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Assessment 2.0 111/01/2016 Geoffrey Crisp ALTC National Teaching Fellow Director, Centre for Learning and Professional Development University of Adelaide.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment 2.0 111/01/2016 Geoffrey Crisp ALTC National Teaching Fellow Director, Centre for Learning and Professional Development University of Adelaide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment 2.0 111/01/2016 Geoffrey Crisp ALTC National Teaching Fellow Director, Centre for Learning and Professional Development University of Adelaide Assessment 2.0: assessment in an interactive, participatory and distributed environment

2 Assessment 2.0


4 411/01/20164 This presentation is available at under Presentations on Assessment UK_March2010.ppt

5 Assessment 2.0 511/01/20165 Outline of presentation  introduction to learning and assessment  traditional e-assessments  examples of interactive e-assessments  assessment in virtual environments  assessment tasks for the future

6 Assessment 2.0 6 Typical learning and assessment today? 11/01/20166

7 Assessment 2.0 7 Authentic learning and assessment 11/01/20167

8 Assessment 2.0 811/01/20168 Do you want the red pill or the blue pill?

9 Assessment 2.0 911/01/20169 Assessment tasks should be worth doing  if students can answer your questions by copying from the web, you are asking the wrong questions  if students can answer your questions by using Google, you are asking the wrong questions  if students can answer your questions by guessing, you are asking the wrong questions Why the hell am I doing this course?

10 Assessment 2.0 1011/01/201610 Outline of presentation  brief introduction to learning and assessment  traditional e-assessments  examples of interactive e-assessment  assessment in virtual environments  assessment tasks for the future another_genius_ruined_by_higher_education_tshirt -p235856642384148020t5e4_400.jpg

11 Assessment 2.0 1111/01/201611 Effective e-Assessment  can offer new possibilities for immersion and interactivity  has the potential to facilitate enhanced social interactions  can begin to resemble games and role-playing  can facilitate the exposition of advanced skills and capabilities

12 Assessment 2.0 12 Bobby Elliot and assessment 1.5 to 2.0 Traditional assessment (Assessment 1.0) Computer-based assessment (Assessment 1.5) Tool-assisted assessment (Assessment 2.0)

13 Assessment 2.0 1311/01/201613 Question types - LMS

14 Assessment 2.0 14 Open University OpenMark

15 Assessment 2.0 1511/01/201615 Outline of presentation  brief introduction to learning and assessment  traditional e-assessments  examples of interactive e-assessment  assessment in virtual environments  assessment tasks for the future

16 Assessment 2.0 16 Interactive e-assessment design Separate the interactive tool/object/artefact from the question and the feedback Interactive tool Response Question

17 Assessment 2.0 17 QuickTime VR 11/01/2016

18 Assessment 2.0 Interactive spreadsheets

19 Assessment 2.0 1911/01/201619 Interactivity - Chemistry Java applet

20 Assessment 2.0 11/01/201620

21 Assessment 2.0 2111/01/201621 QuickTime VR

22 Assessment 2.0 2211/01/2016 Process of problem solving - IMMEX

23 Assessment 2.0 2311/01/2016 Process of problem solving - IMMEX

24 Assessment 2.0 2411/01/201624 Outline of presentation  brief introduction to learning and assessment  traditional e-assessments  examples of interactive e-assessment  assessment in virtual environments  assessment tasks for the future

25 Assessment 2.0 25 Bobby Elliot and assessment 1.5 to 2.0 Traditional assessment (Assessment 1.0) Computer-based assessment (Assessment 1.5) Tool-assisted assessment (Assessment 2.0)

26 Assessment 2.0 26 Characteristics of Web 2.0 user-generated content encouragement and facilitation of participation access and openness (almost) unlimited data sources power of the crowd

27 Assessment 2.0 27 Assessment 1.0 v Assessment 2.0  Given  Done alone  Descriptive  Text  Closed book  Done in class  Teacher assessed  Negotiated  Done collaboratively  Researched/Deep  Text/audio/video  Open web  Done anywhere  Self- and peer-assessed Assessment 1.0Assessment 2.0

28 Assessment 2.0 28

29 Assessment 2.0 29 Wikis and Blogs

30 Assessment 2.0 30 Self and Peer Assessment Tools

31 Assessment 2.0 31 e-Portfolios  e-Portfolios can be used for –Development purposes –Presentation purposes –Assessment purposes  Examples –PebblePad –Desire2Learn –Open Source Portfolio –Mahara

32 Assessment 2.0 32 e-Portfolios

33 Assessment 2.0 3311/01/201633 Role Plays

34 Assessment 2.0 34 What Happens in a Role Play? Adopt a role Issues & problems occur Reflection & Learning Interaction & debate

35 Assessment 2.0 35 Scenario-based learning

36 Assessment 2.0 3611/01/201636 Interactivity – Virtual Worlds

37 Assessment 2.0 3711/01/201637 Second Life – Virtual worlds

38 Assessment 2.0 38

39 Assessment 2.0 Sloodle – Second Life in Moodle 11/01/201639

40 Assessment 2.0 QuizHUD for Second Life 11/01/201640

41 Assessment 2.0 4111/01/201641 Serious Games Institute

42 Assessment 2.0 4211/01/201642

43 Assessment 2.0 Simulations and games 11/01/201643

44 Assessment 2.0 4411/01/201644 Augmented reality

45 Assessment 2.0 4511/01/201645 Outline of presentation  brief introduction to learning and assessment  traditional e-assessments  examples of interactive e-assessment  assessment in virtual environments  assessment tasks for the future

46 Assessment 2.0 4611/01/201646 Future assessments?  Will we see universal development of immersive and authentic learning and assessment environments?  Will assessments measure approaches to problem solving and student responses in terms of efficiency, ethical considerations and the involvement of others?  Will teachers be able to construct future assessments or will this be a specialty activity?

47 Assessment 2.0 4711/01/201647 The e-Assessment Handbook and HERDSA Guide

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