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End-to-middle Security in SIP draft-ietf-sipping-e2m-sec-reqs-03 draft-ono-sipping-end2middle-security-02 Kumiko Ono IETF60.

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1 End-to-middle Security in SIP draft-ietf-sipping-e2m-sec-reqs-03 draft-ono-sipping-end2middle-security-02 Kumiko Ono IETF60

2 Requirements

3 Changes since 02 Use cases –Decreased the dependency on session policies discussion. Requirements –Closed an open issue whether the proxy server needs to notify the UAS after receiving a response. Because there is no such security policies that depends solely on a response. –Deleted text which belonged to a mechanism. –Changed the requirement for discovery mechanism from proxy-driven to UA-driven. Security Consideration –Added text which relates to DoS attack on proxy servers.

4 Open Issue: the scope Is discovery of “middle” overlapping with the scope of the session policy ? –Discussion on the ML –My proposal: Yes, they are overlapped in the discovery mechanism. I will add notes that refer to the session policy. However, e2m mechanism should have a way to notify proxy’s policy using an error message.

5 Next Steps for e2m-reqs. Something missing? Ready for WGLC?

6 Mechanism

7 Open Issues e2m-mechs. 1.How to discover security policies on “middle” 2.How to label a body for “middle” for inspection only :-)

8 How to label a body for “middle” Option 1: A SIP header and Content-ID MIME header –This is used in Referred-by mechanism. Option 2: A Content-Target MIME header –This is proposed in e2m I-D.

9 Experimental Data Environment –CPU Intel Celeron 2.2GHz –RAM 512MB –INVITE message: 568 bytes –Passing through a proxy server: 41.5 ms –Target data size to be encrypted/signed: 868 byte multipart/mime that contains sipfrag and SDP –Public key size (RSA): 1024bits –CEK size (3DES): 168bits S/MIME-secured message size (base64-encoded) –e2e encryption: 2358 bytes –e2e+e2m encryption: 2630bytes Performance at a proxy server –Passing through: 47.9ms –Checking the label and passing through: Opt1: Label in a new SIP header : +0.1ms Opt2: Label in a new MIME header: +1.0ms –Checking the label, decrypting and inspecting a body: Opt1: Label in a new SIP header : +8.8ms Opt2: Label in a new MIME header: +8.4ms

10 Next Steps for e2m-mechs. Is there sufficient interest in the SIPPING WG to continue this work?

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