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Session I: Shifting Lenses: Applying the New TEKS to Your Lessons. Presented by Gabriela Montoya-Stier, Lauren Bain and Neal Tipton.

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2 Session I: Shifting Lenses: Applying the New TEKS to Your Lessons. Presented by Gabriela Montoya-Stier, Lauren Bain and Neal Tipton

3 Summit Overview Session I: Applying the New TEKS to your lessons Sesson II: Applying 21st Century Skills to your lessons Sesson III: Teaching with a Technology Lens Session IV: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Lenses with the Revised TEKS.

4 Session I Objectives: ●Explore the key changes in the current TEKS and Revised TEKS ●Explore the new Foundations: music literacy strand

5 Session I Objectives ●Share group observations of the current and Revised TEKS ●Form collaborating groups that will work together throughout the four sessions of the Summit. ●Examine a Revised TEKS model lesson

6 Revised TEKS: Introduction The fine arts incorporate the study of dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts to offer unique experiences and empower students to explore realities, relationships, and ideas.

7 Revised TEKS: Introduction These disciplines engage and motivate all students through active learning, critical thinking, and innovative problem solving.

8 Revised TEKS: Introduction The fine arts develop cognitive functioning and increase student academic achievement, higher-order thinking, communication, and collaboration skills, making the fine arts applicable to college readiness, career opportunities, workplace environments, social skills, and everyday life.

9 Revised TEKS: Introduction (1) Students develop aesthetic and cultural awareness through exploration, leading to creative expression. Creativity, encouraged through the study of the fine arts, is essential to nurture and develop the whole child.

10 Revised TEKS: Four basic strands Four basic strands-foundations: music literacy; creative expression; historical and cultural relevance; and critical evaluation and response-provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire.

11 Revised TEKS: Four Basic Strands The foundation of music literacy is fostered through reading, writing, reproducing, and creating music, thus developing a student’s intellect.

12 Revised TEKS: Four Basic Strands Through creative expression, students apply their music literacy and the critical-thinking skills of music to sing, play, read, write, and/or move.

13 Revised TEKS: Four Basic Strands By experiencing musical periods and styles, students will understand the relevance of music to history, culture, and the world, including the relationship of music to other academic disciplines and the vocational possibilities offered.

14 Revised TEKS: Four Basic Strands Through critical listening, students analyze, evaluate, and respond to music, developing criteria for making critical judgments and informed choices.

15 Let’s Compare the Strands Current: ●Perception ●Creative Expression/Performance ●Historical and Cultural Heritage ●Critical Evaluation Revised TEKS: ●Foundations: Music Literacy ●Creative Expression ●Historical and Cultural Relevance ●Critical Evaluation and Response

16 Let’s Take a Closer Look Activity: ●Form groups of 6 people and compare the current TEKS with the revised TEKS (15 minutes) ●Each group will be assigned a section of the TEKS ●Be prepared to share your findings.

17 Guiding Question ●How did specificity and vertical alignment shape the new strand?

18 Our Journey Lauren, Neal, and I collaborated on four lessons based on the following revised TEKS. ●Grade 2, (2)(B) read, write, and reproduce pentatonic melodic patterns using standard staff notation ●Grade 5, (4)(A) create rhythmic phrases through improvisation and composition

19 Let’s Look at Grade 2 TEKS (2)(B) ●According to the Revised TEKS, what should the students already know?

20 Grade 2 TEKS (2)(B) ●Kinder 1E identify beat, rhythm, and simple two-tone or three-tone melodies using iconic representation ●First Grade 2B read, write, and reproduce melodic patterns, including three tones from the pentatonic scale

21 Grade 2 TEKS (2)(B) What new melodic elements do the students learn by the end of 2nd grade according to the Revised TEKS?

22 Grade 2 TEKS (2)(B) Let’s look at our unit that focuses on the musical element do. This unit is based on the model in Kodály Today by Houlahan and Tacka.

23 Lesson Groups Goal: To collaborate in a group to create or revise 4 lessons based on the revised TEKS. Your group will work together throughout the four sessions to create or revise these lessons. Presenters will facilitate this process by sharing their own collaboration with the groups

24 Reflection Questions: How did you arrive at the new lesson design? What was your thinking process? What was your process in working together?

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