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Part 2 - What is a SWPPP? Preventing Stormwater Pollution at Your Public Works Facility: A 5-Part Workshop Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2 - What is a SWPPP? Preventing Stormwater Pollution at Your Public Works Facility: A 5-Part Workshop Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2 - What is a SWPPP? Preventing Stormwater Pollution at Your Public Works Facility: A 5-Part Workshop Series

2 Training Modules 1.Why Stormwater Matters 2.What is a SWPPP? 3.Spill Prevention & Response 4.Materials Management 5.Good Housekeeping

3 What is a SWPPP? Relation to Clean Water Act & RIPDES Contents of site-specific SWPPP Exercise: What do we do outdoors?

4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Site (Facility) Specific Facility Staff all have a role in implementation

5 National Stormwater Discharge Program Phased approach by EPA –Phase I – 1990 – large cities –Phase II – 1999 – smaller municipalities & “public bodies”

6 GENERAL PERMITS under Rhode Island Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity (Multi-Sector) Storm Water Discharge from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

7 General Permit Requirement Implement a site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) developed for each facility with “industrial” activity

8 SWPPP requirements Facility Associated with a MS4 –Section IV.B.6.b.5. of MS4 General Permit (Good Housekeeping) Multi-Sector –Section IV of Multi- Sector General Permit

9 SWPPP Contents Site-specific Describe BMPs (Best Management Practices) Structural and non-structural controls for reducing or eliminating discharge of pollutants from operations and facilities Storm water-related: Outdoors

10 SWPPP must describe COORDINATOR Individual responsible for coordinating and implementing practices, inspections, evaluations and updates

11 SWPPP must describe FACILITY oAddress oNumber of acres oSize of impervious areas oNumber of buildings & what used for oNumber & types of vehicles oNumber & location of outfalls oNumber & location of catch basins

12 SWPPP must describe “EXPOSED” ACTIVITIES oPast spills/chronic leaks oHandling materials & wastes oFueling, washing, maintaining equipment oUnderground & above ground storage o“Allowable non-storm water discharges”

13 SWPPP must include SITE MAP oLocation of buildings, storage areas & activities oLocation of drainage system, including BMPs oLocation of onflows of runoff from adjacent properties oReceiving waters

14 SWPPP must describe MATERIALS & ACTIVITIES oAssessment of potential of each to contribute pollutants to storm water discharges

15 SWPPP must describe PRACTICES TO CONTROL POLLUTANTS oGood housekeeping practices oPreventive maintenance oExisting/planned BMPs for activities oHow salt/sand piles are stored oOperating procedures re. fuels oVehicle maintenance operations oErosion controls oOther runoff management practices oSpill prevention & response procedures oEmployee training

16 SWPPP must describe PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION OF COMPLIANCE oVisual monitoring oAnnual site inspections oRecord keeping & reporting

17 SWPPP must be AMENDED as operations/materials/practices change


19 Public Works Facility Operations & Maintenance for Stormwater Management: Employee Training Brought to you by: This program was developed by the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District in partnership with the URI Cooperative Extension RI NEMO Program and the Rhode Island T2 Center. Funding was provided by the RI Department of Environmental Management and the RI Department of Transportation under the Phase II Stormwater Education and Outreach Program.

20 Exercise! What activities are performed outdoors? Locate on map

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