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CoLiTec: research and development S. Khlamov S. Khlamov, A. Bryukhovetskiy, V. Savanevych, M. Bezkrovniy, N. Sokovikova. KOLOS 2015, Vihorlatská hvezdáreň.

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Presentation on theme: "CoLiTec: research and development S. Khlamov S. Khlamov, A. Bryukhovetskiy, V. Savanevych, M. Bezkrovniy, N. Sokovikova. KOLOS 2015, Vihorlatská hvezdáreň."— Presentation transcript:

1 CoLiTec: research and development S. Khlamov S. Khlamov, A. Bryukhovetskiy, V. Savanevych, M. Bezkrovniy, N. Sokovikova. KOLOS 2015, Vihorlatská hvezdáreň v Humennom KOLOS 2015, Vihorlatská hvezdáreň v Humennom Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered on 21 September 2012 Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered on 21 September 2012

2 Process workflow 2

3 3 CoLiTec Algorithm for moving object detection

4 4 CoLiTec features 1.Automatic detection of faint moving objects (SNR>2.5) 2.Working with very wide field of view (up to 10 degrees²) 3.Auto calibration and cosmetic correction 4.Fully automatic robust algorithm of astrometric reduction 5.Automatic rejection of objects with worst observations 6.Results viewer (LookSky) with graphical user interface 7.Multi-threaded support for multi-cores systems and local network 8.Processing pipeline managed by OLDAS (OnLine Data Analysis System) Detailed information about CoLiTec software –

5 5 OLDAS ‐ OnLine Data Analysis System 1. Management of FITS files processing 2. Processing images in the real time 3. Obtaining results in 30 minutes after end of astronomical twilight 4. Working with online catalogues via VizieR 4.1. Identification known static object on images (USNO B1.0, UCAC4.0, SDSS v8) 4.2. Supernova search – labelling unknown static objects near galaxies (HYPERLEDA) 5. Sending measurements to MPC 6. Inspection detected objects via web ‐ interface Detailed information about CoLiTec software –

6 CoLiTec CoLiTec 6 You can see the real images, where ColiTec discovered famous comet ISON. On these frames, comet practically not moving between frames. The size of comet about 5 pixels, but it moved only on 3 pixels from first to fourth frame. CoLiTec can detect faint fast moving objects (FMO) by their tracks. CoLiTec can detect very slow and very fast moving object

7 Blink Object #14 is identified with asteroid P9943 (MPCORB) Object #17 is not identified with known asteroids 7 LookSky - Visual inspection of the processed results

8 8 WEB-service for the online checking of processing results You can see results of the work from any location You just need smartphone, tablet or laptop with internet connection Log in to CoLiTec web-interface and you can check detected objects and send measurements to MPC or directly on NEOCP

9 9 CoLiTec Control Center

10 10 CoLiTec Control Center 1.New serie selection 2.Processing type selection 3.Selection of list of specified modules for selected processing type 4.Input data preparation 5.Input data control 6.Start sequence of selected list of specified modules 7.Modules control during processing 8.Output data control 9.Processing result preparation 10.Full log and output information for user

11 11 CoLiTec Messages Monitor

12 Video processing pipeline Out.avi Integrated modules for FITs Modules for intraframe processing Modules for interframe processing 12

13 CoLiTec Results of the input video processing by CoLiTec software 13

14 № FeaturesCoLiTecAstrometrica 1. Ability to quickly selection of the configuration profile 2.Frames calibration 3.Configuration and image transformation tools 4. Astrometric reduction of CCD frames with wide fields of view (2° or more) 5.Supporting of local catalogs of the reference stars 6.List of supported local catalogs Tycho2, USNO A2.0, USNO B1.0, XPM, UCAC3, UCAC4 USNO A2.0, USNO B1.0, XPM, UCAC3, UCAC4, CMC-14, PPMXL 7.List of supported online catalogs USNO B1.0, NOMAD, UCAC4, SDSS v8 USNO B1.0, XPM, UCAC3, UCAC4, CMC-14, PPMXL 8.Supporting of online catalogs of the reference stars 9. The possibility of separate using of catalogs for astrometric and photometric reduction 10. Recording of coordinates information (WCS) to the FITS-frame header 11.Astrometric reduction of the “strokes” 12.Frames adding technique – Track & Stack 13.Interactive mode for the objects measuring 14. “Magnifier” tool CoLiTec & Astrometrica features 14

