childrens values apprehension Ho : Hi:

22 VALUES Well-being

23 Hypothesis 2: Values based education has a positive impact on childrens well-being Ho: Hi: Hypothesis 3: This impact varies according to the values scheme under which the child has been brought up

24 Results for PWI PWIMod1 Mod3Mod4 Father R.0.09** Mother R.0.19**0.16** Values1.97**5.44**5.32** Fem – Val-0.14-0.51*-0.49* Grade1.990.640.86 Values JVLV0.25**0.31**0.33** Age0.100.06 Female0.40**0.37**0.36** Self-esteem0.01** Const2.70**42.9**3.21**3.82** Obs468457455456 * sig 5% ** sig 1%

25 PWI Results JVLV VALUES P W I This impact varies according to the values scheme under which the child has been brought up

26 Results Life Satisfaction SVValues Father R.0.14** Mother R.0.12** Values3.01** Fem – Val-0.09 Grade-7.2** JVLV0.35** Female0.37** Self-esteem 0.01** Const.50.8**3.80** Obs.456 * sig 5% **sig 1%

27 Results Life Satisfaction JVLV VALUES P W I

28 Conclusions JVLV has a positive impact on values apprehension Values based education has a positive impact on childrens well- being. There is a different impact according to the well-being measure

29 Final considerations It would be valuable to have a longitudinal study There was not enought information from parents Interdisciplinary work


31 Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán

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