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Dialogue Act Tagging Discourse and Dialogue CMSC 35900-1 November 4, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue Act Tagging Discourse and Dialogue CMSC 35900-1 November 4, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue Act Tagging Discourse and Dialogue CMSC 35900-1 November 4, 2004

2 Roadmap Maptask overview Coding –Transactions –Games –Moves Assessing agreement

3 Maptask Conducted by HCRC – Edinburgh/Glasgow Task structure: –2 participants: Giver, follower –2 slightly different maps Giver guides follower to destination on own map –Forces interaction, ambiguities, disagreements, etc –Conditions: Familiar/not; Visible/not

4 Dialogue Tagging Goal: Represent dialogue structure as generically as possible Three level scheme: –Transactions Major subtasks in participants overall task –Conversational Games Correspond to G&S discourse segments –Conversational Moves Initiation and response steps

5 Basic Dialogue Moves Initiations and responses Cover acts observed in dialogue – generalized Initiations: Instruct: tell to carry out some action; Explain: give unelicited information; Check: ask for confirmation; Align:check attention; Query-yn: Query-wh Responses:Acknowledge: signal understand & accept; Reply-y; Reply-n; Reply-wh; Clarify Ready:Inter-game moves

6 Game Coding Initiation: –Identified by first move Purpose – carry through to completion –May embed other games – Mark level –Mark completion/abandonment

7 Interrater Agreement How good is tagging? A tagset? Criterion: How accurate/consistent is it? Stability: –Is the same rater self-consistent? Reproducibility: –Do multiple annotators agree with each other? Accuracy: –How well do coders agree with some “gold standard”?

8 Agreement Measure Kippendorf’s Kappa (K) –Applies to classification into discrete categories –Corrects for chance agreement K<0 : agree less than expected by chance –Quality intervals: >= 0.8: Very good; 0.6<K<0.8: Good, etc Maptask: K=0.92 on segmentation, –K = 0.83 on move labels

9 Dialogue Act Tagging Other tagsets –DAMSL, SWBD-DAMSL, VERBMOBIL, etc Many common move types –Vary in granularity Number of moves, types Assignment of multiple moves

10 Dialogue Act Recognition Goal: Identify dialogue act tag(s) from surface form Challenge: Surface form can be ambiguous –“Can you X?” – yes/no question, or info-request “Flying on the 11t h, at what time?” – check, statement Requires interpretation by hearer –Strategies: Plan inference, cue recognition

11 Plan-inference-based Classic AI (BDI) planning framework –Model Belief, Knowledge, Desire Formal definition with predicate calculus –Axiomatization of plans and actions as well –STRIPS-style: Preconditions, Effects, Body –Rules for plan inference Elegant, but.. –Labor-intensive rule, KB, heuristic development –Effectively AI-complete

12 Cue-based Interpretation Employs sets of features to identify –Words and collocations: Please -> request –Prosody: Rising pitch -> yes/no question –Conversational structure: prior act Example: Check: Syntax: tag question “,right?” Syntax + prosody: Fragment with rise N-gram: argmax d P(d)P(W|d) –So you, sounds like, etc Details later ….

13 Recognizing Maptask Acts Assume: – Word-level transcription – Segmentation into utterances, –Ground truth DA tags Goal: Train classifier for DA tagging –Exploit: Lexical and prosodic cues Sequential dependencies b/t Das –14810 utts, 13 classes

14 Features for Classification Acoustic-Prosodic Features: –Pitch, Energy, Duration, Speaking rate Raw and normalized, whole utterance, last 300ms 50 real-valued features Text Features: –Count of Unigram, bi-gram, tri-grams Appear multiple times 10000 features, sparse Features z-score normalized

15 Classification with SVMs Support Vector Machines –Create n(n-1)/2 binary classifiers Weight classes by inverse frequency Learn weight vector and bias, classify by sign –Platt scaling to convert outputs to probabilities

16 Incorporating Sequential Constraints Some sequences of DA tags more likely: –E.g. P(affirmative after y-n-Q) = 0.5 – P(affirmative after other) = 0.05 Learn P(yi|yi-1) from corpus –Tag sequence probabilities –Platt-scaled SVM outputs are P(y|x) Viterbi decoding to find optimal sequence

17 Results SVM OnlySVM+Seq Text Only58.159.1 Prosody Only41.442.5 Text+Prosody61.865.5

18 From Human to Computer Conversational agents –Systems that (try to) participate in dialogues –Examples: Directory assistance, travel info, weather, restaurant and navigation info Issues: –Limited understanding: ASR errors, interpretation –Computational costs: broader coverage -> slower, less accurate

19 Dialogue Manager Tradeoffs Flexibility vs Simplicity/Predictability –System vs User vs Mixed Initiative –Order of dialogue interaction –Conversational “naturalness” vs Accuracy –Cost of model construction, generalization, learning, etc Models: FST, Frame-based, HMM, BDI Evaluation frameworks

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