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Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS & ebXML: The Building Blocks for eBusiness Web Services eBusiness Integration Conference March 27, 2002 Patrick Gannon President.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS & ebXML: The Building Blocks for eBusiness Web Services eBusiness Integration Conference March 27, 2002 Patrick Gannon President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS & ebXML: The Building Blocks for eBusiness Web Services eBusiness Integration Conference March 27, 2002 Patrick Gannon President & CEO, OASIS

2 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Application System BuyerSupplier ERP/MRP Job Shop System HTTP Business Process Applications Browser Web Application Server XML Enabled E-Marketplaces Web Service Integration Collaboration Hub XML ebXML Message Service Adapter ebXML Message Service Adapter Process Integration XML Federal / Regional Chamber of Commerce ebXML Rep. Service Financial Services Logistic Services XML

3 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Two Types of Web Services Remote Procedure Call (RPC)-based for supporting simple Web Services Conversational or Message-based Web Services for supporting loosely coupled asynchronous models, a key requirement for Enterprise-class Web Services.

4 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)- based Web Services Implemented using a stateless session EJB. Appears as a remote object to the client application. The interaction centers around a service- specific interface. Tightly coupled and resemble traditional distributed object paradigms, such as RMI or DCOM. Synchronous, meaning that when a client sends a request, it waits for a response before doing anything else.

5 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Protocols for RPC-based Web Services Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) – W3C XML Protocol WG – SOAP v1.2 – Still in process Web Services Description Language (WSDL) – WSDL v1.1 (IBM & MS) W3C Note Mar. 2001 – W3C WS Description WG started Jan. 2002 Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) – v2.0 specification June 2001

6 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Conversational or Message-Based Web Services Loosely coupled and document-driven Client invokes a message-based Web Service by sending it an entire document, such as a purchase order, rather than a discrete set of parameters. The Web Service accepts the entire document, processes it, and may or may not return a result message. Promotes a looser coupling between client and server and provide additional benefits beyond RPC-based Web Services

7 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Protocols for Message-Based Web Services ebXML Messaging Services ebXML Collaboration-Protocol Profile ebXML Registry Business Transaction Protocol

8 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Web Services Step 1: Description – WSDL – ebXML CPP Spec and ebXML Business Process Spec Step 2: Publication and Discovery – UDDI – ebXML Registry Spec Step 3: Invocation – SOAP over HTTP – ebXML Messaging Spec integrating SOAP, HTTP

9 Copyright OASIS, 2002 ebXML Messaging Spec and SOAP ebXML uses SOAP with Attachments, wrapping XML SOAP format in MIME envelopes MIME envelopes allow SOAP/ebXML messages to include non-XML content such as digitized images or programming code as attachments

10 Copyright OASIS, 2002 An Important Distinction SOAP, UDDI, WSDL Developed by a small group of vendor companies ebXML Developed in an open process by more than 4500 participants representing 2000 organizations in 150 countries on virtually every continent

11 Copyright OASIS, 2002 ebXML The Global Standard for Electronic Business

12 Copyright OASIS, 2002 ebXML Provides a Standard Way to: Exchange business messages Conduct trading relationships Communicate data in common terms Define and register business processes

13 Copyright OASIS, 2002 ebXML History Begun as 18-month initiative in November 1999 Specifications delivered on schedule in May 2001 Developed in an open process by more than 4500 participants representing 2000 organizations in 150 countries on virtually every continent

14 Copyright OASIS, 2002 What does ebXML do? Lowers the cost/complexity of electronic business Facilitates global trade and puts SMEs and developing nations in the picture Expands electronic business to new and existing trading partners Converges current and emerging XML efforts Eliminates dependence by supporting any language, any payload, any transport

15 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Main ebXML concepts Business Processes – Defined as models, Expressed in XML Business Messages – Expressed in XML Trading Partner Agreement – Specifies parameters for businesses to interface with each other – Expressed in XML Business Service Interface – Implements Trading Partner Agreement – Expressed in XML Transport and Routing Layer – Moves the actual XML data between trading partners Registry/Repository - Provides a “container” for process models, vocabularies, and partner profiles.

16 Copyright OASIS, 2002 United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Developers of EDIFACT One of four organizations in the world that can set de jure standards World’s largest independent, non- profit organization dedicated to the standardization of XML applications More than 200 member companies plus individuals

17 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Sponsored by UN/CEFACT United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Sets worldwide policy and technical development in trade facilitation and electronic business Developed international EDI standard, UN/EDIFACT – one of only four international bodies able to set de jure standards – plans to officially accredit ebXML on completion Continuing Business Process work under eBTWG

18 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Sponsored by OASIS World’s largest independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the standardization of XML applications More than 500 members Operates XML.ORG Registry, the open community clearinghouse of XML application schemas Technical work on XML interoperability includes XML conformance and XML Registries/Repositories General XML technical resource

19 Copyright OASIS, 2002 “ebXML is our only chance this decade to establish an international e-commerce standard.”

20 Copyright OASIS, 2002 “ebXML provides a platform on which to build standards... that are developed faster and yet supported by a rich set of software tools.”

21 Copyright OASIS, 2002 “It is clear that ebXML will soon become the standard for all global trade. By implementing ebXML, GCI takes advantage of the excellent work that’s being accomplished to streamline many EDI processes and remove waste and redundancy from supply chains.”

