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Jane Carter Golf Unlimited. What do we know? Supply and demand means: You need to look after the customers you have You need to ask for the business!

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Carter Golf Unlimited. What do we know? Supply and demand means: You need to look after the customers you have You need to ask for the business!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Carter Golf Unlimited

2 What do we know? Supply and demand means: You need to look after the customers you have You need to ask for the business! 2000 golf clubs- 1500 competing in the same ‘space’ Being different is tough- or is it?

3 Club A v Club B What makes the real difference?

4 How are clubs winning business from you? They are:- Actively and consistently marketing and selling Offering great customer service Taking care of their customers before, during and after the sale Members- retention plans Visitors- keeping in touch Societies- keeping touch and saying thank you

5 So make 2016 the year you start to win your fair share of the business........

6 Getting Inside your customers’ heads? Where are your competitors coming up short? What do golfers want that is better? Can you offer it? Identify your best ‘crowds’ and target your offer Business Game improvers Women Golf societies

7 You get known for what you do So what is your golf club known for? Is it the right stuff? Warm welcome Service Food Great golf course Saying thank you Inviting them back

8 What the customer thinks matters more than you imagine Customers matter! Members are customers! Knowing what they think about you will matters even more Do a customer survey and ask the most important question of all.......... Take a free handout!

9 Don’t compete on price 95% of people don’t buy on price no matter what they say You are in the entertainment business- don’t sell a commodity When was the last time you put your prices up?

10 Ask for the business Boring....but data, data, data 5% of customers leave us because they die 5% of customers leave us because they ‘die’ gracefully, (move on, give up golf) 65% move on because someone else has asked for the business...... and they are indifferent to you Commit to collecting data and start using it effectively

11 Make it easy for people to buy from you It’s a connected world Smartphone usage growing at an incredible rate- 25-35 year olds! Online booking will be the industry norm-whether we like it or not If you are in the third party ‘space’, make sure you are offering the same customer booking journey

12 Create a resource and time budget for your marketing activity Golf is a great game-but we don’t sell it How does sales and marketing feature and operate in your business? Do they? Marketing doesn’t just happen Commit time, resource and money- and have a plan!

13 Remember the ‘Power of One’ People take up the game because someone suggests it People join a club because someone recommends it People play more frequently because someone invited them If every ‘1’ brought you ‘1’ more……..

14 Harness the ‘power of one’ Existing customers are the most powerful form of marketing we have……….. Do you ask them to find you business? Examine every aspect of your marketing and start with the customers you have Member get member Visitors – ‘forward to a friend’ Group organisers- money off vouchers But you need to know who they are- DATA

15 Make 2016 the year you ‘just do it’ Because if you don’t, your competitors will be.......

16 Good Luck! Jane Carter Golf Unlimited Mobile 07918 636841

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