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Cold WarEuropeGreat BritainVocabulary France 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500.

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3 Cold WarEuropeGreat BritainVocabulary France 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

4 These are the two military alliances formed after 1945 What are NATO and the WARSAW Pact?

5 He was the leader of the Soviet Union when it collapsed in 1991. Who was Mikhail Gorabchev?

6 This structure was built in 1961 and became a symbol of the Cold War. What was the Berlin Wall?

7 This agreement was signed in 1959 by 12 nations banning the use of nuclear testing in Antarctica. What was the Antarctic Treaty?

8 This is trade organization set up by the nations of France, Luxembourg, West Germany, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. What was the Common Market and the European Coal and Steel Community?

9 This is the name of the trade organization that formed in Europe after 1973 into the 1990s, that eased trade restrictions between European countries. What is the European Union?

10 These are two countries that experienced ethnic tensions in Europe after WWII. What are Yugoslavia, Germany, the USSR, etc. ?

11 This would be an example of a welfare state in Europe after WWII. What were Great Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, etc.?

12 This was the one of the authoritarian leaders of a European country that died in the 1970s. Who was Francisco Franco of Spain, or Antonio Salazar of Portugal?

13 This was the chancellor of West Germany who enabled the reunification of the two Germanys in 1990. Who was Helmut Kohl?

14 He became the Prime Minister of Great Britain after Winston Churchill. Who was Clement Atlee?

15 This is the political party in Great Britain that endorsed and created the welfare state and “Big Government”. What was the British Labour Party?

16 She became the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain and reduced the size of the government and reduced taxes. Who was Margaret Thatcher?

17 These are two colonies that Great Britain gave up after WWII. What are Nigeria, Kenya, Palestine, India, Pakistan, Sudan, Uganda, etc.

18 This is the section of Ireland that still remained part of Great Britain. What is Northern Ireland?

19 These are two countries that France fought in trying to keep their colonial empire after WWII. What are Vietnam And Algeria?

20 He became the new premier of France with extensive powers and set up the Fifth Republic of France in 1958. Who was Charles De Gaulle?

21 This is the city where riots took place in 1968 and eventually led to the resignation of the French Premier. What was Paris?

22 He was the French socialist who was elected Premier in the early 1980s. What was Francois Mitterand?

23 This is the city in France where the famous international film festival takes place every year. What is Cannes on French Riviera?

24 A country that taxes heavily and increases the size of the government in order to help people with social programs is sometimes called this. What is a Welfare State?

25 This was the government policy of West German chancellor Willy Brandt who openly negotiated with the USSR and eastern European countries. What was Ostpolitik?

26 This is the Treaty that was signed in 1973 between the super powers limiting the use of global nuclear tests. What was the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?

27 The1970s saw a relaxation of tensions between the USSR and the US or an era of this. What was an era of Detente?

28 This would be the type of industry that is represented by health care, finance or banking, sales and education. What is a Service Industry?

29 Chap33 sec1 Ch33 sec2United StatesEastern Europe USSR 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

30 This was the United States program to rebuild western Europe after WWII. What was the Marshall Plan?

31 These were two programs adopted by welfare states to help people. What were public health care, public housing, unemployment insurance, pension funds, public education, etc.?

32 These are two policies adopted by welfare states that worried conservatives What were nationalizing industries and raising taxes to pay for social welfare programs?

33 This is the organization that helped cause the “oil shock”. What was OPEC or the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries?

34 This is the reason why a unified Europe is unlikely. What is nationalism, past hatreds ( WWI and WWII), ethnic and cultural diversity?

35 He was the Conservative premiere of France in 1990. Who was Jacques Chirac? ( the current Premiere)

36 He was the West German chancellor following WWII. Who was Conrad Adenauer?

37 This was the country that experienced an “economic miracle” after WWII. What was West Germany?

38 This country’s multiparty system caused political instability after WWII. What was Italy, but also France?

39 He is the current Prime Minister of Great Britain. Who is Tony Blair?

40 He was the U.S. Senator that helped cause the “Red Scare” of the 1950s. Who was Sen. Joseph McCarthy?

41 These are two of the wars to stop communism, that the United States was involved in following WWII. What were the Korean and the Vietnam Wars?

42 He was the President of the United States that negotiated an end to the Vietnam War. Who was Richard Nixon?

43 This was the name given to Lyndon Johnson’s social programs to help the poor and elderly in the United States. What was The Great Society?

44 This is the famous law case that marked an end of racial segregation in public schools. What was Brown V Board of Education of Topeka?

45 He was the successor to Joseph Stalin who tried to de-Stalinize the Soviet Union. Who was Nikita Khrushchev?

46 Examples of these Soviet citizens would be Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Who were Soviet dissidents?

47 Mikhail Gorbachev called for openness in the Soviet Press or this. What was glasnost?

48 These are three of the former Soviet Socialist Republics after the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. What are Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan?

49 This is the area in the Caucasus Mountains where rebels are fighting Russian troops. Who is Chechnya?

50 He was the leader of the “Hungarian Freedom Fighters” that resisted Soviet domination in 1956. Who was Imre Nagy?

51 This country resisted Soviet domination in 1968 and later elected a poet as their President. What was Czechoslovakia and the poet was Vaclav Havel?

52 This Romanian leader was overthrown and executed because of the brutality of his regime. Who was Nicolae Ceausescu?

53 This was the movement in Poland that began in the Gdansk, (Poland) shipyards and was led by Lech Walesa. What was the Solidarity Movement?

54 This was another term for the practice of Serbs removing ethnic minorities from Bosnia. What was ethnic cleansing?

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