22 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Industry Groups Support ebXML The Open Healthcare Group

23 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS Members Support ebXML

24 Copyright OASIS, 2002 ebXML Architecture Package Retrieval of Profiles & new or updated ebXML Models Transport Biz Service Interface Biz Service Interface Internal Bus App Shrinkwrap App Repository Implementers Business Process and Information Models Build Registration TPA UML to XML conversion Build Retrieval of New or Updated ebXML Models ebXML Transport Retrieval of ebXML Specifications & Models

25 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Continuing ebXML Work Specifications completed May 2001; available at Infrastructure work continuing at OASIS – Messaging – Collaborative Partner – Interoperability, Implementation, Conformance – Registry & Repository Content-related work continuing at UN/CEFACT – Business Process – Core Components

26 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS One Membership – Many Opportunities

27 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Role of Standards

28 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS provides a framework for XML interoperability that is critical to the future success of electronic business. OASIS puts the control of XML specifications firmly in the hands of those who will use them. Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems “Father of XML” Organizer of the Working Group that Created XML ”“

29 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Overview OASIS is a member consortium dedicated to building systems interoperability specifications We focus on industry applications of structured information standards, such as XML, SGML, & CGM. Members of OASIS are providers, users and specialists of standards-based technologies & include organizations, individuals & industry groups. – ~200 organizational members, ~250 individual members International, Not-for-profit, Open, Independent Successful through industry-wide collaboration

30 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Sponsor Members Accenture Access360 Adobe Systems, Inc. Altova GmbH Arbortext, Inc. Auto-trol Technology Corp. Aventail Corp. Baltimore Technologies B-Bop Associates BEA Systems, Inc. Bentley Systems Bowstreet Business Logic Corp. Chrystal Software Cincom Systems Citrix Systems Cohesia Corporation CommerceOne Critical Path CrossLogix Cyclone Commerce DataChannel, Inc. Dataloom, Inc. Deutsche Post AG Documentum EADS Airbus SA empolis Engage Enigma, Inc. Epicentric, inc. Excelergy Corp. Extricity Software Fujitsu Hewlett-Packard IBM Identrus Informix Software, Inc. Infoteria Innodata Corporation Intel Interwoven, Inc. IONA IPNet Solutions, Inc. ITEDO Software GmbH Ivis Group Limited Jamcracker Logistics Mgmt Inst. Mediaplex Mercator Software Microsoft Corporation NeoCore Netegrity, Inc. Netscape/AOL NextPage, LC NII Enterprise Promotion Assoc. Nimble Technology NIST Novell ObjectSpace, Inc. Oblix OpenNetwork Technologies Oracle Pearson Education Planet 7 Technologies Popkin Software Republica Reuters Limited SAA Consultants Sabre SAP Securant Technologies SeeBeyond Silverstream Software SoftQuad Software Inc. Software AG Sterling Commerce StreamServe, Inc. Sun Microsystems Sybase Tata Consultancy Services The Boeing Company The Tamalpais Group, Inc. Thomas Technology Solution Tibco Unisys Corporation US Defense Information Systems Agency Virtual Access Networks Vitria webMethods, Inc. Whitehill Technologies, Inc. Xerox Corporation XML Global XMLSolutions Corporation Xyvision Enterprise Solutions

31 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS standards process Standards are created under an open, democratic, vendor-neutral process – Any interested parties may participate, comment – No one organization can dictate the standard – Ensures that standards meet everyone’s needs, not just largest players’ Open to all interested parties All discussion open to public comment One organization/One vote Resulting work is guaranteed to be representative of the industry as a whole, not just any one vendor’s view

32 Copyright OASIS, 2002 What OASIS Offers Industry Time to Market: don’t waste your time and effort setting up – Committee process – Infrastructure (web site, mail lists) – IPR policy – Copyright protection – Program Management – Marketing/Promotion – Anti-trust Use your technical expertise on technical work, not on setting up administrative overhead

33 Copyright OASIS, 2002 What OASIS Offers Its Members Opportunity to pursue technical work in a neutral environment – Buy-in and support from other developing and implementing organizations Opportunity to set the technical agenda of a recognized industry standards organization – OASIS member-driven technical process

34 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Current Technical Committees Access Control (XACML) Business Transaction Protocol (BTP) Conformance Customer Information (CIQ) Directory Services (DSML) DocBook ebXML CPPA ebXML IIC ebXML Messaging ebXML Registry Election Services Entity Resolution Human Markup Provisioning Services RELAX NG Security Services Topic Maps Published Subj. Topic Maps (Geo & Lang) Universal Business Language Vocabulary for XML Stds. Web Services Interactive Applications Web Services Remote Portal XML Common Biometric XML Localization Interchange XSLT Conformance CGM Open (member section) LegalXML (member section)

35 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS

36 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Central clearinghouse for accessing XML schemas, vocabularies and related documents Self-supporting, non-commercial resource created by and for the community at large Foster collaboration within and between industries

37 Copyright OASIS, 2002

38 Copyright OASIS, 2002’s XML in Industry

39 Copyright OASIS, 2002 The XML Cover Pages The authoritative resource for XML info – News – Press Releases – Product Information – Specifications – Whitepapers

40 Copyright OASIS, 2002 The XML Cover Pages

41 Copyright OASIS, 2002 Technical Committee Details Most current status of each TC available at http://oasis- http://oasis- TC mail list archives available at

42 Copyright OASIS, 2002 OASIS Value Nine years demonstrated success Neutral and independent Technical and procedural competence Worldwide visibility and outreach Close coordination with peer standards organizations on a global level

43 Copyright OASIS, 2002 For more information... Patrick Gannon President & CEO +1.978.667.5115 x201 (office) +1.408.242.1018 (mobile)

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