15 CoLiTec & Astrometrica features № FeaturesCoLiTecAstrometrica 15.Automatic search of moving objects 16.Automatic search of moving faint objects (SNR ~ 2.5) 17.Automatic processing mode of data flow 18.Visual inspection of automatically detected moving objects 19.Issuance of astrometric measurements in MPC format 20.Sending of measurements to MPC from the program interface 21. Saving the results of the frames processing (detected real objects, objects rejected by the operator and others) 22. Identification of the detected moving objects with a local database MPCORB 23. Identification of the detected moving objects with online database MPCORB (MPC) 24.Identification of stationary objects with a database of variable stars (VSX) 25. Identification of stationary objects with a database of galaxies (HyperLeda) 26.Displaying of known and detected objects on the frame 27.Open source 28.Modular construction (ability to connect the individual modules) 15

16 General accuracy parameters of positional CCD-measurements of numeric asteroids AstrometricaCoLiTec CCD-measurements number2002 Average deviation RA, arcsec.0,11 Average deviation DE, arcsec.-0,04-0,03 RMS deviation in RA, arcsec.0,770,50 RMS deviation in DE, arcsec.0,670,39 Deviation in: CCD- measurements <1"<2"<3"<4">=4" % RA (Astrometrica)10092,96,20,70,00,2 % RA (CoLiTec)10093,85,60,60,0 CCD-measurements number (Astrometrica)2002193757215 CCD-measurements number (CoLiTec)200218771131200 Critical deviation of positional CCD-measurements of numeric asteroids in right ascension (RA) and declination (DE) 16

17 Accuracy of positional CCD measurements of numeric asteroids by SNR range (Astrometrica vs. CoLiTec ) SNR CCD- measu remen ts AstrometricaCoLiTec minmax RMS RA RMS DE RMS RA RMS DE 1,83,51190,971,020,780,68 3,56,88041,100,950,620,49 6,810,13970,390,270,460,32 10,113,42150,260,180,260,20 13,416,71300,230,160,210,18 16,720,0690,280,160,240,16 20,023,3650,160,130,150,13 23,326,6490,160,100,150,11 26,629,9360,140,090,260,14 29,933,2260,120,080,110,10 33,236,5130,100,060,100,09 36,5274,8790,220,170,220,11 Total20020,770,670,500,39 17 RMS RA, “ RMS DE, “ SNR SNR

18 Accuracy of positional CCD measurements of numeric asteroids by magnitude range (Astrometrica vs. CoLiTec ) Magnitude CCD- measur ements AstrometricaCoLiTec maxmin RMS RA RMS DE RMS RA RMS DE 11,112,0 120,380,230,180,12 13,014,0 40,250,530,050,02 14,015,0 40,040,200,030,01 15,015,5 120,410,250,06 15,516,0 220,260,070,380,09 16,016,5 250,130,090,140,10 16,517,0 400,180,100,160,19 17,017,5 1050,200,090,210,11 17,518,0 2040,290,190,240,17 18,018,5 2630,370,270,300,23 18,519,0 3400,440,390,480,35 19,019,5 4141,221,110,540,39 19,520,0 4060,870,600,660,54 >20,0 1510,941,030,730,63 Total 20020,770,670,500,39 18 Magnitude RMS RA, “ RMS DE, “ Magnitude

19 19

20 ISON ‐ NM Observatory (H15) Astroworks Centurion-18 – 0.45-m f/2.8 astrograph, equipped with CCD FLI ML09000-65. FOV 100’x100’ (frame size: 3056×3056 pixels) 20 ISON-Kislovodsk Observatory (D00) Santel-400AN – 0.4-m f/3 astrograph, equipped with CCD FLI ML09000-65. FOV 105’x105’ CoLiTec customers

