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Social Sciences use research and data analysis to explain human behaviour – what people think, how and why they act the way they do

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Presentation on theme: "Social Sciences use research and data analysis to explain human behaviour – what people think, how and why they act the way they do"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Sciences use research and data analysis to explain human behaviour – what people think, how and why they act the way they do Gg&feature=player_embedded#at=39

2 The study of people as individuals and as members of groups (i.e. families, communities, societies, peer groups…). The social sciences include various areas of study – known as disciplines – such as history, law, civics, economics…

3 Sociology – examines human society and group behaviour (macro level) Psychology – studies the human mind, emotions, behaviours of individuals (micro level) Anthropology – considers the scientific study of humans, especially of their origin, behaviour and physical, social, and cultural development (macro level)

4 1) Conduct Experiments 2) Collecting and analyzing statistics 3) Contemplating other people's work in the past The importance of social sciences: 1) Social scientists can identify a problem and/or factors leading to a problems 2) Social scientists can help people make informed decisions about issues

5 Social Sciences (i.e. sociology, psychology, civics, economics…) Applied Sciences (i.e. mathematics, physics, biology…) Scientific/ Inquiry Method

6 Many disciplines in social sciences use the scientific method (called the inquiry method in our course) i.e. research question, hypothesis, research, conclusions… The inquiry method is used to gather data and information when studying the behaviour, trends and statistics regarding society, individuals and groups


8 Anthropologist (cultural) – What factors contribute to depression in this culture? Psychologist – What mental state was the individual in weeks before suicide? Sociologist – Why do people in this age group have a high rate of suicide?

9 Each student will be given an article to read. Each of the articles will consider information related to some aspect of suicide In point form – identify points of interest, variables, common characteristics, trends, causes and consequences of suicide Be prepared to share your analysis

10 Canada’s Aboriginal Communities and Suicide 618 618 Why Women Are Less Likely Than Men To Commit Suicide Robin Williams's Age Group at Heightened Suicide Risk suicide-risk-1407875597 suicide-risk-1407875597 Suicide Rate Increase For Youth: Young Canadian Females At Risk young-females-increased-study_n_1396980.html young-females-increased-study_n_1396980.html Post-traumatic stress disorder doubles among Canadian Forces members-have-mental-health-problems-statscan-says/article19990160/ members-have-mental-health-problems-statscan-says/article19990160/

11 Analysis of Suicide in Society Aboriginals Youth Men vs Women Baby Boomers Military

12 om/watch?v=mUGiSX Xdse0&feature=relat ed

13 Anthropology is the scientific study of the origin, the behaviour, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans. Anthropologists seek to understand what makes us human by studying human ancestors through archaeological excavation and by observing living cultures throughout the world Aim to describe what it means to be human Study of human life throughout history Anthropologist study how humans think, live, communicate, produce, and interact with their social and physical environment Anthropology study both the differences/similarities of people and their respective cultures Study of the lives/cultures of human beings, alive or dead

14 Physical anthropologists want to know where humans as a species come from, how our bodies evolved to their present form, and what makes humans unique. Linguistic anthropologists study human languages and how language affects and expresses culture. Cultural anthropologists study and compare cultures of living people in different cultural settings around the world

15 Studying anthropology can lead to a wide range of careers, including: Archaeological fieldworker - Cultural artifact specialist Museum curator Forensic anthropologist - Art conservator

16 Psychology is the study of the human mind and its mental states. It includes the study of characteristics of temperament and behaviour of a person or group Psychologists aim to describe, predict, and control behaviour and mental processes. Sports psychology is a growing field. How might a sports psychologist help an athlete to improve his or her performance?

17 Early in the 20 th Century, psychologists began to develop psychoanalytic theories as a new approach to therapy, based on Sigmund Freud’s work. These theories are based on the belief that unlocking the unconscious mind is the key to understanding human behaviour and relationships. Behavioural psychology is another branch of psychology that was common in the first half of the twentieth century. It is based on the belief that psychologists need empirical evidence, obtained through experimentation, to understand and change human behaviour.

18 Clinical psychology became an important concept in the second half of the century. It developed out of the patient relationship idea of therapy. Clinical psychologists believe that the client should be very involved in his or her own recovery, rather than relying only on the therapist’s interpretation of the issues. This approach empowered the client in a way not previously practised. The word cognition refers to the mental processes in the brain. So cognitive psychology is the study and application of how the brain learns. Unlike behaviourists, cognitive psychologists believe in and consider mental states, such as beliefs, motivations, and desires. However, cognitive psychology is often coupled with behavioural psychology to create methods of treating people with some mental illnesses and neurotic disorders.

19 Studying psychology can lead to a variety of careers, including: Clinical psychologist - 3k7aSi4N0Y 3k7aSi4N0Y Experimental psychologist Human rights worker Police officer Mental health worker Marketing specialist Forensic psychologist -

20 Sociology is the study of human social life, groups, and societies. It also involves studying the behaviour of individuals and groups, as well as social institutions. Sociologists study such areas as gerontology, politics, culture, economy, religion, and crime. They examine organizations, social movements, collective behaviour, social institutions, and social identities. What is happening in this photo? How do you think Sociology would examine this?

21 Sociology is the study of social behaviour and human groups, such as a society. A society is a large group of people who live in the same area and who share a distinctive culture and institutions. This group provides protection, stability, security, and identity to its members. Sociologists attempt to answer key questions about why certain social behaviours exist and how different societies function. They study individual behaviour within the context of groups, the behaviour of groups, and a society as a whole to understand the complex world around us, investigate existing problems, and examine issues.

22 Sociologists study the interactions among people living together in a society and their actions, beliefs, and behaviours in order to understand the society. Sociologists also compare and contrasts human interactions and behaviours between different societies. They examine a wide range of issues and topics to investigate problems and developing issues, including the following: gender roles criminal behaviour ethnicity family structure social institutions sexuality social classes

23 Possible careers to pursue from the study of sociology include: urban planner human rights educator parole officer social worker - family and child services worker - corrections officer - police officer child care worker substance abuse counselor group home worker

24 As a class, we will identify which of the points from the articles about suicide fall into each of the disciplines. Beside each point, write A, P or S to clarify your choice You must be able to justify your choice

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