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Studies in 1 Corinthians (54) Christ, the Firstfruits from the Dead 1 Corinthians 15:20-28.

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Presentation on theme: "Studies in 1 Corinthians (54) Christ, the Firstfruits from the Dead 1 Corinthians 15:20-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studies in 1 Corinthians (54) Christ, the Firstfruits from the Dead 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

2 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) Christ, the firstfruits Firstfruits, “the first in a set” Found 8 times in NT, Rom. 8:23, 11:16, Jas. 1:18

3 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) Was Jesus first to be raised? NO! He WAS first to be raised, never to die again. He demonstrated what is in store for us.

4 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) In Christ all shall be made alive Adam contrasted with Christ

5 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) Adam contrasted with Christ By man (Adam) death came – (Gen. 3:19) physical death By Man (Christ) resurrection (physical) will come There IS a spiritual resurrection (but not in our text) cf. Rom. 5:12-21

6 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) Jesus conquered death and gives man hope. ALL shall be made alive John 5:28

7 Now Christ is Risen (20-23) Order of the resurrection Christ First Afterwards, those who are Christ’s at His coming - John 5:28, Matt. 25:31-46, 2 Thess. 1:6-10 Then comes the end – no 1000 year reign, separate resurrections, etc.

8 Then comes the end (24-28) There WILL be an end! Τέλος (telos) Final event, conclusion 2 Pet. 3:10-12, 1 Thess. 4:15-18 NO events in between!

9 Then comes the end (24-28) WHEN He delivers the Kingdom to the Father WHEN – in comparison to what? “The end” It must be in existence

10 Then comes the end (24-28) WHEN He puts an end to all rule, authority and power WHEN ? Consider Matt. 28:18 Does Jesus have “all authority” now? Acts 2:36, Eph. 1:20-22

11 Then comes the end (24-28) For He must reign until ALL enemies under His feet He must reign – βασιλεύω (basileuo) one ruling as a king A present tense verb – NOW! Consider Col. 1:13, Matt. 16:19, 28, Mark 9:1 etc.

12 Then comes the end (24-28) For He must reign How long? Until ALL enemies put under His feet! Psa. 110:1 (Acts 2:34, Heb. 1:13). Also Psa. 8:6 – while dealing with all men it demonstrates dominion!

13 Then comes the end (24-28) ONE enemy remains Death! The “last enemy” Friends, people are still dying! John 5:28-29 To deny the resurrection was to deny His power over all things.

14 Then comes the end (24-28) The Father exempted God obviously NOT under Him Implies that ALL other things are! ( cf. Phil. 2:9-11 ) But God is STILL God! Supreme, sovereign, etc.

15 Then comes the end (24-28) Our text… NOTE: This does not deny the deity of Jesus! This text defeats premillenialism This text defeats realized eschatology!

16 Do you believe in the resurrection? Are you ready for that day?

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