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Trentcom APS Pty. Ltd 95C Beaumont Rd Berwick Vic 3806 Australia P +61 3 9796 1422 | F +61 3 9707 1679 M +61 4 19 323 050 | Tree.

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1 Trentcom APS Pty. Ltd 95C Beaumont Rd Berwick Vic 3806 Australia P +61 3 9796 1422 | F +61 3 9707 1679 M +61 4 19 323 050 | Tree Root Colonisation Trials Y2010 Rocket®Pot 1 If you have tree root problems… We have solutions Eucalypt dies unexpectedly after 7 years in the park

2 2 Specify Direct sown tree seedlings with unpruned radicles (tap roots) 180 mm or more deep in cylindrical pots with air root-pruning floor and walls (3D air root pruning) or equivalent We can (must?) act decisively to stop these disheartening quality problems that degrade us all 120 degree kink Planted too deep Roots growing up not down The following unfunded preliminary research work proves that this specification works. Please consider using the specification Your comment or help is welcome -

3 Rocket® Rack A Portable Nursery System 3 Excellent resale value Seventh annual trial – Y2010 Day 90 from seeding

4 Trentcom APS Pty. Ltd 95C Beaumont Rd Berwick Vic 3806 Australia P +61 3 9796 1422 | F +61 3 9707 1679 M +61 4 19 323 050 | Tree Root Colonisation Trials Y2010 Rocket®Pot 4 Overview of the 90 day trial 2000 1.5 litre RocketCells and qty 500 8 litre RocketPots were sown with multiple seeds on Dec 22 2009 The pots were arranged in two rows of ten RocketRacks so that they can be immersed in water for 10 days to bog germinate. The stale tank water is sanitised before use with a two part chlorine dioxide treatment. The bog water is treated with hydrogen peroxide and traces of peroxyacetic acid to protect against pathogens The oxygen rich environment appears to enhance germination. The seedlings are watered by hand during the bog and until their radicles are established well enough for flood and drain watering. The hotter the weather the faster the roots grow in this “root incubator” During the trials we measured: Pot weight to determine when to water and water consumption Water salinity, diluting feed water if conductivity ever exceeds 1.3 Ms Germination success –re-sowing after 4 to 8 weeks depending on species

5 2. Simple direct sowing works well FillingSowing CoveringWatering 5

6 200 x 1.5 litre RocketCells 97% success Skewers mark late seedlings Day 22 50 x 8 litre - 100% germination 6

7 Air jet exposure made 22 days from seeding Eucalypts grow very quickly in this root incubator. Radicles extend 1cm per day to air root-prune at 18 cm. Magnified laterals Stem height 50 mm5 sown – cull 4 7 Day 22

8 Day 28 Corymbia citriodora Same seed, sowing date, water and nutrients RocketCell150 mm potForestry tubeCell Tray C = 1.2 C = 0.5 C = 1.0 8

9 Day 40 from seed Corymbia maculata 8 litre RocketPots 1.5 litre RocketCells 9

10 8 litre RocketPots Typical Calliper 3mm Day 50 – Corymbia maculata - 1.5 litre RocketCells Typical Calliper 2 mm 10

11 Sown same day in same mix 3 mm caliper Day 67 4 mm caliper 11 We recommend to sow direct to the pot size you will sell

12 Day 77 Corymbia maculata have fully colonised the RocketCells and are near to colonising the 8 litre RocketPots 12

13 The Y2010 trial proves again that it is possible to grow landscape trees In the open on hot windy sites (Portable) Ready to plant out in three months (Less stock) With very low water use (Extremely water- wise system) With low investment (Low cost nursery sites) Trees produced have root power (Now being tested - below) 13

14 A successful outcome 14 Procedure notes Sow several seeds direct and cull the least viable seedlings Air root-prune the radicle at 180 mm for better calliper, uniform root array and better inter-node spacing Propagate to achieve a calliper of at least 1% of height. Strive for more calliper – not height. Reduce nutrients as necessary Corymbia maculata Calliper 6.8 Height 630 Age 91 days

15 Rocket ® Rack flood & drain tray to mass produce quality roots Overflow to sump One RocketRack holds 200 1.5 litre Rocket Cells or 50 8 litre RocketPots Racks are fitted with a mezzanine floor for drainage and aeration Warm water can circulate under the crop during frosts 15

16 Flood and Drain Rack Model F250 Holds 100 RocketCells Easy to move no matter how you approach it 16

17 Sump Holding tank Gravel pad or Concrete slab Water storage ideas that work A 2000- litre sump receives any overflow from the racks when they are full. No water touches the soil. Rain collects in the sump. A submersible pump in the sump raises the water to a 20,000+ litre holding tank for storage and sanitation 17

18 How much space is needed? How many crops a year? How many culls from direct sown crops As an example, a tennis court will hold 80 of the F500 RocketRacks and two 45,000 litre water tanks This is enough to sow 16,000 1.5 l or 4000 8 l pots If the trees are grown under contract and can be delivered on time it should be possible to grow more than two crops a year Culling depends on species and many other factors. Provide for a significant quantity of culls to maintain excellent quality. We expect to sell 75% of seedlings sown outdoors FAQ’s

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