21 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory (A50) Telescope Zeiss-600 with aperture 0.6-m, equipped with lens corrector and FLI PL09000. FOV 60’x60’ (frame size: 1528×1528 pixels). ISON-Ussuriysk Observatory (C15) Santel-650 – 0.65-m f/2 astrograph, equipped with CCD FLI PL4301E. FOV 130’x130’ 21

22 Top-10 most prolific observatories in 2011-2012 (Minor Planet Center statistics) Top-10 observatories from measurements Top-10 observatories from discoveries № Observatory (MPC-code) MeasurementsDiscoveries 1 Mt. Lemmon Survey418640039446 2 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala 350625527413 3 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch 170854315956 4 Catalina Sky Survey32356805273 5 Palomar Mountain--PTF286381827 6 Palomar Mountain/NEAT 568781286 7 ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill 2528481106 8 University of Szeged, Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly) 51885952 9 OAM Observatory, La Sagra 51927802 10 Siding Spring Survey479198757 №Observatory (MPC-code) MeasurementsDiscoveries 1 Mt. Lemmon Survey418640039446 2Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico 3637872719 3Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala 350625527413 4 Catalina Sky Survey32356805273 5Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch 170854315956 6 Siding Spring Survey479198757 7ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill 2528481106 8Apache Point-Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2270257 9Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station 195221356 10 WISE16300623 Access to MPC Statistics – 22

23 23 Results (May, 2010 –December, 2015) Observatories - CoLiTec users : 4 (ААО, ISON-NM, ISON- Kislovodsk, ISON-Ussyriysk). Observations: 572 526. Objects discovered : 1560 asteroids and four comets. Comets C/2011 X1 (Elenin) – December 10, 2010 (ISON-NM). The first comet discovered by the Russian astronomer for the last 20 years. P/2011 NO1 – July 7, 2011 (ISON-NM) C/2012 S1 – September 21, 2012 (ISON-Kislovodsk) P/2013 V3 (Nevski) – November 6, 2013 (ISON) Jupiter Trojans 2010 XR32, 2010 XG21, 2010 VO138, 2010 VT36, 2011 QJ9, 2011 QQ47, 2011 QZ75, 2011 YD47, 2011 YA3, 2011 QB76, 2012 SC50, 2012 AF1, 2012 CF52, 2012 BB27, 2012 RZ4, 2012 RM6, 2012 SD3, 2012 SN9, 2013 BP2, 2013 UF9, 2013 VD Near-Earth Asteroid 2011 QY37 2012 RQ162013 TB80 2014 KH2 Centaurs 2013 UL10

24 24 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory (A50) ISON ‐ NM Observatory (H15) ISON-Kislovodsk Observatory (D00) Distribution by the elements of orbit Distribution of discovered objects by H

25 International Scientific Optical Network INSTITUTE OF RADIO ASTRONOMY National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine information-grid-en Ukrainian Virtual Observatory We are supported by 25

26 Free download You can download free version of CoLiTec software Download is available by link: 26

27 Savanevych Vadym Savanevych Vadym. Project Manager of The Software of Automatic Detection of Asteroids; Doctor of technical sciences, professor, leading designer of computing algorithm of the software. Dikov Eugen Dikov Eugen– professional developer and astronomer; leading developer of Recearch and Design Institute of Micrography (Kharkiv). Bryukhovetskiy Alexander Bryukhovetskiy Alexander – leading designer of software code; observer, PhD specialty mathematical modeling and computing methods. Bezkrovniy Michail Bezkrovniy Michail — developer, researcher, teacher at the Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies. Sokovikova Nataliia Sokovikova Nataliia — documentation, graduate student of computer engineering department of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. 27 KhlamovSergii Khlamov Sergii — Software Development Team Lead, automation and manual tester, software developer, graduate student of computer engineering department of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. About us Movsesian Yiana Movsesian Yiana — documentation, graduate student of computer engineering department of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. Vlasenko Vladimir Vlasenko Vladimir – engineer in the group of the National Space Facilities Control and Testing Center (Evpatoria, Ukraine); designer of frames cosmetic correction software. Pogorelov Artem Pogorelov Artem — software developer, graduate student of computer engineering department of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.

28 Sergii Khlamov KOLOS 2015, Vihorlatská hvezdáreň v Humennom Thank you!

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