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Staff Talk Safety Presentation 28/9/10 Near miss statistics. Last safety tour Waste Management Code.

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1 Staff Talk Safety Presentation 28/9/10 Near miss statistics. Last safety tour Waste Management Code

2 Near miss data Of the 10 entries in 2010 3 are for turnstile related events. Apparent the turnstiles are standard personnell security items. They will not be modified! Jan’s hand


4 Safety Tour Results Notification Timescales Once the action is entered, SHE Enterprise will send an email to the person actioned. On the day before the action is due a reminder is sent to the person actioned. Assuming the action has not been marked as complete! A second reminder is sent on the due day. A week after the due date a reminder is sent to the person and their manager, this is repeated weekly until the action is marked as complete. N.B. Manager is from the ‘peoples’ database. (it’s not my problem to make sure that the data in this is correct!) So since all the action were entered with a due date of 2/8/10 or the 8/8/10 line managers will also have had a reminder. I am writing this on the 6/9/10!

5 1/7/10........... data entered into database 1/8/10...........1 st reminder 2/8/10...........2 nd reminder 9/8/10...........3 rd reminder + line manager 16/8/10.........4 th reminder + line manager 23/8/10.........5 th reminder + line manager 30/8/10.........6 th reminder + line manager 6/9/10...........7 th reminder + line manager And still no action! Or to put it another way...

6 Safety codes/ general important info that has been launched.. Biological Safety (STFC code 16). We have all had the mail shot about Biological Safety Officer..Sharon Leach, not STFC, but from Webster Biosafety. Contact via Matt Dickson. (Subject needs to be treated with respect just like radiation) Waste Management Code (STFC Code 31). This should by now have been cascaded to you all by your line managers. Basically you can't just throw items into a bin and expect it to disappear as by Magic.

7 Code contains a large table... this is a subset just as a taster Waste Stream RAL Contact Batteries - Wet Cell and Li-ion Laptop batteriesAdvanced Materials Group; Steve Robertson (ext. 5537). Tues, Wed, Thursday 14:00 to 15:00. Surplus and obsolete equipment e.g. monitors, computers, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) etc. Complete the Disposal Authority Form |& contact Arnie Wilkes (ext. 6166) in R24Disposal Authority Form Separated scrap metals, plastics & other wastes Site Cleaning Contractors, Arnie Wilkes (ext. 6166) in R24. Unopened or partly empty containers which contained chemicals; waste chemicals e.g. Trike Advanced Materials Group; Steve Robertson (ext. 5537) in R34 But need the MSDS! Sharps, drugs, blood or similar contaminated material Martin Jones (ext. 6666) for general advice or Graham Rowley (ext. 6378) for process sharps Fluorescent tubes, sodium or halogen lamps etc. RAL Estates MaintenanceRAL Estates Maintenance |Helpdesk (ext. 5613)

8 Most important that now, you need to consider how to get of the waste BEFORE you start a task, otherwise small problems become very big ones! Example:-The disposal of old bubble chamber film stored in the basement of R3. We now need. a) A specialist secure disposal company. b) A fume extract company to ventilate the storage space because the film is decomposing. c) Temporary, dry, secure storage. d) The OK from the Fire Safety Officer. e) BPG to ventilate the room by liaising with (b) It will cost money!


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