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Costumes & Make-Up. Costume Design Team Designing appropriate costumes for actors and actresses to present themselves on the stage Ordering and creating.

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Presentation on theme: "Costumes & Make-Up. Costume Design Team Designing appropriate costumes for actors and actresses to present themselves on the stage Ordering and creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Costumes & Make-Up

2 Costume Design Team Designing appropriate costumes for actors and actresses to present themselves on the stage Ordering and creating the costumes on time for production Maintaining the costumes in top condition Fixing or repairing any damages to costumes that may occur. Applying make-up to the actors or actresses Supporting the actors and actresses in fitting into their costumes or switching to other costumes

3 Analyzing Costumes These are things to look at when we are looking at costumes to help the characters express themselves: Color Weight Length/Height Props Gender Occupation Culture Character Emotions Character’s Story






9 Design Sketch Fabric Swatch Costume Color Rendering Costume Fitting Props

10 Costume Terms Costumes- Clothes actors, actresses, singers, dancers, use on stage to portray their performance on stage. Props-Extra items for actors or actresses to have on their hands to enhance their presentation. This can be accessories, items, etc. Design Sketch-Rough Draft of a costume the actor/actresses will play as. These are usually done in drawings. Costume Fitting-Actors and actresses being measured to fit in their costumes accurately to enhance their performance. Fabric Swatch-A piece of small clothing used as a sample for people to test the fabric and feel the design. Color Rendering-Light Source showing true colors as it would show on Outdoors.

11 Design Sketch

12 Newspaper Costumes Create a group of 4-6 people Draw a slip containing what costume you will design Once you know what kind of costume you will make, each student will create a rough draft of what the final costume could look like. (Do the best you can) Discuss what you will need to make the costume convincing to audience.

13 Costume Analysis Questions(Part 1) 1. How is the Costume related to the scene being played now? 2. What time of the day is it? 3. Is there conflict or drama in the scene? 4. What Country or Culture is the costume from? 5. Is the Costume related to an occupation (Gym, Workplace)? 6. Does the clothing represent low, middle, or high class?

14 Costume Analysis Questions Part 2 7. How old is the character wearing the costume? 8. What is the gender of the characters wearing the clothing? 9. What is the size of the clothing? 10. Are there any unique props, tools, or accessories notable on the character? 11. What are the roles of the characters wearing the costumes (Ex: Protagonist, Antagonist, etc.)? 12. What are the materials used to make the costume?

15 Newspaper Costume Grade Design Sketch-Create a rough draft of a prop or the costume to contribute to the team. (4 Points) Three Props-Each propr is related to the costume you are designing (4 Points Each) Accuracy and Clarity-Does the Costume express what your goal is? Can we tell what the costume is supposed to be (10 Points) Clean-Up-Did you pick all the scraps and took care of your station to keep it clean? (4 Points as a Group) Picture-Take a picture of the final product to complete the project. (2 Points) Team Evaluation-Fill out an evaluation form to reflect on how each member of your participated. (4 Points)

16 Research and Preparation Once a type of costume/clothing is determined for the actors and actresses, the costume designer must do the following: 1. Analyze Budget-How much money is available to purchase the needed materials and what the cost will be for the resources needed 2. Talk with the Script Writer-When the costumes will be needed and when will the actor/actresses will need to change 3. Set Deadlines-Find out when the costumes need to be done by and how long it will take for the costumes to be finished 4. Rough Draft-Design a rough draft sketch. Usually 3-5 different sketches are made and shared with the Director to receive input. 5. Final Draft-After collaboration with the director, scenic designer, and script writer, a final draft will be created for the costume design.

17 Analyze the Following Costumes




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