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English II Honors—December 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is the first thing you think of when you hear the term “nonfiction?” What sorts of books, TV, movies,

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Presentation on theme: "English II Honors—December 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is the first thing you think of when you hear the term “nonfiction?” What sorts of books, TV, movies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Honors—December 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is the first thing you think of when you hear the term “nonfiction?” What sorts of books, TV, movies, etc. do you associate with this word? What kinds of expectations do you have when reading or viewing texts that are considered “nonfiction?” Homework: – Study for Lesson 26 and 27 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday. – Reading Plus is due Sunday at 11:59.

2 English II Honors Lesson 26 Vocabulary Bicuspid—adj. having two cusps or points Biennial—adj. taking place every other year. Bigamy—n. the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. Bilateral—adj. having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides. Bilingual—adj. speaking two languages fluently. Monogamy—n. the practice or state of being married to one person at a time. Monolith—n. a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument. Monologue—n. a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program. Monotheism—n. the doctrine or belief that there is only one God. Monotony—n. lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine.

3 English II Honors Lesson 27 Vocabulary Prestige—n. widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something Stress—v. give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing Stricture—v. an abnormal narrowing of a bodily passage Constrict—v. make narrower, especially by encircling pressure Unrestrained—adj. not restrained or restricted Stringent—adj. (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting Distress—n. extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain Constrain—v. severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of Restraint—n. unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behavior; self-control Straits—n. used in reference to a situation characterized by a specified degree of trouble or difficulty.

4 Subjective vs. Objective Subjective information is one person's opinion. In a newspaper, the editorial section is the place for subjectivity. It can be based on fact, but it is one person's interpretation of that fact. In this way, subjective information is also analytical. Objective information reviews many points of view. It is intended to be unbiased. News reporters are supposed to be objective and report the facts of an event. Encyclopedias and other reference materials provide objective information.

5 ObjectiveSubjective Objective information is… Observable: see, hear, touch, smell, taste Factual Able to be counted Able to be described Able to be imitated The same from multiple reporters As close to the truth as we can get Helpful in decision making Subjective information is… Opinion Judgement Assumption Belief Rumor Suspicion Varies: person-to-person, day-to-day Able to take on a life of its own Not the truth Sometimes completely false Destructive in decision making Objective language is… I saw I counted I observed This is what s/he did This is what I/we did S/he said Subjective language is… S/he did not want to S/he does not like S/he thought S/he feels S/he thinks S/he needs Subjective vs. Objective

6 Documentary Film Elements Dialogue—spoken words of characters or participants in a film Narration—the act of telling a story Diegetic Sound—actual noises associated with shooting a scene Non-diegetic sound—voiceovers, commentary, music that do not come from the action on the screen Primary Footage—scenes shot by the director specifically for the film, including interviews or footage of the performer/filmmaker Archival Footage—scenes taken from other sources, such as news broadcasts or home video Still images—photographs as opposed to video footage Text—subtitles, labels, graphics, etc. to help support the video’s message

7 Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide What Do You See (primary or archival footage, still images, the filmmaker)?: What Do You Hear (dialogue, narration, diegetic and non- diegetic sound)?: What Do You Read (subtitles, graphics, labels, etc.)?: How Is It Put Together (editing sequence, transition devices, etc.)?: What Is The Effect (what is the theme/message of the video, what “truth” does it convey)?:

8 Life in the Freezer Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide See?: 1 st clip Primary footage of penguins doing penguin stuff—feeding, strutting, singing 2 nd clip Primary footage of baby chick eating; penguin spit; transfer of chick from dad to mom; a chick will eat 100 kilos of food; it can eat one-third of its body weight Hear?: 1 st clip Director’s academic voice; chick noises; penguin mating calls; silly music when the penguins are strutting; dialogue adults, parents, chicks, as if to test the bond between them; seal their relationship with a vocal duet; flute music as emperor penguins search for food. 2 nd clip magical music; barely enough to keep the chick alive; magically accurate timing; horrible sounds from penguins; a few minutes on the ice would most certainly kill the chick; at last the chick can feed properly Read?: n/a Editing/Transitions?: Both clips: Some dissolves to show the extent of the colony; eye-level shot of director sitting with chicks; mixture of close-ups and long shots Effect/Theme/Message?: Both clips: Although some of the music creates an emotional response in the viewer, the clips are relatively objective in the portrayal of penguins. Sometimes the director says some emotional words about the penguins, but mainly the clips reveal that they are nothing more than birds surviving in a challenging environment.

9 March of the Penguins Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide See?: All clips: Primary footage of landscapes and penguins in Antarctica Hear?: All clips: Morgan Freeman’s tone is empathetic and humanizes the penguins; a journey of love; family; couple; entrust the egg to the father; the ice claims the egg and the life within it; The music non-diegetic is very emotional; at last the family is together; mother/father Read?: n/a except for credit information Editing/Transitions?: All clips: Images of the environment juxtaposed with images of the penguins emphasize the remarkable nature of their survival; angles and lighting encourage the audience to attribute human emotions to the penguins. Effect/Theme/Message?: All clips: The clips create a highly subjective impression of penguins as loving parents who take great risks and make great sacrifices to raise their young.

10 Life in the Freezer vs. March of the Penguins What elements of filmmaking reveal the filmmaker’s bias towards the subject? Based on the definitions we’ve discussed, how might documentary films blur the lines between objectivity and subjectivity that we associate with the label nonfiction? How do they sometimes “teach” more than the facts? Explain how documentaries can be both nonfiction and subjective.

11 Writing Prompt Analyze the level of subjectivity in March of the Penguins. Support your analysis with descriptive details from the clips. Be sure to: – Cite specific details that demonstrate a subjective point of view. – Write a topic sentence that identifies the purpose of the text’s subjectivity. – Quote or vividly describe images and sounds as evidence.

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